
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 446: The gods frustrated

"I am Michael, the sword bearer of my lord, and the majestic guardian of my lord. I have come to the world to clean up all sins for my lord. Mortals, repent for your crimes, and pray that you can get me Forgiveness of the Lord!"

   Michael is holding the holy spear and wants to remove the God Killing Arrow, but this arrow is made for the goal of shooting everything, so it is naturally impossible for him to take it off so easily.

   This is a curse that is mortal, as long as it is shot, you have to die!

   Finding that he could not remove the God Killing Arrow, Michael clenched the Holy Spear tightly. It didn't matter. As long as the Holy Spear was there, he would not die. Then he would return to heaven and let my lord resurrect himself.

   "Guardian of the Holy Land!"

   "The archangel closest to the Holy Lord!"

   "The lieutenant of heaven, the commander of the army of light, the angel of mercy and justice!"

   "The angel of judgment holding the red cross sword and the scale of justice!"

   "The one who will sound the horn of doom..."

   "Seraph Michael!"

   The 1.9 billion lord angels are singing and praising, and the hymn resounds through the sky, and also adds a wave of strength and reinforcement to Michael.

   Other gods have become accustomed to the big scenes of heaven from time to time, and this group of bird people like it.

   made it seem like he was very good, very high-end.

   Michael is the angel who sounded the horn of doomsday in biblical mythology. He is one of the most revered seraphs in the kingdom of heaven.

   At the same time, he is also the **** of flames, the chief of the guard who controls the power of flames beside Jehovah. So naturally, his attack relies on the flame to show its power.

   Even with the holy spear, on the side of the heavenly gods, after Da Yi's arrow, they also restarted the fight against Michael and the surrounding heavenly father-level gods.

   The white flame on the holy spear was burning, and it seemed to have infinite power. However, as soon as Vulcan Zhu Rong made a move, his sacred fire lost its effect.

   The gods of the heavenly court are only afraid of the power of the holy spear that can kill everything. As long as they are stabbed in the heart and head, they will definitely die.

  Others, I'm not afraid at all.

   Michael, bearing the powerful divine power of the Killing Arrow, stirred every inch of his body like a bomb, causing him to open his mouth and let out a burst of painful howls.

   The heavenly father-level gods who were paddling around also felt something was wrong. The arrow seemed to have a big impact on Michael.

   So they stopped paddling, and quickly showed their true ability to help.

But at this moment, I saw a golden light and shadow across the audience, and then a three-legged golden crow appeared on Michael's chest. It exuded terrifying light and heat, and it was held by three feet. After Michael's chest, his claws plunged deeply into the flesh and blood.

   "It's the golden crow!!!"

  The souls of the Allied Gods are in a rage, but they have witnessed how terrifying this golden crow is.

   It can be said that the Olympus God Realm was even broken by this golden crow.

   Michael discovered something was wrong. Although this golden crow was full of the blazing divine power of the sun like the one I saw before, how did it feel that the intensity did not seem so outrageous?

   But at this time, the three-legged golden crow also began to tear Michael's chest, and Michael swept away the three-legged golden crow with the holy spear under the pain.

   And at this moment, nine identical three-legged golden crows flew out, each of them found a main god, tore it apart and swallowed it.

   "How can there be so many ten golden crows!"

   The Allied Gods were shocked. Although the ten golden crows were a lot worse than the one that day, there was nothing wrong with having the blazing sun divine power.

   Besides, I don't know if it was an illusion. The surrounding temperature seemed to rise after the ten crows came out.

   "This is a trap, the strength that Heavenly Court demonstrated that day is not one-tenth of what it is here!"

   The Alliance of Gods realized this. Although the ten golden crows were not as good as the one that day, they were also stronger than the average heavenly father, and beating them was just stabilizing.

   Moreover, the Twelve Ancestral Witches also displayed their true strengths at this time, and they have also been stumped for a long time.

   Always show the enemy to be weak, otherwise, these gods will not be fooled if they are too strong, but in the dimension of a black hole, now even the strong single universe behind them don't want to be able to see the scene inside.

   "Sacred weapons such as the holy spear, we also have them in the Heavenly Court, please Zhu Xian Four Swords!"

   Yang Jian said to Michael.

   Although there is no such thing as the ability of holding a holy spear that will never be defeated, but the ability to kill and die is much longer.

  Zhu Xian's four swords whizzed out and fell into the hands of Chi You with three heads and six arms. At this moment, Chi You was invincible.

   The **** slain by the four swords of punishment, extinction, trap, and slaughter, never recovered.

   In the quarry where the soul returns to the gods, Michael can hold the holy gun Longinus to block Chi You. Other gods are no longer Chi You's enemies.

   "Don't let one go!"

   Seeing someone from the Alliance of Gods wanted to escape, Yang Jian immediately ordered.

   Immediately there was a figure blocking the exit, it turned out to be the God of War Xing Tian.

   However, he was holding a banner in his hand. Before the gods who rushed up had time to stop, he waved the banner, countless Qi blades flew out, and just contacted the gods, and the gods instantly vanished.

  Pangu banner!

   has the power to tear apart the primordial chaos, the power to smash the time and space of the heavens, the way to create the infinite, the power to control the ten thousand laws and the uprightness, and the ability to open up the world.

   and can control the power of heaven and earth!

   And there are many magical effects, for example, the one shot Xing Tian waved just now was to "open the weather blade"!

   The main meaning of "breaking".

   Use this method: tear chaos, split time and space~www.mtlnovel.com~ to open up a boundless "preliminary world".

   There is also "good fortune mysterious light", the main meaning of "establishment".

   Perform this method: divide yin and yang, rationalize the five elements, and derive infinite "earth, water, fire and wind".

   is followed by "Hongmeng Boundary", the main meaning of "forbidden".

   Use this method: chaos and confuse the element, obscure the universe, and evolve an endless "chaotic world".

   In the end, it is "Heaven and Earth sorrow", the profound meaning of the Lord's "destroy".

   Use this method: to break the world, the past and the present, to destroy countless "worlds".

   The Allied Gods did not recognize this treasure, but Xing Tian waved it, and those qi blades directly turned the rushing people into nothing. It was still very powerful.

   And, as I said before, the vision of gods is different from that of human beings, so these gods can see the terrifying face of the banner even more.

  All the rules seem to be shattered when the flag was waved, and the flag is simply indestructible.

This is also Zord's back hand. Of course, he did not expect that he would be taken directly to the Quarry of Gods by the Infinite Witch. Zord just wanted to digest the Olympus dimension and Kaos, other gods. Either the department will continue to watch the show, or it may be united.