
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 450: Invalidation

   This time, Jehovah used his power. Incomparably direct.

   Because of the backlash of the modifier of the fear rule, when Jehovah used causal power to modify reality in the past, he never dared to speak too absolute.

  He uses euphemisms to intervene in the changes of cause and effect. Because of that, there is often a lot of room for reservations for the modification of reality. This kind of leeway can be filled in with countless details, thus playing a role in assisting changes in reality.

   cannot be too full, especially for Jehovah. Once the words are too full, it is almost a disaster for him.

   But now, he obviously can't worry about that much anymore. The tremendous changes in Taiji Tu made him more and more disturbed. He must use Thunder to disintegrate this artifact that has threatened him.

   So he drank loudly, and said three words like this in completely unpretentious words.

   Three consecutive spells.

   The distorted cause and effect has almost turned into an invisible shackle, one by one, copied on the high flame. This caused the momentum of the raging fire to cease immediately, and then inevitably disappeared.

   But the chaotic clock moved.


   Like the first sound that burst out suddenly in a world of boundless emptiness, this sound has the power to shock people and make the world tremble.

   With the sound of the chaotic clock, the endless fire light suddenly broke through all the shackles, and instantly penetrated the clouds, connecting the vast sky and the earth.

   "Go back. Disappear, disappear!"

   The Lord aimed at the Chaos Clock, and there were three more curses representing cause and effect, but it was even more unbearable than before. This time, the result obtained by distorting reality seems like nothing happened. There is no difference at all.

   Chaos clock, the town is great!

   Golden rays of light bloom on the Tai Chi picture like a ribbon made of pure gold.

   A shining light wheel appeared on the Tai Chi picture like a solar corona. The huge light wheel was full of golden brilliance, like the most dazzling gold cast.

   A pattern of vegetation and flowers spread and grew on the golden light wheel, and at the same time, the golden light wheel began to emit golden light, dyeing the entire sky the same color.

   A somewhat fuzzy roulette appeared in the light wheel.

   There are two distinct black and white semicircles on the roulette wheel, and outside the semicircle is a stone plate like jade that is really connected together.

   They are embedded in the light wheel, and run autonomously as if they are being manipulated by some magical power. And every time it turns. All have a great sense of vastness and order. It seems that this is the supreme truth of heaven and earth, a law that cannot be changed.

   Jehovah can't believe that the power displayed by Tai Chi is very close to his omnipotent and omnipotent authority!

  How could it be possible that I have the authority of omniscience and omnipotence, and I also have this artifact?

   The majesty of God has been desecrated, and only with the strongest anger and near-destructive price can this evil be quelled.

   Then the sky opened, and a new world appeared on this woven world. Endless white clouds and holy light meet together. Countless angels lined up neatly in the clouds. The chants of chants are layered on top of each other without stopping.

   The bright waves rushed down like a galaxy connected to the sky.

   Heaven has come, under the wrath of God.

   Jehovah has used all his hole cards, and his anger towards Tai Chi Tu has reached the limit in his heart. He can no longer tolerate the existence of this divine tool, so at this moment he has made up his mind.

   "I am the Lord of Heaven, I am the King of Heaven. I am the Father, the Supreme God. I judge you, heresy, and you will fail in front of me!"

   The fifth time and the last time to use this power.

   When the Lord spoke such a curse on Tai Chi Tu, a very harsh ice cracking sound appeared in the depths of his soul. Jehovah's face remained calm, but his heart was suddenly startled. It was the sound of cracks in his power.

   Among all his powers, there is only one power that can happen this way, and that is causal power.

   The curse couldn't distort reality, but instead caused reality to go back to the root of his power. And when his power can't bear this kind of backlash, the current situation will happen.

   can no longer use this power. If you continue to use it, maybe this extremely precious causal power will most likely collapse and be completely shattered.

   For this ability, Jehovah spent countless efforts and time, and it was only by chance that it was completely inscribed on his own power. If it is lost here, it will be a fatal loss to Jehovah.

   Although he cannot use cause and effect, he has other means. As God, causal power is not his all.

   I saw him immediately waving his hands, turning countless holy lights into a surging torrent, and rushing towards the Taiji Tu along the gate of heaven.

   At the same time, countless angels also shouted to kill, and flew out of heaven along the torrent of light. These angels are all intermediate angels who serve in front of the seat of God~www.mtlnovel.com~ They possess supernatural powers far above the ordinary.

   In terms of combat power alone, they are not inferior to some powerful mutants. And there are three trillions of such angels in front of the seat of God.

   They are brave and fearless warriors, for the glory of God. You can even ignore your life at all. Of course, a large part of this is because their lives were originally given by God, Jehovah.

  They are the creations of Jehovah, the tools in his hand. Therefore, the life value is not worth cherishing is really a meaningless question for them.

   Jehovah only gave them life, but did not give them the emotion that life should have. The value of their existence is only to serve Jehovah, so it is meaningless to consider the value of life.

   And it's such a thing, when they rush out of heaven in droves, they also cover the sky. The terrifying momentum of the collapse of the mountains.

   Because there are too many of them, there are too many. Too much, looking around, all angels are flying. To the extent that you can't even see anything other than them.

Facing the unimaginable number of angels, Tai Chi Tu made an unmeasurable and unpredictable power. The strong wind instantly turned into a roaring storm, and the raging fire was engulfed in it. . Swept away with an overwhelming posture.