
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 440: The selected

  Infinite Witch, an existence older than the five creation gods.

   After all the gods of the universe have died, their power and authority will flow into the "Graveyard of Gods" and be stored in the deepest part of the "Quarry of Gods".

  The Infinite Witch is the guardian of these forces.

   Due to the rules set by the Primitive Transcender, the Infinite Witch can never leave the cemetery, but this does not prevent them from using other methods to interfere in the universe.

  Zord knows that the original plot Thanos and his son Thain have also been here.

   "You can call us the infinite witch, the guardian of the cemetery of the gods."

   "After all the gods of the universe die, their energy, authority, and concepts of representation will come to us and be kept by us forever."

   It seems that seeing Zod hasn't moved for a long time, the Infinite Witch speaks.

   They speak one by one, as if they are connected with each other and they know what to say.

   The huge pit of the quarry contains endless sources of energy.

   "Our ultimate goal is to gather a large number of origins in the cemetery, and we can use these origins to reformulate the concept of the universe and explore the more advanced forms of existence of the universe!"

   "So, we need you, Zod."

   "Come with us."

   Infinite Witch wants to increase the attraction of Zord here.

  Zord also wanted to see what these witches wanted to do.

   Anyway, as long as you don't enter the huge pit, Zod is deeply afraid of it.

   The Infinite Witch led him to continue walking. Soon, they entered the castle and came to a brightly lit area with countless picture frames hanging on both sides of the walls.

   The witch curled up her mouth, and the wrinkles on her face piled together, as if she had written the word proud.

   "These... are all cosmic gods that we have tried to hunt down."

  Zod opened his mouth slightly, looking very shocked.

   He walked forward slowly.

The    frames are all pure black and white portraits, the paintings are very abstract, each frame has a label in the lower right corner, which records the information of these dead gods:

   Resonance The realization of all "emotions in common" in the universe;

   Ling presents all "inspiration and epiphany" in the universe;

   The materialization of all "praise emotions" in the eulogy universe;


   Suddenly, Zod shook his head and questioned:


   "Since resonance, manifestation, eulogy, etc. have been killed by you, the corresponding concepts should have disappeared in the universe, right?"

   Obviously, in fact there is not.

   Logically speaking, if the **** of eulogy was killed, then all the emotions of praise in the universe should have long since ceased to exist.

   Infinite Witch screamed:

   "That's because although we have withdrawn their energy and authority, we still allow the corresponding concept to exist in the universe."

   "After all, if these concepts are erased separately, it is very likely that the universe will collapse due to the sudden imbalance of the concepts. This is not what we want to see."

   "So we plan to kill all the gods that should be killed, and then erase those concepts together."

   Zod nodded, it was nothing.

   Even if concepts such as eulogy and resonance really disappear, that is, all beings become creatures with no emotions, and the universe can still function normally.

   Following in the footsteps of the Infinite Witch, Zod saw the second section of the promenade.

   He noticed that the size of the "left photo" here has become larger.

   The Infinite Witch made a please gesture.

   "These are the tombstones of higher-level gods than just now."

   Zod read the name written on the frame label, his expression gradually became serious:

  〖Fate〗The materialization of all "the inherent definiteness of things" in the universe;

  〖Reversal〗The materialization of all "random changes of things" in the universe;

  〖Hidden〗The materialization of all "unperceivable, imperceptible, undiscoverable states" in the universe;


   There are nearly a hundred such medium-sized portrait frames.

  Zod took a deep breath.

  The power held by these cosmic gods is already quite powerful, and their strength is certainly not weak. They were all killed by these three old witches?

   He turned his head, looked at the Infinite Witch and asked.

   "Can you leave the cemetery of the gods or project power out?"

   They shook their heads.

   "Then how did you kill them?"

   The three witches grinned, showing their white teeth, and spoke in turn.

  "In the universe, we have trained some people who specialize in hunting gods.

  "They are all strong men who have successfully gained power from the quarry of the gods.

   "Zod, do you want to join it?"

   So that's it, are these witches staring at me?

   Indeed, for the Infinite Witch, Zod is the most special person they have ever seen, and the most suitable person to become a hunting god.

   "Who are the other people who hunt the gods of the universe?"

   Zod asked.

   "Hunting gods is a very dangerous thing, so accidents often happen, so we are constantly cultivating fresh blood...

   Infinite witches stretched out four fingers.

  "There are currently four **** hunters, of course...

   "If you were to add you, it would be five now."

  Four people?

  Zod raised his eyebrows, which is less than I thought.

   Logically speaking, their strength may be very strong, but they should not be so unsolvable.

  The current plan of the Infinite Witches seems to be progressing very quickly, but if you think about it carefully, their plan is still in its infancy.

   Those cosmic gods who were killed, the strongest ones were about the same level as Ganata.

   As for the five great creation gods and higher beings, the existing subordinates of the Infinite Witch obviously have not been able to deal with it.

   "Who are the other four?"

   However, the Infinite Witch smiled and shook her head.

   "Zod, your mission is different from them, so you don't need to know who they are."

   Obviously, they still maintain the necessary vigilance. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

   "Zod, we have a very strong hunch."

   They stretched out their dry palms and rubbed Zord's pectoralis major.

   "Your body can carry a very large amount of energy, and you will become our strongest **** hunter and the first **** hunter to hunt the creation god..."

   If you have something to say, don't move!

  Zod took a step back.

  The Infinite Witches didn't mind, they walked back, and Zod followed.

   The witches took him out of this corridor.

   After leaving the castle, they walked along the path. After a long time, a huge pit appeared in front of them.

   The diameter of this huge pit is at least 30,000 meters. The inside of the pit is barren, with only hard soil and gravel.

   The huge pit is not bottomed out, and the line of sight can only reach about 100,000 meters deep. When you look down, you will be blocked by layers of white mist. It is a cosmic source energy that is so rich that it is almost materialized.

  ——This is the quarry of the gods.

   Of course, the most terrifying thing about it is not its scale.

   Countless statues that have been petrified are hung on the rock wall inside the quarry.