
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 455: War

It is the embodiment of a pure concept, capable of causing irreparable and reparable damage to the universe, as well as the power of destruction!

The horror demon realized that the opponent is the new chaos god, and the origin is still unknown, but he is afraid that the strength is stronger than the horror, hesitated inevitably.

Even if they quickly left this hesitation behind and became violent and bloodthirsty again, they were seized by the catastrophe demons because of this.

Their **** accepts the sacrifice of all lives that die at their hands, whether it is blood, soul, life...

The stronger the life, the greater the power that the person who sacrifices can gain.

In fact, there is no need for a firm belief at all, that is to say, any person, any demon, any life, no matter which **** he believes in, as long as he sacrifices to the catastrophe, then he can gain strength.

Moreover, catastrophe does not count life or death, as long as you have the ability, you can also sacrifice the lives of the entire planet, but the premise is that you have a way to kill these lives or lock them in one place.

Whether it is life on the ground, or life on the ground. Whether it is humans, elves, orcs, or demons, undead, or even dragons, they can sacrifice to the catastrophe.

After being sacrificed, any life will be completely destroyed in form and spirit. No matter the body or soul, all will be taken into captivity by the catastrophe. No one will be able to rescue them by any means. Even the multiverse gods and demons will be sacrificed. Human silk is useless.

The catastrophe demon also successfully hit the ladder fortress of Horror.

When they get here, they are struggling to make progress.

The horrible kingdom of God is full of brass or crimson and black steel walls that stretch from one end of the horizon to the other until a cliff is formed.

The Ladder Fortress is the only entrance to this Iron God Kingdom, where the pinnacles surround the city wall, and the bone-carved columns and arches are full of blood.

The fortress is still a demon prison. Countless demons are chained to the walls by indestructible chains or squeezed in unbreakable iron prisons. Although they screamed in grief and tried to escape from imprisonment, it was of no avail, but the pedestrians who did not believe in terrorism would definitely be close at hand. Torn to pieces by it.

The ladder leading to the abode of fear here is so huge, in the eyes of mortals, it is as hard as climbing a hill, and the entire ladder is even more dizzying.

What's more terrifying is that crazy verbal climbers always appear on the stairs or nearby walls. The patrolling horrors spit out long tongues praising the name and deeds of the blood god. Chaos runes and blood-stained stones carry the dead bodies of the victims all over the road. .

The catastrophe demon was stopped by the patrolling horror and tyrannical army, and fought hard.

The arrival of Zod's consciousness also caused a new subspace storm to appear in this chaotic subspace, almost condensing the true **** of catastrophe!

It's a pity that Zod directly occupied this condensed real body, and along with the fragments of the catastrophe, a large amount of chaotic energy also condensed a demon consistent with the catastrophe.

Different from the catastrophe demons created by Zord, these catastrophe demons have extended their appearance and form based on the power and concept of catastrophe.

"Interestingly, becoming the **** of this subspace chaos is actually a way to become a **** and demon in the multiverse..."

The catastrophe of the body occupied by Zord sits high on an obsidian throne. His whole body is covered with inky black armor, but there are countless spots of light on the armor, making the whole armor seem to be made from the night sky. .

There are huge magic wings behind him, which almost obscures the sky.

The birth of the catastrophe attracted the attention of the lord of this place, and the horror on the brass throne looked over.

It was a huge human **** with blood-red skin.

Standing high on a huge brass throne, underneath this throne is a pedestal made up of blood-stained corpses and piles of skull bones. These bones are either his own trophies or come from his followers. The killing in his name.

At the same time, like the catastrophe, Terrorist is also wearing a finely crafted plate armor, on which tumbling runes and various faces that are deformed and screaming due to pain and torment are carved and painted on this plate. A huge winged helmet was worn on his head to hide his inhuman, roaring and contorted face.

The two multiverse gods and demons looked at each other, and the entire chaotic storm became more intense. This spread to the physical universe of Warhammer, and the human empire was very desperate for the subspace storm that appeared again.

Fearless perceives that the power of catastrophe is incredible. As a newly-born **** of chaos, his power is somewhat duplicated with himself, but he is stronger than himself?

At the same time, Horror looked down on the catastrophe demons and found that the chaotic negative energy mixed with the fragments of the catastrophe itself all naturally born catastrophe demons were all odd shapes.

Although they have a human form, each of them has no weapons. In other words, their own fangs, claws and arthropods are their weapons.

They are demons who are more keen on melee and close combat than the horrified and horrified demons, and even disdain to use foreign objects to the extreme, relying on their own "weapons" to fight.

This makes Terrorism very appreciated, of course, this does not mean that he and Haojiao can become allies and confidantes, and the Four Chaos Gods will basically not form an alliance.

On the contrary, he found it more interesting to fight with the catastrophe and his army!

Feeling the gaze of their own gods, whether it is the horror demon or the catastrophe demon, they are in ecstasy and runaway, and they can't wait to offer sacrifices.

The four-winged big devil rune even wielded its huge claws, and slashed the dozens of demon princes that rushed up.

These demon princes had been sacrificed to the catastrophe by the runes before they landed~www.mtlnovel.com~ They noticed that the demon prince was completely dead, and could not resurrect himself, but the horror did not care at all.

Zod didn't care either. He just left a consciousness in the catastrophe, and the catastrophe did not change. He just watched the battlefield and accepted the sacrifice.

When it has also been promoted to become a true multiverse **** and demon, the combination of the two multiverse forces of Zod will be many times stronger than it is now.

After all, to their level, digitization has lost its meaning.

1+1=∞ is also normal.

A catastrophe demon split the body of a terrifying demon with its right arm that turned into a giant axe, and then it was torn to pieces by the terrifying demon that rushed up.

The Great Horror Demon had just torn apart the catastrophe demon that rushed up, and then it could only see a giant blade smashing it down...Finally, only a four-wing catastrophe demon with blood flowing across its body was seen passing by.

From the catastrophe demon, I felt a strong aura that was not inferior to the great demon, even stronger!