
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 441: power

The images of the    statues are real cosmic beings, their hands clinging to the rock wall, as if trying to escape from here desperately.

   The Infinite Witch came to Zod.

   "These are the guys who came to the graveyard of the gods to gain power in the 13.8 billion years after the birth of the universe."

   "When you count, you are the 100763th."

   Zod kept a distance from the quarry pit vigilantly, but suddenly an irresistible force of gravity came from the quarry, and Zod was caught off guard and was sucked into it.

   In the quarry, the attraction is stronger, so that Zord can not use energy to fly out, he can only grasp the hard rock wall in the pit.

After    held on for a few seconds, he was surprised to find that his palm stiffened.

   Immediately afterwards, the fingertips turned into granite-like grayish white, and the petrification phenomenon quickly spread to the whole body, and soon he became a stone sculpture.

   After losing control of his body, Zod's consciousness was still active.

   A bustling city suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Humans on Earth with different skin colors were talking and laughing on the streets.

"new York?"

   Zod still maintains his consciousness, so he recognizes this place.

   It's just that, in the Marvel universe he first traversed, New York had been destroyed and became the headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau.

   So this is not the New York that Zod is familiar with.

   "Zod, in the quarry of the gods, only by recognizing the true position of your heart can you gain the power here..."

  Zord heard the reminder of the Infinite Witch, which seemed to make him more sober again.

   It seems that the Infinite Witch will help the person they choose. This is probably the legendary opening of the back door.

   But, keep yourself?

   What kind of person is Zod's self?

   This makes Zord difficult.

   He is not as extreme evil as Zod, so it is impossible for him to slaughter everyone like Zod, he will only become a stone statue.

   But he is not extremely good, so he can't learn from the US team, and he will become a stone statue.

  ...This is probably the sorrow of the chaotic camp. It was only when I needed it that I realized that I didn't even know where I was.

   "Hey, Zod."

   A woman hugged Zod from behind, and Zod was taken aback and almost knocked out the entire solar system with an elbow.

   Although he entered this fantasy, his own power has not diminished in the slightest.

   He turned around, only to realize that the other party seemed to be Wonder Woman Diana?

   Wait, isn't this Marvel?

   After a while, in a room, Zod looked at the woman lying on the bed and fell into a deep thought.

   The woman is not Wonder Woman Diana, she just looks alike.

   In this world, she is the girlfriend that Zod has just met for half a month.

   "The sense of violation is too strong."

  Zord Tucao, and nothing else, he can always stay awake just with this face.

   It's not that Diana is not beautiful or sexy, but that it makes him very acting.

   Although I just met my girlfriend for half a month, because Zod is handsome and temperamental, he has already rolled with Zod hundreds of times in a short period of time.

   may even know how many hairs Zord has.

   However, Zod could not accept to go to bed with her. Firstly, because he clearly knew that this world was just a fantasy, secondly, he only loved his own figure girl! ! !


   At this time, "Diana" also woke up. Although she didn't know why she fell asleep, she rushed forward when she saw her beloved man.

"let's break up."

   Zod said very cleanly.

  ? ? ?

   Diana looked dumbfounded, and Zod felt that if he wanted to keep himself, then I would reject what I don't like, and pursue what I like. Don't depress, don't conceal and pretend. It should be better, right?

   He took out a bank card.

   "There are half a million in this, which is all my savings. The password is my birthday. Now it's all for you. Let's break up..."

   Zod left after speaking.

   Diana has no idea what happened.

   subconsciously told her not to approach Zod at this time, he is very dangerous now.

  Zord doesn't know what he should do, he will take action when he sees someone doing evil.

   But if he wants him to be a superhero with distinctive characteristics, Zod is not very willing.

   To put it bluntly, Zod doesn't mind doing good deeds, but he doesn't want to do all good deeds.

   has no interest in doing bad things. It's great to travel as a dead house. After all, most dead houses are docile animals. Otherwise, they will definitely become the same as the sentinels before. Indulge in sensuality.

   And the dead house will only be secretively staying with his own hands, and it will be very satisfying, not to mention that Zod has the ability to make 1:1 alive hands.

   Isn't the hand-made fragrant? Why are you looking for a woman outside?

   probably means that.

   So Zord thought for a while and decided to obey his heart. This time he got a lot of figurines and lived alone in a corner of the big city.

  The computer is the top configuration, and the network is the best network. The room stores a variety of food and drinks. There are also the best consoles and a lot of console games, accompanied by your favorite hand-run mothers.

   This is simply heaven! ! ! !


  At this time, everything around Zod began to fall apart.

   The entire "New York City" is now like a reflection in the water. Suddenly, it was hit by a stone into the water, and the reflection was quickly broken into pieces by the rippling water.

   He looked around.

The broken walls around    have disappeared, replaced by a circle of rock walls fixed with stone statues.

  ——He successfully broke through the illusion and returned to the quarry~www.mtlnovel.com~Huh!

   The surging cosmic source energy suddenly rises from the bottom of the giant pit, and it madly pours into every hole in Zod's body.

   This kind of feeling is like a person who has been thirsty for decades, suddenly tasted the clear sweet spring.

   He couldn't help but let out a refreshing roar:

   "Ah ♂~~~"

  The huge energy quickly filled every corner of the body, and a lot of energy overflowed from the pores and solidified into a thick layer of armor on the surface of the skin.

  The overall armor is matt silvery white, and it looks like it is made of some kind of metal.

   On the surface of the armor, many imperceptible symbols are inscribed, some symbolizing fate, some symbolizing reversal, some symbolizing spiritual manifestation, negative entropy, concealment...

  ——This is the concretization of the concept of cosmic gods housed in the quarry.

   Of course, Zod only got a small part of it.

  With his current body, it is still impossible to absorb all the source energy of God's Quarry.

   "This kind of power...

  Zod raised his hands and carefully examined the rune-engraved armor on the surface of his body. He could feel how powerful the energy contained in it.