
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 447: Pull!

   This is almost inevitable. When Qin was strong at the beginning, other countries would join forces and fight against Qin. If you continue to watch the show, you will underestimate these gods living for so long.

   As the saying goes, people are old and spirited, and a pig will become refined after a long time, let alone a god.

   So he arranged two hands. The Ten Day Golden Crow and the Pangu Banner were all arranged for this moment.

   There was Xingtian, the God of War, holding Pangu flags to suppress the exit, and the Allied Gods could not rush out.

   At this moment, among the gods, Horus of the Egyptian gods stood up.

  He is the patron saint of the pharaohs in ancient Egyptian mythology, the symbol of royal power, and the **** of vengeance. He is the son of Pluto Osiris and Isis. His image is a deity with an eagle (falcon) head, an Egyptian crown, a linen skirt around his waist, and a woth (energy) cane and anka (life) symbol.

   As soon as Horus appeared, he sacrificed the artifact that the sun **** pulled him.

   Pull the eye!

   La is the sun **** in ancient Egyptian mythology. He is regarded as the noon sun and is also the head of the Heliopolis-Nine Pillars god.

   Since the first dynasty of Egypt, Ra has been the most important **** in ancient Egyptian mythology. After Thebes became the capital of all Egypt, it merged with Amon, the highest **** of Thebes, into Amon. For more than a thousand years, Ra has been the sun **** of Egypt.

   It is said that all lives were created by Ra, and he called them out by reciting their real names. In addition, humans produce tears and sweat from the gods of Ra. Therefore, the Egyptians call themselves the bull of the **** Ra.

  The eye of pull is said to be the eye, but in fact, it is no doubt with the sun in the eyes of outsiders.

  In other words, it is a round of the sun.

   The sun divine light illuminates the ten directions. As the Ra who has become the supreme **** with the sun **** and the creation god, his sun divine power is extremely fierce.

   The gods of the heavenly court were also a little shocked after the appearance of Razhi's eyes. These Fanbang foreign gods actually have such powerful artifacts.

   After seeing Horus offering the Eye of Ra, he manipulated him to look towards Xingtian.

   Xingtian sensed the danger, waved the Pangu banner, and fully exerted the power of the Pangu banner to tear the cosmos and chaos, shatter the power of the sky and space, make the path of infinity, control the power of ten thousand laws and uprightness, and open up the world.

   The terrifying chaotic sword aura spread boundlessly, tearing apart the blazing sun divine power.

   rumbling! !

   Pangu banners exerted their full strength, the sun and the moon were dark, the sky revolved, the earth cracked between the mountains and the sea, the endless sky was torn apart, and the whole world was suppressed in one fell swoop.

  Pangu flags shattered the space of heaven, earth, fire and water violently, re-evolving world space.

  A random attack will spread the aftermath, forming a violent disaster that destroys the world and destroys the earth in an instant.

  Ra's Eye was suppressed so fiercely that the divine power exploded again and again, as if Ra came personally.

  The vast sea capsized instantly, turning into a torrential rain that bombarded all directions, and could not be refilled for a long time.

   The chaos and turbulent currents are flying around, and the horrible hissing sound resounds through the world. With just one blow, the entire black hole dimension world is suppressed, the space is locked, and everything has no place to escape.

  The eye of pull became more and more blazing, shining nine heavens and ten earth, and the terrifying divine power gradually suppressed the infinite power of the Pangu banner.

   But Xing Tian sprayed a black and white air current between his mouth and nose, holding the giant flag in both hands and waving it back and forth.

   The chaos and the divine light are blazing, and the sound is like muffled thunder rolling, the whole world, at this moment, is like boiling water, turbulent fire, water and wind are tumbling endlessly.

   The black wave raged and raged, causing the sky and the earth to break apart in an instant.

   The chaos and the wind raged, everything in the world was nothing, the chaos and chaos were gray, and the fierce and murderous air all slammed into the eyes of Ra.

  La's Eye really interprets what is called a god. With the sun's divine power and the creation divine power, it resists the horrible power of the Pangu flags, which shocked the heavenly gods who knew the power of the Pangu flags.

  In an instant, the world returned to nothingness, and everything was chaos.

   The power of nothingness spreads, rolling into the void, trying to assimilate the gods and completely end the whole world.

  The eye of pull shed divine light to fix the great thousand, firmly guard the gods in it, and wipe out the emptiness of all things, and they can't get close.

   God of War Xingtian is a giant with his head on his head and his feet on the ground.

  In an instant, the giant's eyes turned black, his mouth exhaled black and white, and he shook the void with a loud shout.

   In the next second, the giant copied the Pangu flag, raised his chest flat, and waved straight.

   Clear and turbid two airs rise and fall, chaotic air currents wanton, forcibly tore apart a world.

   The earth is in its first form, the sky gradually rises, the earth, fire, water and wind are rushing, and the manic destructive energy fills the space between the sky and the earth.

Faced with such a terrifying power of destroying the world,   La's Eye began to be hard to resist.

   To put it bluntly, it is only a part of pulling, not pulling himself.

   The Allied Gods began to suffer heavy losses. Don't look at the Pangu flags destroying the world in the black hole dimension. In fact, it is the size of a pixel in the black hole dimension.

   Of course, on the outside, Pangu flags are more than enough to destroy a universe. After all, it is an absolute artifact made in the dimension of a black hole, reaching the power of a single universe.

   At the critical moment, Razhi's eyes suddenly lit up with a light that was billions of times dazzling than the sun, and the light was immense!

   That is when Pull found something was wrong, using his own eye as the coordinate, he had to come down forcibly!

   The heavenly gods saw this, but they did not stop it. After all, pulling is a big fish~www.mtlnovel.com~ The other party wants to jump into this net, why stop it.

   At the same time, Michael was also holding the holy gun and muttering to himself, but everyone's attention was not on him at this time, and pulling was about to come.

   In the face of this extremely powerful sun **** and creation god, as well as the supreme **** among the Egyptian gods, no one will take it lightly.

   The morale of the Allied Forces of the Gods has skyrocketed, and they want to protect Rashen descending, but the Heavenly Court Gods seem to have no reaction at all.

   This also made them murmur a bit. Is the Heavenly Court so emboldened?

   That is the sun god-pull!

  The light blooms in the heavenly world. Although it is not as full of special effects as when the Lord comes, it is also full of domineering feelings.

  拉 is here!

   The God of War Xingtian saw this and waved the Pangu flags and hit him.

   "A good artifact, but you are using it."

   pulled the frown first, then stretched it out.

   He did not dare to use the sun's divine power to harden the Pangu flags, and to drive the creation divine power with all his strength, and the power of the Pangu flags would offset each other.

   Then he rushed to the God of War Xingtian. He saw the current situation. As long as he took down the God of War who was guarding the gate, the allied forces of the gods could leave here.