
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 46: Wakanda

   There is another big news in Blade Technology Industry!

  Zodhis has developed a special medicine for AIDS!

   The most important thing is not targeted drugs, but specific drugs that can also be effective against genetic AIDS. AIDS patients all over the world are saved!

It takes several years, even as long as 10 years or more, for HIV-infected people to develop into AIDS patients. Due to the extreme decline of the body's resistance, multiple infections such as herpes zoster, oral mold infection, tuberculosis, etc. will occur. Enteritis, pneumonia, encephalitis caused by pathogenic microorganisms, serious infections caused by various pathogens such as Candida, Pneumocystis, etc., malignant tumors often occur in the later stage, and long-term consumption, and even systemic failure and death.

   But there are many people who did not take preventive measures. They are all HIV infections caused by blood transfusions.

  Because the incubation period is long and it is difficult to detect, many people only find out that they have been infected with AIDS after several years of blood transfusion. These people are the greatest misfortune.

According to statistics released by the World Health Organization in November 2009, by the end of 2008, there were an estimated 33.4 million people living with AIDS worldwide, of which 31.3 million were adults, 15.7 million were women, and 2.1 million were children under 15 years of age. people.

But these are the data that have been discovered and predicted. In fact, the number of AIDS patients who are still in the incubation period may be much larger than this number. Blade Technology Industry randomly selected some AIDS patients and gave them free treatment, and then less than half of them. In a month, the patients recovered. Of course, their immune systems and bodies damaged by AIDS were also repaired intact by the subsequent Extremis Virus. All doctors expressed incredible belief and could not understand the mechanism of the special medicine of Blade Technology Industry.

The World Health Organization sent an invitation and wanted to test whether this special drug meets the eligibility criteria, but of course Zodhis refused. He also said that this special drug will not undergo any supervision to prevent the United States from being taken to India. The third experiment was done in a pharmaceutical factory to prevent plagiarism by others, although they estimated that neither of the two viruses could be found.

Although ordinary vampire viruses can kill all viruses, they have potential risks. Only the vampire virus of Blade Warrior has reduced the assimilation effect to only 10%, and it can be controlled by adding a small amount of Extremis Virus. .

   It is not ideal to have been looking for the blade warrior for blood. Zod has begun to study and cultivate the vampire virus of the blade warrior to further castrate its assimilation ability.

   The AIDS patients who have been discovered all over the world are crazy, and those who feel that they may have AIDS are already desperate.

   Most of them are rich people. As for why, cough cough, you understand.

   Therefore, even if the price of special effects drugs is set high by Blade Technology Industry, the supply is still in short supply.

   The emergence of AIDS specific drugs has once again made Blade Technology Industry once again ascend to the altar, conquering problems that the world has not overcome since the discovery of AIDS for decades. Zodhis is no longer a genius, he is a treasure of mankind!

The influence of the blade technology industry radiated the world. Zod also started his own plan to build satellites and space stations. As soon as Ould came back from the rabbit, he was sent to Wakanda by Zodhis non-stop, Zod Want to get more vibrancy.

As for the heart-shaped grass, Zod has no idea, because the heart-shaped grass is not a magical material for making super warriors, it is just a hallucinogenic or poisonous substance that allows people to see the panther god, if it is not the royal family of Wakanda. If you take the heart-shaped grass, the Black Panther God will directly crush you. Only the Wakanda Royal Family can pass the Black Panther God's assessment and be transformed into a Super Warrior Black Panther.

He is not greedy for the vibrating technology developed by Wakanda based on vibrating, because Zodhis is confident that he will do better. Moreover, vibrating is such a versatile and almost omnipotent metal that they actually use it. To make clothes and spears is nothing short of violent!

   Urd felt that he was going to be busy, so he had to ask Natalie to help herself with the company's affairs, and then took a private jet to Wakanda.

The current king of Wakanda, the current Black Panther Techaka, was surprised that outsiders would come to their "backward" place. Ould got off the plane and felt that Wakanda was too backward. There is a natural " Zhenjin Mine", luck is also great.

Ould knows from his own BOSS that vibrating gold is 10,000 US dollars per gram, and there is no market in price. There are a lot of circulation in the black market, but the price is more than 50,000 US dollars per gram. This group of Wakans The indigenous peoples of Darshan are simply richer than the oil tycoons who have oil fields in the Middle East.

   Te Chaka took off his imperial robe made of vibrating fiber, which was worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and put on a tattered native costume that only surrounded his lower body.

   "Hello, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the king of Wakanda."

   Urder said politely.

   "There is no king in Wakanda, I'm just the leader of their tribe."

   Te Chaka looks like you are joking.

  Uuld also didn't realize how incredible it is for a leader of a backward indigenous tribe to speak English, and began to explain his intention.

Tchaka was even more surprised when he heard it. He thought it was the unwillingness of the Yankees who sold the vibrato at the time, and wanted to come back to find the vibrator. After all, Wakanda sold it very early for development. Some vibration gold, in exchange for money, let young people in the tribe go to college in the United States, and then come back to help the development of their hometown, so their computers are binary like the outside world, plus the particularity of vibration gold, Wakanda's technology The speed of development is faster than the development of science and technology of all mankind in the outside world. It already has its own spacecraft and satellites, and it has also attacked all mankind in the world.

   It turned out that the person who came here is now known as the treasure of mankind. In this century, Einstein, Tesla, Joule, Planck's genius Zordhis, he also wants to vibrate.

   Zhenjin is the foundation of Wakanda, and Techaka is naturally unwilling to give it. After all, it is not Techara now as the king, and his mind is not so open yet, just thinking that Wakanda can always exist.

   So Tchaka declined to say that all the vibrating gold sold at the time was already sold. If you are not at ease, Wakanda will search for it.

   The group of Yankees didn't believe it, and they dug everywhere by themselves, but they still didn't find it. How could they know that the shallow gold mine has been collected by Wakanda, and the deep one is too deep to be exposed.

   The whole Wakanda is actually on a huge vibrating meteorite.