
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 45: Extremis Virus

Extremis virus, like centipede serum, is tasteless.

   There is no other ability besides being able to produce ultra-high temperature and regeneration ability.

   More importantly, this regenerative ability is gone after the core is destroyed, and the ultra-high temperature ability can only be used in a short distance, including fire breathing.

   So the Desperate Warrior is meaningless, but it's not bad if it can be used on the animalized soldier, so that the animalized soldier has an extra ability to release high heat energy.

   You can even try to make Wolverine. After all, the regeneration ability of the Extremis Warrior is no different from that of Wolverine, except that it lacks a metal skeleton.

   "Push it away, and find out the location of Aldrezzy Kilian's base by the way."

Zod said to the Black Queen that he plans to bring a few groups of Extremis Viruses back to his own research. As for cooperation, there is no need. Zod is not used to getting too close to the villain, and Vanke and his son have been taken by himself. Rezki Kilian is also done, so who will Tony fight in the future?

With the help of the Black Queen, Aldrezzy Kilian's location was quickly searched out. It was an abandoned building in the suburbs. Pioneer Technology specifically purchased this type of building for experimentation. An explosion can also cover up the past without attracting attention. Of course, it is mainly cheap.

   just as it is now.

Zod looked down at the building under his feet, his perspective eyes easily penetrated the lead-free house, and saw the underground base. Aldrezzy Kilian was watching the experiment. On the test bed was a soldier with mutilated limbs. After he was injected with the Extremis Virus by a scientific researcher, his hands and feet miraculously lit up with dazzling light, and then grew back.

   While the soldiers were thanking God, Aldrezi Kilian and the others' complexions changed drastically, because the detector was lit up with red light, and because the dose was too large, the Extremis virus got out of control.

   Soldier felt something was wrong at this time. There was a red light under his skin. Aldrezi Kilian and the others didn't care about helping Soldier untie, they all started to pack things.

   "No, save me!!!"

   Soldier realized that it was not good, but Aldrezi Killian and the others ignored them, only knowing to pack up and leave. When Soldier roared, light radiated from his mouth.


   The explosive power of the Extremis Soldier was amazing, and the entire building was razed to the ground.

   Zord landed slowly on the ground, Aldrezi Killian and his men were in a blank space, their eyes dull.

   The powerful psychic power directly took over their psyche. Zod took away a suitcase from one of his subordinates at random, and it contained the Extremis Virus.

   Then Zod obtained all the data and information about the Extremis Virus from Aldrezi Killian, and the super brain memorized it all without forgetting.

   "Remember, Aldrezzy Kilian, you hate Tony Stark very much, not only for bringing you physical humiliation, but also mental and spiritual humiliation."

   After helping Tony Stark set a benchmark for his rivals, Zod teleported back to his base without name, and only then relieved Aldrezi Killian and their mind control.

   "Boss, I left in a hurry just now, and the Extremis Virus was also blown up."

   The subordinate holding the Extremis Virus just said reproachfully.

   "It doesn't matter, there are as many Extremis Viruses, but the next time I do multiple experiments all at once."

Aldrezzy Kirian looked distressedly at the destroyed building. There was a big explosion here, and then it couldn't be used anymore, and it had to be paid for. The funds were not so sufficient, **** Tony history. Tucker!

   Zod returned to the base and began to study the Extremis Virus. During this time, Zod learned a lot of knowledge, and he was no longer as embarrassed as before.

   The biggest problem with the Extremis virus is stability. Aldrezzy Kilian and the others have always thought it was an overdose problem. After searching for a long time, they couldn't find the standard line before reacting. It shows how stupid they are.

   In Zord's hands, this problem was solved easily, and he didn't even feel the difficulty.

   "It turns out that this is the mechanism of action, but this is the nemesis of the vampire virus."

Zod accidentally discovered the antidote to the vampire virus. Although the Extremis virus looks fierce and may burn vampires to ashes, in fact its mechanism of action is not so fierce and unreasonable. As long as it is not a pure-blooded vampire, After being injected with the Extremis Virus, it can be transformed back into a human being.

This reminded Zod of the panacea serum of the improved version of the Blade Warrior virus that was still being studied. He was worried that this panacea serum would have any sequelae with a long incubation period, but if the Extremis virus was used, the panacea serum should be injected first. Clean up the virus, and then inject the Extremis virus to clean up the vampire virus, isn't that all right?

   You only need to control the Extremis Virus~www.mtlnovel.com~ so that it will be cleaned up by the human body's immune system as soon as the effect is completed, so you don't have to worry about turning people into Extremis fighters!

   At the same time, Extremis Virus is also a vampire killer, which can be provided to the blade for him to use as a weapon.

   Of course, that's the most wasteful approach. It's better to get some UV weapons for the blade.

   Through a series of experiments, Zod succeeded in making Extremis Virus his own RBQ, whatever he wanted it to.

   And the newly improved animalized soldier serum is not suitable for ordinary animalized soldier, so Zod named it "the second-generation mass-produced super animalized soldier serum".

With the addition of high heat release ability, coupled with the organ adjusted by Zod, the super animalized soldier created has an additional ability to spray heat and light, and it is estimated that only wearing vibranium or Edman alloy or Hulk in close combat This kind of ability carries the high heat energy to fight with the super animalized soldiers.

   That is the ultra-high temperature that even steel melts in an instant. Although Zod felt that the film did not consider the issue of heat transfer speed, but Marvel did not follow the physics more things, and Zod did not care.


   After Zod solved the possible problem of the panacea serum, Blade Technology Industry found the Blade Warrior and reached a cooperation with him.

   only need to provide 1000ml of blood regularly, you can get the high-tech weapons provided by Blade Technology Industry to support the hunting of vampires.

   For example, ultraviolet bombs.

   After all, Zod remembers that the plot of Blade Warrior 2 is about to come, although it will be several years later, but what if it goes ahead?

   After using the weapons of the Blade Technology Industry, the Blade Warrior simply loves it. Isn't it just donating blood every other month? The Blade Warrior said that there is no problem at all.