
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 442: Control power

"It's really exciting!"

   With a little effort, he let himself float out of the quarry.

  The Infinite Witch who was waiting outside the giant pit slowly stepped forward.

   "Zord, congratulations on your gaining the power to counter the five creation gods."

   Indeed, Zod felt that he had reached the level of the multiverse. This mighty force was so desirable.

   "But I want more."

  Zod said suddenly.

   Infinite Witch was a little surprised, but it was not surprising, because there were such people, but they all failed without exception.

   However, the Infinite Witch soon discovered that the energy and authority they had done with their hands and feet had actually failed in Zod's body.

  Zord mastered the power of the multiverse in just a few minutes and seconds, and discovered the problem of this power in a very short time.

  Different from other guys who get power and don't study but only care about enjoyment and squandering power, Zod was born as a Kryptonian researcher after all, and it is normal for him to be curious about everything.

   "How can you master this power so quickly!"

   The Infinite Witch panicked.

   "What you said is strange, why can't I master this power so quickly?"

   Zod has a strange expression on you. He can digest this power thanks to the countless brain-inspired novels that Zod has read, coupled with the investigative spirit of scientific researchers...

   "Before you gained power, did you understand power? After gaining power, how deeply do you know the power you master? If you lose power, can you regain power based on your understanding of power?"

  Zod continued.

   Infinite Witch was stunned, this is really a situation that has never been encountered before.

"You think it's you who have realized power, by feeling, by God's gift, by a flash of light. It's a pity that you only gained this power because you were born here, millions of years, billions of years. , None of you thought about studying the power here, but felt that everything set by OAA could not be violated."

   Zod said with a smile.

   "And how much did I gain? It may be a trivial part compared to the quarry of the gods, but it in turn crushes you."

   Infinite Witches cannot refute, because they are already speechless.

   "When I was attacking other dimensions, I was thinking, learning, and cognition for a long time. The black hole dimension is really a good place. Time is meaningless. I can study at will, and then explore all the secrets of the universe."

"With the omnipotent ability of the Lord of Dimensions, I devote myself to studying all the laws of the universe. I know every bit of my own strength well, even if the strength is stripped away, I can recover the present in a very short time. Strength."

   "Why do you lose control of the power of your hands and feet after I get it? Because I never let my power increase uncontrollably, even if it is the power at my fingertips, I will study it first."

"Maybe you may say that it is impossible to study the power in such a short time, but for a person of my realm, it is enough. Even if it only takes 1 femtosecond for these powers to take effect, then there will be enough time for me. Stretch your perception of time and get enough thinking time. One femtosecond is equivalent to billions of years of thinking time."

  Zord looked at the Infinite Witch, then said calmly.

"The speed of thinking can determine everything. A civilization that uses the speed of light as a mind is definitely the strongest civilization, and a creature that uses the speed of light as a mind is definitely the strongest creature. You control time, but you don't know how much you can do if you control it. Amazing things..."

   "Ignorance will lead to incompetence. Your power comes from the unknown, but you don't understand the unknown when you have the power to understand. Now that you lose your power, you lose everything."

  Zord continued.

   Now he has an intact universe system in his body. Although it was just a single universe at the beginning, the universe is expanding and growing. As long as it accumulates countless calamities, it can be regarded as a true and true multiverse.

   This is also the reason why Zod had to constantly devour dimensions and everything. The immeasurable calamity itself was an unattainable end.

But who knows that there will be kind people like Infinite Witches who take the initiative to deliver food to their lips, and the beautiful gods of the Marvel Universe don't seem to be able to explore their own power at all, and they don't have a matching realm. They seem to be It seems to be passing by, as long as the strength is reached.

  The future Zord is able to frighten Franklin, a bear child of the multiverse level, naturally because of his exploration of his own power.

Regardless of the fact that there was only one universe in the beginning, the key to the existence of the universe lies in the existence of the universe, not the universe. The self-contained universe belongs to a completely different multiverse in nature. Although it is only a rudimentary form, it is more energy The real universe normally formed in nature is infinitely higher.

The realm of    is won forever, even if it reaches another multiverse, it will not be damaged.

   Therefore, it is impossible for the Infinite Witch to deprive Zod of his current power. The most critical feature of the real universe is infinity. Although it is relatively infinite, it is enough to cover all things, not to mention the super universe of the inner universe.

   Even if it is just an endogenous single universe, it can also modify the multiverse. However, if a single universe is used to drastically modify the entire multiverse, it is not enough to describe it.

   "You can't kill me, even if you have stronger power and more diverse attack methods."

  Zod spread his hands.

"Because my existence has been written into the laws of the universe~www.mtlnovel.com~ For me, there is no concept of'death'. This is not even a reorganization of molecular manipulation and the regeneration of infinite cell division. It is'unshakable'. No attack can cause fatal injury to me, nor can it erase my'existence'."

"Do not!"

   The Infinite Witch felt that Zord began to plunder the infinite source energy of God's Quarry, and they wanted to stop it, but Zord was directly swallowed up.

   The cosmic source energy in his body is climbing at an indescribable speed, which is even more terrifying than the growth rate of an exponential explosion.

   The energy and authority of the cosmic gods after their death will definitely return to the tomb of the gods, and this process cannot be blocked or reversed by any creatures, things, or events.

  ——This is the supreme existence of the Marvel Almighty Universe: the rules set by OAA.

   Apart from Him, no one can modify it.

   In the setting of the Marvel Universe, OAA is the supreme existence, and it can also be translated into all things. The entire almighty universe was created by him.

   In addition, there is another person called OBA, which is below everything, a collection of all the dark and negative aspects of the universe, and the level is lower than OAA.

   These two are considered the top existences in the almighty universe.