
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 438: Infinite Witch

"At our level, it is not that we use the rules, but the rules are controlled by us and become what we want."

   "We are the original Tao, the Taoism and the Taoism of the Taoist school."

  Zod and Kaos seem to have done nothing, but they seem to have fought a million times. Their speed may be so fast that they can't be recorded in the quantum realm. The realm without time is because they have reversed and reversed.

   In fact, the game between them is very fierce, and they are constantly engaged in battles that can erase the opponent, and then they are constantly offset.

   is like grabbing a coin in the process of tossing a coin and deciding its pros and cons.

In fact, there is no such a desperate single universe powerhouse, but for Kaos, Zod's black hole dimension has been deeply rooted in the Olympus dimension. If Zod is not killed, it is equivalent to I gave up myself, it was no different from death.

   Of course it is impossible for Zod to let go of the Olympus dimension.

   This actually hides a real single cosmic god. Even if he is not pluralistic, he is not far behind... Although this difference is not far away, I have always wanted to make Zod complain.

   In the unkind gaze of the dimensional demon gods and single universe gods onlookers, Zod took the lead in jumping out of the fight, and Kaos was stunned for a moment, and then found that Zod was safe and sound.

   Does he still have extra energy? ? ?

   Kaios feels bad.

   "It's time to end all this, otherwise I don't know how long it will take."

   Zod showed his way.

As mentioned earlier, when you reach the realm of a single cosmic god, you are a great way and you are heaven and earth. The four elements of time, space, mass, energy, and the rules and concepts of life and death can be controlled and changed. Therefore, there will be crimson magic and power. Chaos magic is an easy power to modify reality.

   Of course, Chaos Magic is the product of the Great Demon God of multiple dimensions after all, and that kind of realm Zord is still unimaginable.

   Kaios knew that the next blow was doomed to life and death, so he was extremely alert.

   "It seems that you haven't mastered the most important power in this realm..."

   However, seeing the guarded Kaos, Zod showed an expression of winning.

   Kaios didn't know why, but saw Zod's hands start to gather something.

   One is to generate a huge force that can push everything, and the other is to concentrate this huge force to the smallest point.

Then the blow, perhaps this force is very small for the entire universe as a whole, but the power saturation at this point can completely reach the explosion intensity at the moment when the universe opened up. This is the mystery of the universe opening up. , This is the original source that created all dimensions and all rules.

   is also the "spear" of the single universe realm!

   condenses all space-time mass energy, rules, and concepts into one blow.

   Indestructible, indestructible, inevitable death, beyond rules and concepts.

   Even the multiverse will oscillate under this blow!

   Every single universe powerhouse will have its own different "spear", just like the great demon of the crimson dimension, Saitorak, his crimson magic power and chaos magic are his spears.

   is the strongest and the most difficult attack to resist.

   Unless there is a "shield".

   But just as if even Zod himself hadn't understood how to use the "shield", Kaos, who couldn't even understand what Zod was doing now, didn't have the ability to withstand this attack.

  Kaos was hit by this overriding force in every dimension of this space and at every point in time, and his and Olympus dimensions were also erased by this blow.

When power condenses almost infinite power on a very small point where there is almost no space, this is indeed the power above all rules, because all rules come from this explosion of transcending power. Everything comes from the moment the first multiverse exploded.

   This blow represents the beginning of the chaos. When Hongmeng was not born, the strongest force wandering in the end and beginning. It was the shock on the strings of the multiverse, and it was the manifestation of the strongest force!

   The entire multiverse oscillated, and Kaos was unable to fight back, even unable to understand himself...dead?

Doesn't it mean that the single cosmic **** is immortal? As long as the dimension he maintains is still there, even if he is wiped out by the same attack, he can be reborn in the dimension, unless the traces left by him are erased from the dimension. Kill him completely.

but why.

   Kaios felt the Olympus dimension, and his traces were also erased.

  Countless time and space, countless dimensions, countless parallel universes of Kaos were wiped out by this sudden blow, why is the multiverse trembling?

   Because it lost countless Kaos in the single universe and traces of his existence, the Olympus God System disappeared forever.

  Zod swallowed Kaos. Unlike the sentinel, Kaos has really mastered the power of the single universe after all, so it is not that simple to digest him.

   Fortunately, Zod has wiped out his will and his reality, so this power has been reduced to an unconscious power, and it does not need to spend hundreds of millions of years to destroy him.

   The Olympus dimension was also swallowed by the black hole dimension.

   If Domam knew the speed of Zord's gaining strength, he would probably be jealous.

   However, just as Zod was about to digest this power peacefully, he came to a place unknowingly.

   This is a huge cavity. The cavity is so big that it may even be large enough to accommodate a small planet.

  And on this hollow stone wall~www.mtlnovel.com~ there are countless stone statues inlaid.

   These stone statues are big or small, the big ones are on the shoulders of the gods, and the small ones are no different from ordinary people. They have different images. There are warriors with huge swords, angels with wings on their backs, and demons with first horns...

   Countless stone statues are filled with the breath of ancient vicissitudes without exception, as if they have stood in the hole for hundreds of millions of years.

   They have different looks, lifelike, and most of their faces are written with satisfaction and intoxication, as if they have stayed in a dream forever.

"this is?"

   Zod was shocked, who could bring him here unknowingly?

   "Welcome to the quarry of the gods."

   Three faint voices sounded at the same time.

  Zord followed the sound, when he saw three black-robed old women, they stood in a triangle, suspended in the cavity, like the guards here.

   "Infinite Witches!" Zod recognized the three witches.

   These three seemingly ordinary old women in black robes are actually extremely mysterious and powerful gods in the universe, even comparable to the five cosmic gods.

   There is no need to say more about the five gods. Except for the Planet Devourer, the other four are abstract existences without concrete images and personalities, and they are the incarnation of laws.