
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 431: The escaped gods of Olympus

Zeuston knew that his last blow must have been blocked by this small tower.

Although there is no building with a structure like a tower in Greece, when you reach the realm of gods, most things can be known at a glance.

When Zeus saw the small tower, he knew it was the heaven and earth mysterious yellow and exquisite pagoda.

Being able to understand its message and meaning, it's just strange why Heavenly Court didn't come up with such a powerful artifact before?

Zeus thought for a while. He didn't believe that there were invincible defenses in this world. Aegis couldn't do it. What's more, what kind of heaven and earth Xuan Huang Linglong pagoda?

He shouted loudly, demonstrating the majesty of the **** king, and delivered a blow with all his strength. The sky was dimmed and the thunder fell straight down with a terrifying force.

boom! ! !

The thunder strike was accompanied by a violent explosion. Under the drowsy icy black curtain, the golden thunder light dispelled the blue of the vast ocean, as if to smash it in one fell swoop.

The boiling thunder light sprinkled the terrifying aura of destruction, the dazzling white light gleamed, and the scattered Thunder Snake sprang out of his body, swarming around in a manic hurricane, rippling waves in the air.

Whoosh! !

In the sharp piercing sound, an extremely cold edge carrying an unstoppable thunder, pointed directly at the heavenly gods ahead.

After the heavenly gods knew that the little tower above their heads was actually the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, they were relieved.

Watching Zeus's performance is like watching a clown.

The beam of light bombards the yellow light and bursts of ultra-high-density high-heat energy.

Rumble! !

The sky was shaken for a while, and the dazzling white light suddenly shone, piercing the clouds for a long time, and burst out with a roar that resounded through the world.

The energy is so strong that the stars spread out the aftermath, shredding the nearby space, and distorting the winding black lines.

Rumble! !

The earth trembles violently, a mushroom cloud rises high, and the sky is full of dust.

After the sigh, the dust that filled the sky remained still, landing at the same time, the blue sky was washed, and the visibility of the air was clear and scary.

The mountains and plains shook together, and in the magnificent resonance, the boundless pressure spread, and even the gods could not protect themselves in the face of this pressure, and they seemed as fragile as mortals!

Chaos but orderly, the air pressure that gave birth to horror ravaged the surrounding area.

boom! boom! boom! boom----

The light beam rubbed the atmosphere to generate heat, leaving dazzling orbit marks, and the air suddenly wailed, long overdue for several seconds.

Immediately afterwards, the rapid wailing was drowned out by the deafening, continuous loud noise.

The sputtering light plows out red awns, bombards the earth, and explodes everything it touches into waste.

The earth shook up and down, the mountains and rivers were razed to the ground in an instant, the wolf column of gunpowder rose up, the waste soil was filled with dust, the dull explosions became one piece, and the earth was baptized by successive light beams.

Rumble! !

The mountains are full of scorched earth, and the earth is turned overwhelmed by mottled ruins. Compared with the surroundings, the sky here is more than 100 meters high.

This palpitation that makes the soul tremble is caused by the automatic counterattack of the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth. It does not touch all the laws, and the laws do not fall. Simply put, it comes with 100% anti-A, and Zeus is directly reflected back. The lightning spear flew to nowhere.

How much power he used, the damage he caused was so great. When everything subsided, Mount Olympus collapsed for a little while, and the Olympus gods disappeared.

"Quickly, I can't give that king of Zeus a moment to breathe!"

The heavenly gods flew out of the protection range of the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, knowing that this was sent by the Emperor of Heaven to protect them, otherwise, the two attacks of Zeus just now would cause serious injuries if not dead, and the dead must be returned to the fairy pond. Reborn inside.

The heavenly gods pursued the fleeing Olympus gods and the god-king Zeus.

On the other side, Athena came to the underworld of hell.

The heaven did not stay here too much, and now all are in the mortal world of the Olympus **** system, so she moved forward cautiously, only to find that there was no one.

Hades was gone, and Heaven did not find anything wrong with the **** soil, which surprised Athena a little.

Tartarus is the deepest part of the underworld of hell, and represents the basic element of the universe-the abyss!

People or gods of eternal sins are imprisoned here. After the rise of brothers and sisters such as Zeus, Cronus, king of the second generation of gods, and other Titan gods were mostly imprisoned here, and then some gods and evil men were successively imprisoned.

It can be said that Tartaros is the place where the Zeus family is the most jealous. Once there is a problem, such as the escape of Titans, it is a battle to destroy the world.

But it is undeniable that now that the Olympus gods live and die, they can no longer care about so much.

Although Athena was in the underworld, she also saw the scene in the sky. Zeus lost to the heavens and was defeated, and then the Olympus gods ran faster than the rabbits.

She feels helpless and reasonable about this situation. Usually Zeus suppresses the Olympian gods. Even the people of the Zeus family are in intrigue with each other. Today you hook up with my wife, and tomorrow I will sleep with your daughter. , His son will sleep with your wife the day after tomorrow, and I will sleep with your grandson the day after tomorrow...

In fact, the gods have been complaining for a long time. Look at other gods that are so chaotic and unruly like them, the trees are scattered and the walls are pushed by the people. This is probably the case.


"Gaia didn't come out..."

Zod sits high in the sky, and the scene just now was very good, but what made him strange is that it was like this, and Gaia had no reaction at all.

Gaia is the mother of the earth, the mother of all gods, in charge of the earth, life, and creation, and its ability is...almost omnipotent.

The Zeus family can overthrow the Titans, apart from the unpopularity of the second-generation Titan King Cronus ~www.mtlnovel.com~ There is another important reason. Zeus has the support of Gaia, which leads to many neutrals, or the descendants of Gaia. , The choice fell to Zeus's side.

In addition, most of the gods who originally supported Cronus have become neutral.

After ten years of victory in the Titan Wars, the three brothers of Zeus sat in a row, and Kukai Ming divided the fruits. Only the three brothers took charge of the earth.

I say so, but everyone with a discerning eye knows that the earth always belongs to Gaia, and no one dares to touch her authority.

Under normal circumstances, Gaia never participates in the struggle of the gods, and belongs to the type of happiness and everything is done.

But once she gets upset, everyone who offends her will be unlucky.

For example, a generation of **** king Uranus was overthrown by his younger son, and Jill was cut off.

For example, Cronus, the second-generation **** king, was overthrown by his younger son and became a prisoner of the ranks. He is still singing behind bars and tears.

But now that the heavens are invading, Gaia can't still ride a certain man, hasn't discovered all this, right?