
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 47: Stole the gold!

This huge vibrating meteorite will not be exhausted even if it is dug for a few hundred years. It is simply a classic representative of God's food.

   Uuld looked at the Wakanda soldiers next to him. In addition to shields and spears, there were a few units equipped with thermal weapons. Most countries in Africa used this configuration for the backward weapons during the First World War, and she felt that they could start from this aspect.

Now that Zordhis sent her over, Urd felt that Wakanda could not be without Vibration. Although the natives looked stupid and naive, it did not mean that they were really stupid. Good things like Vibration would Sell ​​it all, don't leave it at all?

   "Mr. Techaka, our blade technology industry can provide you with a batch of advanced weapons."

  Uuld hinted that although Vanke and his son are not as good as Tony Stark, they have invented many conventional weapons.

   "Advanced weapons? Is that the iron man flying in the sky?"

   Te Chaka said brightly in front of his eyes.

Ould was full of black lines. This group of African natives really dare to think that War Machine is a good thing that other big countries can't buy with money except the five gangsters. The five gangsters have to line up to buy it, but they still want to buy it. give away?

Tchaka pretended not to see Urd's expression. In fact, he was also very helpless. He sold vibranium to trade with the U.S. imperial government to build an American army, but the tribe's warriors looked down on long guns and short cannons. Stubbornly use the bows and arrows that I have practiced since childhood.

   This is the shortcoming left by Wakanda's retreat from the country. There is no foreign cultural impact. The tribal people are conservative in thinking and are unwilling to accept new things.

   Techaka realized something wrong when he came to the throne, especially the outbreak of World War II, which made him see the country's backwardness. He intends to promote basic national education, but the elders of other tribes are very resistant to this policy, thinking that it will shake the foundation of the country, and the plan has been put on hold.

   It is not that the elders of the tribe are short-sighted, but that the ruling class is extremely demanding on knowledge. A group of ignorant people, and a group of intellectuals with their own ideas, compare the two, fools know which one to choose.

The times of the outside world are progressing too fast. Tchaka also knows that to reverse the pedantic thoughts of the elders cannot be rushed for a while, so his method is to implement the strategy of strengthening the country in the golden tribe with the least resistance, and wait ten or even twenty years before being pulled away. In order to survive, other tribes in the gap can only follow the general trend, and the backward ideas will collapse on their own.

   Governing the country is not something that can be accomplished overnight. In Tchaka's plan, his generation wants to change the primitive and backward thinking. Wakanda's true strength will be in the next generation. After he paves the way, his son will inherit the throne and lead the country to complete its rise.

   He didn't know that his son Techara had completed his idea. It was just the original future. Now, the appearance and intervention of Zordhis is probably very mysterious.

   It is true that the Wakanda people will be richer than the Blade Technology Industry if they sell a few more vibrates, but they dare not, because every time they sell an extra vibrate, one more power will be eyeing them.

   Zhenjin is a good thing, but it is also a hot potato!

   "With Gears of War, I can't call the shots."

   Urder said eagerly.

   "There are only 10 kilograms of vibrating gold in the tribe."

   Techaka said quickly.

  He intends to throw some ideas away. The War Machine's technology is good. If it can be researched out, Navakanda won't have to worry about external affairs.

   10 kilograms?

   Urd thinks that these indigenous people are really cunning, and there are so many vibrating golds. No, according to normal thinking, there will definitely be more!

   So Uuld called Zord.

   "Replace the vibrating gold with the war machine? Change it, of course, how much you can change it. Wakanda's vibrating gold is definitely more than 10 kilograms. Ould, Wakanda's vibrating gold is calculated per ton."

  Zord said to Urd.

   If it wasn't for the fear that Gu Yi or Black Panther God Buster would come out to stop him, Zod would have robbed him directly, and he was not incapable of robbing him.

   War Machine has a lock on Zod himself. If it is disassembled without his permission, it will only explode. The Black Queen will also monitor this situation. There is no need to worry about someone being able to crack his technology.

  Zord is also very generous. He asked Urd to negotiate terms with Tchaka, and exchange the vibrato with the same weight as the war machine for a war machine. The blade science and technology industry can exchange it as much as possible.

   Techaka is not a fool. The most important thing about Gears of War is definitely not the shell, but its core. At best, it is a pile of iron cans. You actually want me to replace it with vibrating gold of the same weight?

   But Uuld guarded the line of defense, and insisted on this number. Tchaca wanted to hang Uuld for a few days, but he didn't expect Uuld to leave by plane directly without any muddle.

   Techaka didn't know, Zod suddenly thought that he could not steal, but he could steal!

   You don't even need to pay for the war machine, and you just stole the gold.

   Anyway, the science and technology of Wakanda should be only a few years ahead of the world. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has not yet come out when the spacecraft is out, you can give it a try.

   Through a photo of Uuld, Zod arrived at Wakanda. The shabby outside does not exist in his eyes, but a high-tech city.

   "Has it developed to this level."

   Zod moved into the city without triggering any alarm.

   Zhenjin couldn't stop Zod's perspective, and he began to look for his goal.

   It didn't take long for Zod to find a warehouse-like thing, which was piled with square silver-white metal blocks. It seemed a little unremarkable, but this was the famous Zhenjin!

   Super vision focused his attention and observed the molecular structure of these metals so as not to make a mistake.

   After reading it again, Zod matched the molecular structure of the vibranium he had obtained before.

   Although I knew that Wakanda has a lot of vibrating before, it is too much!

Zod seemed to have seen a golden mountain, and Wakanda's people arbitrarily put the vibranium on the forklift and pulled it away. They came and went to get the vibranium, but then a suspended transport vehicle came. The car opened the cabin, and then it was piled up with freshly refined vibrating gold, which was dug up by the mining tribe of Wakanda every day.

The psychic power was released, and everyone was stunned. Then the people in the warehouse walked out of the warehouse mechanically. Then Zod fell on the ground, his hands clasped the ground, and the biological force field began to spread throughout the warehouse. After the warehouse was wrapped up, Zod uprooted the entire warehouse with a light effort!

   At this time, Wakanda had already found something wrong, and the alarm sounded, and everyone around rushed over.