
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 434: Destroy the world with 3 feet of golden crow

The fairy cloud spreads, sweeping down with the momentum of the sky, and then the layers are distinct, spreading out a flag in the cloud.

Three hundred and sixty-five celestial generals held flagpoles and waved the stars, converging and forming in mid-air, manifesting a world of stars.

Even if they were far away in the underworld, the gods still had palpitations, and only felt the boundless aura rushing toward their faces.

This wasn't the Zhoutian Star Array, Zord couldn't make it even if he wanted to. After all, it wasn't a system.

This is just a kind of seal formation, Zord does not want to let go of any Titan God.

At the same time, in the mortal world and the **** realm, there are also a large number of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals holding "Juyun Flags" and laying down the nets of heaven and earth to block the dimensional space of the Olympus **** system.

Then the heavenly soldiers held their bows and aimed at the Olympus gods, the golden light fell from the sky, the golden light rain washed, and the roots and arrows penetrated the space, leaving them no way into the sky and no door!

The scorching coercion swept across the world, instantly scorching endless heat waves.

Darkness rushed, and the continuous loud noises shook the sky and the earth collapsed, and the space shattered like a mirror, showing a black gap that spread madly.

The chaotic air flow raged away, and every strand carried an extremely powerful lethality, impacting all around, up to the clouds and down to the earth.

Rumble! !

The two super primitive gods of the underworld, the Dark God, finally couldn't help but jump out.

The combined force of the husband and wife stirred the energy frenzy again and again, and the black aftermath of ink overflowed into strands, swaying far away between the heaven and the earth.

The terrifying power disturbs the sky and causes irreparable disasters on the earth.

The ground splits, the mountains collapse, the tsunami floods the land...

Without vain calamity, mortals suffer when true gods fight!

Fortunately, the millions of heavenly soldiers and generals have long been arrested... No, transfer away the mortals in this dimensional space, otherwise they will kill evil in vain.

Of course, millions of heavenly soldiers and generals are just a past tense, and now they are hundreds of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, overwhelming, without any omission.

Most of the billions of heavenly soldiers were the souls of angels contributed by the previous heaven dimension. Zod picked out the group of souls that could play the most and reshaped them into this full-blown card of billions of heavenly soldiers.

Hundreds of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals were so powerful that all the gods who watched the battle felt the pressure.

In the darkness, a ray of golden light bloomed, and at first the sparkling fire was not worth mentioning.

Afterwards, the flames bloomed and stretched for thousands of miles to disperse the darkness. The mania momentum was unstoppable, and the two super primitive gods, the Dark Gods, could not suppress it jointly.

The darkness dissipated, the golden sea of ​​fire gathered, and turned into a big bird with wings-three-legged golden crow!

Just as the sun descended in the same round, shining in all directions, the entire God Realm seemed to light up, and even the temperature rose dozens of times.

"What is that, it actually has the power of the sun god!"

The gods of Olympus were shocked, especially Apollo. He felt that his sun divine power was completely candle and sun compared with this strange bird.

This gap is too big!

"Is that the sun **** of heaven?"

The gods were surprised that the sun **** in the heavenly court was actually a bird...Although pulling is also a bird-headed human body, at least pulling is also a human.

The three-legged golden crow screamed, and the golden light of the whole body was divided into thousands, with the momentum of overwhelming the sky, blasting to the whole world, the sea was vaporized, the golden light hit a little god, and then he was also vaporized.

The endless golden light source is continuously lasing in all directions, and the endless light and heat even begin to melt the earth.

The golden sea of ​​fire ran into the sky, and instantly turned into a huge flame column, and the fire continued to rag with the wind, whizzing up from the ground.

The sky and the earth pierced through, and the wind and clouds were boiling and rolling, rolling in from all directions, covering the sky with a vortex entrenched in the sky, and the momentum was extremely shocking.

"That bird is destroying Olympus!"

"how is this possible!"

"Find a way to stop it!"

The earth mother **** Gaia finally shot, and the earth rolled up, forming a cliff sword and shooting at the three-legged golden crow.

The three-legged golden crow didn't evade, and the sword of the cliff was annihilated and gasified by the light and heat it released before it approached completely.

Suddenly, the divine energy of the earth condensed by the sword of the cliff could not be stabilized in the impact, and the manic elements wrapped in the hurricane and shot, like the collapse of the heavens and the earth, blooming in all directions.

An extremely dark crack swayed open in the center, quickly venting chaotic energy, increasing the power of the shock wave to spread.

Then, shrink at a faster rate.

The vortex ripples entangled, and the disintegrated space suddenly shrank into the tip of a needle, swallowing the overflowing energy, and pulling into the distance beyond the broken space.

The golden light fell across the sky, embellished with bright rays of light in the ripples and tremors, and saw a bright golden light, bombarding the ground where Gaia was, splashing a plume of smoke into the sky.

The Dark God's husband and wife also took action, and if they didn't restrain the three-legged strange bird, then this world would be ruined.

The dark tide sea rushed, continuously beating down, and the black tsunami that waved back and forth directly flooded the place where the Three-legged Golden Crow was located.


The golden light broke through the darkness and turned into an endless ocean of flames. The scorching high temperature swept the world and changed color, and the burning space was turbulent and agitated.

The dark ocean burned a huge vacancy, and the black divine power evaporated in the swing, as if it had encountered a natural enemy, unable to move forward.

In the darkness, a pair of golden wings spread out, and the roots and feathers bloomed brilliantly, coating the sky and the earth with a layer of local gold.


The gloomy sky is full of golden lights, and billions of golden lights dot the curtain, projecting the magnificent power, making the whole world tremble.

The underworld is independent of the sky, ocean, and earth, and belongs to two worlds separately from the human world, and has always been respected by the gods.

But this does not mean that the underworld is not important ~ www.mtlnovel.com~ No matter in which mythological system, the names of underworld, underworld, reincarnation, etc., are the most indispensable links that constitute the stability of the world.

Olympus is no exception, the underworld is very meaningful.

However, at this moment, even the underworld is penetrated by the terrifying sun power of the three-legged golden crow. Olympus has never seen such a terrifying monster. Even the father of ten thousand demons Tifeng is in front of this three-legged strange bird. It's worse!

Gaia frowned, and didn't think much about why she was just riding a male god. After returning, the Olympus was gone, and the heavens were about to collapse the Olympus dimension.

The scepter of the earth was erected, and the heavy and steady power turned into an invisible defensive position, violently colliding with the divine power of the sun falling from the sky.

The two earth-shaking forces intertwined in one place, and immediately stirred the entire underworld to shake violently, and waves of violent divine power washed away, continuously cleaning the gray world.

Overbearing, the blazing sun divine power is invincible, even Gaia was burned by the invincible golden light!

The **** position of the sun **** is also extraordinary in the heavenly court, and it can even be said to be terrifying.