
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 454: The name of catastrophe

Put it in Chaos, and probably those with aura are called God's Choice.

   Anyway, it got the attention of the catastrophe, and it was the existence that other catastrophe demons envied very much.

  Then it is the number of wings on the back to see the strength.

   Of course, Zod would not engage in that kind of very vulgar routine. The huge wings behind all catastrophe demons basically have various forms, which are not completely the same.

  For example, there are bat wings, pterodactyl hand wings, dragon wings, feather wings, bone wings, light wings, flame wings, flesh wings, etc...

The second pair of giant wings that grows is also different, and has various forms. Therefore, only the two-winged catastrophe demon may find the same look, but the four-winged catastrophe demon will not grow. It's the same.

   Because there are too many combinations, the Six Winged Demon is even more different.

The first pair of giant wings of the rune is a pair of black flesh. The skin of this pair of wings is pure black. You can see blood vessels and bones from underneath the skin. This pair of wings is almost formed by the flesh wrapped in the bones. A pair of black meat wings.

   The second pair of giant wings are pure bone wings, the bones are like a shelf, but there are many forks, showing a metallic color and texture.

   As for whether there will be a situation where two horrors fight, and then be picked up by a mortal, like in the world of Warhammer.

   That can't, Zod loves the magic as a child, how could it be possible, and the hammer world is all sorts of outrageous things like that.

  Zod first tried to use the catastrophe demon to blast a wave of DC multiverse origin walls, but the catastrophe demon all stuck to it.

   "Sure enough, there is no way to get in... It's a pity, I still wonder if Dazong's Apocalypse can be shot down."

   I regretted it a little, and then Zod invaded the Havoc Demon into the World of Warhammer!

   Because of the lack of time in the subspace chaos, the catastrophe demon was a little uncomfortable at first, but soon ran into the subordinates of the horror.

   As soon as the horrific abuse demon saw the unfamiliar appearance of the catastrophe demon, it didn't matter what it was, he went straight to it.

   This didn't surprise Zod, the horror and his subordinates were like this, keen on blood and death, whether it was the enemy or himself and his companions.

   "With such good luck, you invaded the territory of fear of abuse all at once?"

   Zod is interested.

   Terrorism, also known as the blood god, is the most brutal and destruction-loving of the four evil gods.

   What he represents is the unstoppable combativeness, the madness of losing the mind, and the billowing blood that floods the battlefield.

   He has an unstoppable thirst for blood, and those who kill in his name will surely be favored by him. The cruelty and anger of terrorism do not change due to differences between friends and foes. He gazed at every scene of slaughter and atrocities with joy.

   It is said that when he hears his horn blowing on the Chaos Wasteland, his heart will burst out with even crazier anger. At the height of destruction and killing, the roar of terrorism will even reverberate throughout the wasteland, and anyone who hears these roars will fall into eternal madness.

  Terrorism is the most enthusiastic and instigated evil **** among all the Chaos Gods. He constantly urges his followers to instigate them to launch a siege on cities, towns, and villages in the old world.

  In the realm of chaos, the largest piece of territory belongs to the terrorist abuser.

  The territories of fear of abuse were stained red by the blood poured on it. There are jagged canyons everywhere, and the rugged ground is full of pits.

   In this territory, there are countless terrifying monsters and demons roaming. These demons and monsters have been killing each other since they were born. Of course, all this is not for survival, but for the blessing of fear and abuse!

   And the fearless abuser stood high on a huge brass throne and watched all this quietly.

   It is precisely under the **** of such aimless desire to kill that any war waged by the horrifying army needs no other reason.

   It is for this reason that the army of terrorism has become the one with the largest scale of invasion and the strongest destructive power among the Chaos Army.

   Wherever the horrible abusers go, any piece of land will be stained with blood doomsday.

   In the age of Sigma, the first disaster encountered by the believers of Sigma when they explored the realms of the world was the Legion of Terror. When Sigma's Thunderforged Soldiers returned to the realms with the hope of the world, the army of fear and abuse was also one of their main opponents.

Zod's catastrophe demon is different. They are very silent and will not have any unnecessary communication. They will not shout slogans and charge like the terrifying demon. The arthropods on their whole body and the huge blade-like claws on the right arm are their murderers. Sharp weapon.

   Every part can cause terrible damage. In addition, the horror and demon focus on the use of melee weapons, and all weapons are represented by the axe.

   Reckless, violent, not afraid of any blows, and marching forward rampantly, these are the best portrayals of the horrifying evil.

  The reason for this is that in the eyes of the horror, all the people who use long-range weapons are cowards, and wizards and warlocks, who use magic, are inferior to those who use long-range weapons.

   Zod also advocates **** to the flesh, melee combat and fighting with each other, this is the way a man fights!

   "In the name of catastrophe, kill them all!!!"

  The rune, the only four-winged great demon shouted a slogan.

   "In the name of fear of abuse, kill!"

   "Fear of abuse is on top, blood is on top!"

   "Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull donation skull seat!"

The horror demon roared, shouting in the name of horror, and wanted to let the horror to pay attention to them~www.mtlnovel.com~ But unfortunately, the horror did not pay attention here, but they felt another terrible. The Chaos God is paying attention here.

   Then they knew the name of this chaos god-catastrophe!

   Havoc, the name represents the terminator of civilization, the destroyer of the universe.

   Chaos New God!

   Terrorism demons were shocked, and unlike Terrorism them, Zod, the Chaos God Havoc, needs everything, after all, the most convenient power he uses is the black hole.

   And Zod was able to digest and master all the conceptual powers so quickly because he directly swallowed them up with black holes and turned them into his own use.

   In fact, multiverse gods and monsters like them will basically walk out of their own "Tao", pure and powerful, no matter what "Tao" it is, they will go on firmly when they find it.

  Zord originally wanted to choose Destruction Day as his "dao", but Destruction Day also has its nemesis and will be killed.

   So he thought about it, he might as well just walk all the way on the black hole.

   Anyway, he also likes it very much, and feels that he uses the power of black holes very easily.

   Of course, at the level of the multiverse, black holes are no longer celestial bodies in the physical sense.