
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 451: broken

   In just an instant, countless angels were strangled by this strong wind and sacred fire, leaving only the remnant feathers and flying ashes in the sky. And in this ashes, there are dots of light rising up. And began to fly toward the depths of heaven.

   That is the soul of an angel. Jehovah can give life, but he cannot create souls.

  All the angels were transformed from believers who ascended to his heaven after bathing in his baptism. Therefore, when they die, they will naturally become pure souls and fly into heaven again.

   However, only a few can fly back. Because most of the souls who have come into contact with Taiji Tu's Fengshuihuo have died with their bodies. The rest, but only a very lucky few.

   And this scene immediately made Jehovah see that even his eyes were about to be squeezed out by the anger in his heart.

   That is the pure soul that he spent countless hours and countless efforts to select from the dead human believers.

   But shortly thereafter, the chime of the Chaos Bell was aimed at Him.


   For an instant, heaven burst into light like a star burst.

   A shocking sound like the first sound of the birth of the vast universe burst out.

   That is the end of all things, the bell of dying.

   Accompanied by the bell, everything is obliterated. The bell is not a sound wave, it is more like a high-latitude information transmission.

   Jehovah was so shocked that he had to use his omnipotent and omnipotent authority again.

   "I am Heavenly Father, I command you. You must not hurt me!"

   However, in the face of the bell of the chaotic clock, even the authority of omniscience and omnipotence is vulnerable!

  The Lord is annihilated, the alliance of the gods is annihilated, the pull is annihilated, the heaven is annihilated...

   But soon, the Lord was born again.

   At this time, the Lord has almost completely lost his physical existence, and he has become light. A faint beam of light. It flickered silently in the boundless darkness, as if it would go out at any time.

   Strictly speaking, he is dead. But his power saved his life.

   Known as the immortal, he has the power of resurrection. Just like the resurrection of the Son **** after death. Although he was annihilated under the Chaos Clock, he was resurrected as a light and returned to this world.

   But compared with those who are still lively seafood after they are resurrected, they can be compared to the strong people who beat ten. The current Jehovah's weakness is almost the same as when he was born.

   His divine power is exhausted, his power is desolate, and even his heaven is about to end.

   And this is not the most terrifying for him. The most terrifying thing is that he felt that the power of omniscience and omnipotence began to fade on his body, and the corrective power from the world began to counter him.

   Compared with other gods in the world, Jehovah is a fellow who loves to develop believers. In order to expand his faith, he will not hesitate to launch wars between gods and religions again and again.

  Countless creatures fell on his road of faith. But this is the most incomprehensible to other gods.

   Gods should have no desires and desires for mankind. Why does Jehovah have to wage so many wars in the name of God to fight for meaningless beliefs?

   Only Jehovah himself knows what this is for. He once called all those who believed in him the lamb of God in his doctrine, and the term lamb represented the position of those who believed in him in his heart.

   Just as a shepherd harvests wool to create his own interests, God also harvests faith from his lambs to maintain his own interests. And what he maintains is the great power of his omnipotence and omnipotence.

   All-knowing and all-powerful, a magical ability. One does not look at the size of the power, but only the amount of ability.

   Even if your power is above any god, no one knows you, and there is nothing to do with the world, so distorting your reality is a matter of one sentence.

   But if you are praised by hundreds of millions of people, you are scolded by hundreds of millions of people. Or your existence is related to the operation of the world. So even if you are a soft-footed shrimp who can't even stand up, omniscience and omnipotence can't change your reality at all.

  In order to make one's omniscient and omnipotent power always stand on the strong side. Jehovah took a different approach and made his name a symbol, so that most people in this world believed in his existence.

   How many people believe in God in the world, and how many people pray to him and ask him for help when there is a problem or suffering.

   Although these are basically useless, they indirectly increase his power of existence.

   For thousands of years, the beliefs of countless people have brought together countless powers of existence, enabling Jehovah to become a **** who plays with reality.

   But now, everything is different.

   Even though hundreds of millions of people sing praises, and hundreds of millions pray for blessings, hundreds of millions will remember his glory and kindness. Nor can it change a fact.

   When Jehovah used the power of causality on the Taiji diagram even when his power was broken, he was doomed to suffer everything he would suffer when he wanted to modify the reality that cannot be reversed.

   The power is completely shattered, and it is close to the edge of collapse. This is still a trivial matter. What is really terrifying is that it comes from the amendment and obliteration of the rules of the universe.

  The law of cause and effect has always been a double-edged sword. It turns out that Jehovah is holding the hilt of the sword and has not yet felt its sharpness~www.mtlnovel.com~ But now, when the blade touches his body, it is too late to regret.

   Numerous causes and effects have accumulated on him, and he cannot bear it, nor can he bear it. Losing the bearing of power, the distorted reality of cause and effect flows into his body like poison.

   Jehovah began to forget something. Some very important things. Such as his power, its power. How did he show his miracles to the world when he first came to the world, and how he left his own legends and myths in the world.

  The gods will never forget everything they have experienced. If he really forgot, it means that none of these things exist anymore. Their existence was obliterated by the twisted cause and effect, and this meant that everything he had done for thousands of years was nothing.

   This is something that Jehovah has always wanted to avoid. Until today, he finally couldn't avoid all this from happening.

   "No, no, no! I am the Father, the Supreme Lord. You can't do this to me, you can't! I command you. Come back, come back."

   The last time the spiritual curse came out from the bright light made by the Lord. That was his last effort. The exhausted divinity can no longer drive the causal power that has been shattered to the point of collapse. But the person of the gods burns up to do this.