
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 43: Big **** kidnapped in advance

If Zordhis really did it, it would be a problem.

   Although Nick Fury didn't want to be such a thing, he still started Natasha who sneaked into the Blade Technology Industry and became a senior assistant.

   Natasha, who is aliased as Natalie, felt too challenging after receiving the task. I didn't become an important person to investigate the secrets of the boss...

   Black Widow Natasha, full name Natalia Arianovna Romanova, referred to as Natalia Romanova.

Born in Stalingrad in the former Soviet Union in 1928, he was trained as a special agent by the former Soviet Union operatives since his childhood. After the former Soviet government's transformation, his body has greatly delayed his aging rate, and strengthened his immune system and fighting ability. In addition, he has been trained for many years. With various physical and mental trainings, he has become a deadly poisonous spider "Black Widow", who later betrayed the former Soviet secret service organization "Red Room" and joined the Avengers. His age is only 8 years younger than Captain America.

   1928, now is the millennium of 2000, one can imagine how old the black widow is this year.

   According to the comics, Black Widow had fallen in love with Bucky the Winter Soldier and rolled over the sheets. Of course, it was in the Soviet Union, and the relationship between Black Widow Natasha and the Winter Soldier was not allowed by the state. She was asked to break up with the Winter Soldier and married test pilot Alexei Shostakov.

   Although this marriage was arranged by a superior, Natasha fell in love with Alexei. But soon after, Natasha received a notice from her superiors that Alexei was killed in a rocket test, and she was distraught and returned to work.

   Then Natasha became a veritable "Black Widow". She accepted various tasks to break into the Western social circle, seduced scientific and technological personnel with beauty, made them defect and serve the Soviet Union...

Natasha carefully approached the area where the company was not allowed to approach. It was a place that even her boss Ould had no permission to approach. Natasha felt that even if there were secrets, it was probably there. If the kidnapping of Tony Stark really If it was Zordhis doing it, maybe Tony Stark was also in that area.

   She didn't know, she was discovered by the Black Queen just as she approached, and then the Black Queen notified Zod. Zod was surprised and saw the Black Widow through the pinhole camera.

   Very beautiful woman, but because the black widow does not look like Scarlett, Zord did not recognize it.

   "Is this a female agent?"

   Zod watched with interest. He wanted to know how the beautiful female agent of the agency he arranged would deal with.

   The 50-millimeter-thick sub-Krypton Golden Gate made the black widow unable to start, and the intelligence was insufficient, and the black widow did not even know how to open this gate.

She speculated that it should be a high-tech that she could not understand. After all, it is now recognized that Zodhis is the only genius of this century. The blade technology industry has also become a place where many scientific researchers want to go. It is the treatment that Stark Industries has.

   The black widow took out the miniature camera to shoot, not letting go of any corner, to see if she could let the S.H.I.E.L.D. scientific research personnel analyze how to open the door after returning.

   She didn't know that there was a laser channel behind the door, unless she was possessed by Alice, otherwise she would die without the protagonist's halo.

  Zord is not in a hurry, after taking back his gaze, he starts his own research.

  Mechanical soldier!

This is a kind of combat weapon that Krypton once had. It was used to fight with the Kryptonians. After all, although the number of Kryptonians is not less than that of the earthlings, but to rule 100,000 worlds, the number of Kryptonians is still a little less, so there is Mechanical soldiers come to help and assist in governance and management.

   The mechanical soldiers controlled by the strong artificial intelligence have very strong management and assistance capabilities. Now that Zod has developed the strong artificial intelligence of the Black Queen, he will naturally not let go of the mechanical soldiers.

   Due to technical limitations, the mechanical soldiers made by Zod can only be considered so-so.

   Each mechanical soldier is equipped with four multi-barreled machine guns, a 75mm recoilless gun is mounted on the shoulder, and the lower part of the body is a hexapod mechanical leg, which is sufficient to adapt to any fighting environment.

In Krypton, these mechanical soldiers are powered by miniaturized hydrogen batteries, but now Zod has a better choice, the Zod element fire reactor, which can meet all the energy needs of the mechanical soldiers until they are scrapped, and can also make them With the support of strong energy, it turns into a flexible steel spider for output.

  The surface armor is still a layer of secondary krypton gold, which enhances the defense performance. A-level krypton gold is not used for these mechanical soldiers because it is expensive to build.

   Zod created mechanical soldiers only for the Zeta Rising Stars and Thanos' Dark Order. The War Machine is a castrated version, but it also gives countries the ability to protect themselves, not even the ability to fight back. UU Reading www.uukānshu.com

   Tony Stark is more unlucky. Zod did not hand him over to the Ten Rings, because he was worried that he would get rid of it, so he asked someone to pretend to be a terrorist in the Middle East.

   "He asks you to make a war machine for him, and then he will set you free."

   An elderly white man who replaced the role of Inson, Lauphy, said to Tony Stark.

   Tony Stark looked at the boasting terrorists in front of him.

   "He wouldn't do that."

   Tony Stark knows this very well, and at the same time he also complains about why he is so unlucky. If you want to build a war machine, catch Zordhis, mine is a steel suit!

   But why isn't Zordhis kidnapped? Of course, Tony Stark doesn't know the reason, because Zordhis is so clean, he wouldn't be a **** like him and go to the hotel with the cover model. He has been in the laboratory all the time. Tony still thinks of Zord. Heath doesn't know how to enjoy, and now he thinks that Zordheath is prescient!

   At the same time, Tony Stark also saw a lot of Stark Industries weapons in this terrorist base.

  What's the matter, how can Stark Industries' weapons be sold to terrorists? Tony Stark is in a complicated mood. He knows that Stark Industries is estimated to be a ghost, and the level is not low.

However, for the time being, there is no doubt about Obadea. After all, Obadea has been attacked. Without a hand and a foot, he is now kidnapped by terrorists. I don't know what the Stark Industry has become. .

   The Stark industry is in chaos now, because Tony Stark's disappearance was not Opadry's responsibility. He does not have this idea yet. What's more, the steel suit needs Tony to produce it!

   You know, so far, only one steel suit has been produced!