
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 44: Blade Technology Industry Wins the Lawsuit

   And even if other people get this prototype, they can produce the shell at most, and the Ark Reactor with the inner core and the energy core can't do it at all.

   Obadiah was so angry that he quickly searched for relationships to find out where Tony Stark went.

Originally, if Zod gave Tony Stark to the Gang of Ten Rings, I didn't know that the Gang of Ten Rings, who Tony Stark had already made steel suits to sell, might return Tony Stark back, but Zod considered There is such a possibility that only the animalized soldiers under him can act as terrorists.

   Take Tony Stark out on time every day and let him see the tragedy of ordinary civilians oppressed by terrorists who have obtained Stark industrial weapons.

   Tony Stark's anger from the beginning, to anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, now is the stage of self-blame, annoyance and pain.

   After all, Tony Stark always thought that his weapons were to support anti-terrorism, but now they are used by terrorists to harm innocent people.

   This is also the natural difference between Tony Stark and other arms dealers. He still retains the rare innocence.

It was not accidental that he became a hero, but the conditions already existed, just lack of an activation. Zod originally worried that Tony might not have reached that stage yet and could not experience it. Now seeing Tony Stark's reaction, He knew he was worrying too much.

   Tony Stark becoming Iron Man is inevitable.

   "But it will take a while to grind to make him suffer more."

   Zod thought hummingly.

Affected by Tony Stark's disappearance, Zodhis was also summoned because he was the biggest suspect. However, Zodhis cites that Blade Technology Industry is just an ordinary technology group and is unable to engage in terrorist attacks and kidnappings. In addition, he is not short of money now, and he has hired a large number of large-scale lawyers, and he has won the case directly.

Nick Fury from S.H.I.E.L.D. watched Zordheath's every move and listened to Zordheath's signals, but didn't know that those were false signals that the Black Queen confuses him, but SHIELD was given by the Black Queen I followed the vine and listened.

Tony Stark has not been retrieved for many days, and there is even no news. Most people have already assumed that Tony Stark may have been killed. Because the kidnappers did not even call for money extortion, the stock price of Stark Industries began to suffer. At the same time, in the eyes of outsiders, Blade Technology Industry and Stark Industry had to fight for several years in the lawsuit, which directly let Blade Technology Industry win the lawsuit. Stark Industry was accused of not having the ability to produce steel suits. The military chose to give up, and Blade Technology Industry was awarded 800 million US dollars in compensation!

   Stark Industries also seems to have been subdued, and did not continue to appeal to the courts of other places, otherwise there may be a possibility of winning the case due to different laws in each state.

In fact, Obadea has broken everything that can be smashed in the office. Every day he opened his eyes and watched the stock price of Stark Industries decline, which stimulated Obadea to almost have a stroke and a cerebral hemorrhage. When he was older, his heart was affected. No such stimulus.

Eight hundred million US dollars is not a big deal for Stark Industry. What makes Obadea unhappy is the attitude of the military. As soon as the tone changed, Stark Industry faced the anger of the Blade Technology Industry alone, and Urd was concerned about history. Tucker Industries was very angry for plagiarizing its own leading products. The lawyers were angry again and again, and only cut down 800 million US dollars in compensation, which was only 50 million US dollars at the beginning.

  Zord also knew that it was unlikely that Stark Industry would be hurt, so he didn't care. If he cared about everything, he probably wouldn't have time to work on his own affairs.

   However, Blade Technology Industry has revealed that it has the idea of ​​establishing a branch on the rabbit side, which makes America panicked.

  Although it's just a branch, what if Zordhis runs over by accident?

Of course, Zod will definitely not go there. There is a spear bureau on the rabbit side, which controls all the superheroes and super villains in the entire country, and Iron Man's mortal enemy Manman is also because he can't stay on the rabbit side. Go down and be kicked out.

  Rabbit is naturally unwilling to welcome it, and let Daofeng Technology Industry pick it randomly in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. At that time, they will arrange a piece of land for Daofeng Technology Industry as a branch base.

  The United States hated the shamelessness of rabbits, and then they quickly countered and found a plot in New York to sell it to Blade Technology Industry at half price, as well as a variety of sophisticated instruments.

   Zod looked weird when he heard the news, in New York?

   I didn't dare to ask, that bad place has bad feng shui, all day long, an evil place where insurance companies go bankrupt.

   Haven't seen that even if the blade technology industry has grown thousands of times now, is it still headquartered in Washington, DC?

Uuld did not expect his own BOSS to make such a move. As a result, other countries heard the wind and said that they could let Blade Technology Industry own a piece of land in their own country for free. The ownership rights ranged from 70 years to those that did not exist in Blade Technology Industry~ www.mtlnovel.com~ and I will help with construction.

This made the United States very passive. Fortunately, Zodhis didn't mean to agree. He only sent Uuld to talk to the rabbit. He also knew that he probably couldn't leave the United States through normal channels, customs and so on. Will jam him to death and prevent him from passing.

   In this delicate situation, Blade Technology Industry replaced Stark Industries as the most important industrial group in the United States, Zod received an invitation from A.I.M. to meet.

  A.I.M., the full name is AdvancedIdeaMechanics, Chinese translated as Pioneer Technology.

If you don't know yet, AIM is actually the company of the villain who researched the Extremis Virus in Iron Man 3. Of course, this is the setting of the movie. In the setting of the comics, the leader of AIM is Mordor, not Orr. Derek Killian.

   "Want to work with me to improve the DNA project?"

  Zord looked at the appointment message left by Aldrezi Kilian. Aldrezi Kilian claimed to have a project that could improve human DNA and wanted to cooperate.

   Extremis virus?

It is now eight years ago. Aldrezi Killian should be still experimenting with Extremis Virus, but he found that he could not develop Extremis Virus with his own talents, and then met Tony who had a one-night stand a few years ago Maya Hansen, from her, got the formula that Tony Stark wrote down at the beginning, which took the Extremis Virus one step further.

   This has caused even if Aldrezi Killian hates Tony Stark's original humiliation, he has to find a way to ask Tony Stark for help. This is probably the most helpless thing in life.