
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 456: Seat of Satan

In addition to Havoc, the **** of chaos fighting in the chaos, Zod is also laying out in other places.

For example, he invaded the **** dimension.

The Lord of each dimension can speak out in his own domain, is the only Lord, and is an omnipotent existence.

Although everyone is a younger brother after leaving the dimensional space, the existence of the same level entering the other side's dimensional world is basically equivalent to nothing.

The fire blazed into the sky, the pungent sulphur smell lingered, and countless demons and demons of various shapes screamed and roared on the alternate highlands of the mountains. From time to time, **** scenes of the strong devouring the weak occurred.

A perfect interpretation of a world where the weak eats the strong, brutal violence, respect for strength, and no compassion and compassion in the law of the jungle.

This is the **** dimension of Marvel!

The Satan in the Marvel world does not refer exclusively to a certain person, but the title of the ruler of many **** dimensions. Many demon kings have claimed to be Satan, but they all declare to the public that if anyone dares to say that they are'Satan' among the demon kings, etc. To be torn apart by other **** lords!

The **** dimension was fragmented for inexplicable reasons, and countless small fragments were obtained by the **** lords. They called themselves the devil and looked for the largest piece of **** dimension, with the intention of becoming the king of all **** dimensions and earning the title of 'Satan'.

The largest dimension of **** is at the feet of Zod. This dimension even has the power to determine the lord of hell, because it is found that there are too many demon kings in this dimension, and no one can win in countless years of war, so everyone is divided. A piece of land, everyday as a lord.

The arrival of Zod, the great demon **** of the multiverse, made this largest piece of **** dimensional fragments boil.

Suddenly, the entire **** dimension fragments boiled, alarming countless demon kings and **** lords.

The boundless shadows violently stirred, and the black light broke every inch within hundreds of millions of miles, returning to the chaos and annihilating everything around it.

The decayed and withered stars were twisted into the most basic matter, merged into the torrent of elements, and devastating violent disaster swept the entire **** dimension fragments.

"It's the great demon **** I haven't seen!"

"Has he also set his sight on Satan's throne?"

"Damn it, the multiple demon gods will also come to grab our little characters!"

"No one will spare their own power too much..."

After the imposing demon king and **** lord arrived, they were all embarrassed, mainly because the power displayed by Zod was too terrifying.

But at this time, there were also people who could compete with Zod.

The great demon **** of multiple dimensions!

The Crimson Universe dominates Saitorak, the source of the power of the Red Tank, and Kama Taj also has the magic to borrow power from it.

The beholder Shumagolas, big eyeballs + tentacles, a standard Cthulhu-style demon god, all kinds of indescribable.

Sithorn, the last underworld god, is the most terrifying of all demon gods.

Sithorn is the creator of black magic, the oldest group of gods, possessing immeasurable terrifying power, and is regarded as the cancer of the universe by the court of life.

According to the magic setting of Marvel World, Sithorn holds the copyright of black magic spells. All wizards who use black magic must pay royalties to him. They can also harvest countless beliefs and souls while lying down and eating their old books. Gangster.

"The **** of destruction and destruction... No, you should be called the lord of the chaos dimension now..."

Setolak looked at Zod.

Because the **** of destruction and destruction was taken back by the Life Court, although Zod was not affected, he was called by his dimension in the eyes of other high-level existences.

Zod also acquiesced to this title, and it didn't matter what the name was.

"Are you looking at Satan too?"

Setolak asked bluntly.

"That is the emperor of hell, the highest honor, supreme authority and power in command of many **** lords, don't you have any desire?"

Zod asked rhetorically.

Everyone here wants to be the supreme Satan, above all the lords of hell, and withdraw the power to become the strongest, but if there is such a person to appear, others will immediately join hands to tear it up, so...

The powers of the **** lords overlap severely. The source of power is human fear. Once Satan takes the throne, he will harvest all the fear and attribute it to himself. The **** lords will either die or kneel and eat some leftovers.

The arrogant lords of hell, all Laozi number one in the world, are willing to bow down to the trash that he looks down upon, so the best result is that he will either become Satan himself, or he will not have Satan.

I can't get it, and no one else can get it!

Zod has ideas about the position of Satan because if he can control the entire Marvel's fear, his power will be so strong that no one can match it, at least in the multiverse gods and demons.

Although Marvel's Satan is far less than DC's Satan...

"Do you want to start a war?"

Sithorn asked coldly. As for the beholder, everyone habitually ignored its existence, anyway it could not speak.

Zod's answer was to hit Sithorn with a direct punch, he was not talking nonsense, he was here to fight!

Although there are three multiples on the opposite side, you still have to fight before you know it!


There was a loud roar, and the shock wave swept down.

The vast energy is immeasurable, and with the momentum of destroying the dead, the surrounding demon kings and **** lords are all overwhelmed.

The lords onlookers only saw Sithorn being slapped in the face by Zord, and they knew nothing in the next second. The stronger ones barely got serious injuries. Nearly, they died on the spot, and the ashes did not survive.

Because of his weakness, he has no qualifications to be promoted as ashes.

Sithorn took a punch and even felt as if he had lost a third of his form. He was surprised and clenched a fist with one hand.

"What's the level, and greet each other with fists and feet?"

Zod sneered, Sithorn was furious, his fists were retracted, and countless black magic rushed toward him.

It splashed all around, and the place it passed was billowing like thunder, rippling with vast and surging energy fluctuations.

The **** dimension space was unable to maintain stability for a while, unable to withstand this pressure, and was squeezed into pieces forcibly, spreading out a large gray and disorderly void turbulence.

However, what shocked the underworld **** Sithorn was that the black magic he was so proud of didn't work on Zod at all. Those who came to Zod would not refuse to eat all his attacks, and Zod was also a little surprised.

Worthy of being a multiverse demon, his attack was too powerful, and it felt like he had eaten hundreds of Kaos and Jehovah.

boom! boom! boom! boom---

Sithorn's huge body flew out from the side, and when he moved, the void roared, and the space was shattered, smashing into pieces of space curtains.

In the end, he fell directly into the void.


At the end of the horizon, the space tore through huge gaps, swallowing large areas of **** in one fell swoop.