
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 436: The strongest force to create and destroy the world

Rumble! !

With the entire world of Olympus as the battlefield, where the two great beasts fought, both the heavenly gods and the Olympus gods were frightened.

The white divine power bloomed, and the radiant light burst from Tartarus, the white arrogance soared, illuminating the world for a moment.

The white shock wave pierced the sky upwards and pierced the abyss downwards. The aftermath lifted countless dust in the world, rolling down, shaking the mountains and the earth.

The area affected by the battle is extremely wide, and there is no perfect place at the end of the line of sight.

In the air, the powerful residual energy disturbs the magnetic field, and the wandering electric ions wash back and forth, making the sky overcast and unpredictable, throwing in colorful lights from time to time.

Even if Olympus wins this battle, it will take millions of years for this dimensional space to be reconstructed.

At this time, the golden flame burning the sky and boiling the sea ignited again, and the golden crow flapped its wings and flew out of the bottomless abyss.

The volley is full of colorful lights, which is exceptionally gorgeous.

It was like a stormy sea, roaring between heaven and earth.

The golden flames, colorful brilliance, and spatial ripples spread out, and the space was shattered in an instant, and countless broken space fragments were mixed in a huge blow, and bombarded directly towards the location of Tartarus.

Tartarus' counterattack was even more direct. He directly grabbed a large piece of Olympus world cornerstone and smashed it.

The vast and majestic impact erupted with loud and earth-shaking noises.

In the next moment, the spilled energy impact was as dense as rain, like a sharp sword breaking through the sky, sweeping across the sky in all directions.

The sky is three feet taller!

Tartarus fights like demolishing a house, for fear that the world of Olympus will not be completely destroyed.

For a while, even the Golden Crow was a little bit confused. The opponent was an enemy or a friend. Their heavenly gods came here to do damage to speed up the heavenly court to swallow the world of Olympus, but Tartarus directly demolished the cornerstone of the world...

This is so much faster than their destruction!

The terrifying tearing force shook the sky and the earth, and Tartarus waved the cornerstone of the world, making it difficult for the Golden Crow to fight.

After all, it is the cornerstone of the world. Its hardness is far greater than that of all matter, and its weight is terrifying. The piece in Tartarus's hand is only the size of a Japanese island, but in terms of quality, even black hole celestial bodies can't match it.

In the dark, there is a chilling force exerted on the entire Olympus world, oppressing the world to be fragmented.

The golden crow blooms magnificently, like a wave, revealing an endless depressive breath.

In an instant, the terrifying divine light eclipsed the sky and the sun. At any rate, it was also the race of the emperor of ten thousand demons in the wild. A momentary deflation could not cause any damage to the golden crow. On the contrary, the damage caused by Tartarus was the endless sun in the dimension of the black hole. With the support of divine power, the Golden Crow recovered without even needing a breath.

The aftermath caused by the shocking space has a wide range of implications. The invisible and huge power echoes. Tartarus swung the cornerstone of the world several times, and then the cornerstone became an axe and sword.

In the prehistoric world, this is at least an artifact of the level of Pangu banners. After the axe sword is formed, the dark divine power cleaved is even more terrifying, and there is even an indestructible concept in it.

When the Golden Crow tried to forcibly connect the axe sword, he was directly split in half. If it weren't for immortality, it was already dead.

The starry sky trembled, and the awe-inspiring power continued, as if the Milky Way was pouring down from nine days. The axe and sword in Tartarus's hand blocked the space, not giving the slightest escape or escape.

Golden Crow is not a vegetarian either, although he doesn't have a magic weapon in his hand, he can't fight that fierce axe and sword.

It opened its wings and condensed the sun's divine power into the sun's divine light. The entire Olympus world suddenly became cold and dim. All the light and heat were condensed by the golden crow in this blow, and even affected the entire world.

Tartarus was not afraid, and swung an indestructible axe and sword towards the Golden Crow.

The Golden Crow also no longer condenses the sun's divine light, and the rivers into the sea generally gather the majestic torrent, carrying the power of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, blasting towards Tartarus.

In an instant, the space in front of it was winding and twisting, and the cracks spread like a spider web, spreading out in all directions.

The starry sky trembles, and the earth-shaking sound is constantly violent, and the fragmentation is unstoppable.


The space around the violently shining Golden Crow is shattered!

The divine light of the sun was easily split in half by the sword and axe, but it was only divided into two, and its strength was not weakened at all!

Tartarus perceives this, and the huge divine body that seems to be standing upright suddenly transforms into pitch black, the twisting space is fragmented, and layers of collapse are attracted by the darkness.

The black sun levitates, arrogantly permeated by terror oppression, the central black vortex is distorted, and the edges are dark and deep, carrying the power of endless destruction.

The rapids of energy could not spread, and the folded space of the dark abyss of Tartarus's incarnation was twisted together, and then quickly shrank, pulling the endless starry sky, and the visitors would not refuse to absorb it.

The terrifying gravity made the sun divine light unable to escape, bending and being pulled into the dark abyss by it.

The darkness shrank violently, and the gods looked at this mighty power that destroys everything. Under this huge catastrophe of destroying the world, all creatures in the world suffered heavy casualties. The gods that escaped the world and the evil beasts that existed in ancient times did not escape. After all, it turned into gray.

Everything is like the beginning of heaven and earth, and the elements such as earth, fire, water and wind continue to riot.

At this time, the earth roared and trembled, and a big cyan hand broke through the mountains and rivers and slowly climbed up from the ground.

His body stood on top of the earth, no, thousands of clouds only reached the waist and abdomen, swept away the stars while waving his hands, and when he lifted his foot, the sea trembled and the waves were violent.


The Olympian gods were shocked~www.mtlnovel.com~ Didn't it mean that Kaos was already in line with the rules?

The four super primitive gods, Kaos was integrated into the rules, and the 'Eros' Eros was missing. He was suspected to be the same as Kaos. After his birth, he left the desire to multiply and returned to the rules.

'Abyss' Tartarus is missing, and the dark abyss where he is incarnate is also missing, but now it seems that it may be integrated with this Kaos!

The strongest force in the creation and destruction of the world of Olympus-Kaos!

"It turns out that Tartarus destroyed the world of Olympus in order to summon Kaos..."

Zod nodded, Gaia and the two Dark God couples are gone, and they are probably part of Kaos.

This is the trump card of Olympus World.

The sky, the underworld, the earth, and the ocean are all turning into nothingness and disappearing, and the gods of the heavens are accidentally swept in by that nothingness, and they are all gone.

Golden Crow is no longer an opponent of Kaos, and can only support it hard.