
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 427: Olympus

But Zod has passed the period when he found that kind of thing interesting.

Now he feels that kind of thing is very boring and boring.

Of course, if Tifa and Esders have a need, Zord will still satisfy them, and let them return with satisfaction every time.

"You are... the new emperor of the heavens?"

Hades knelt down in embarrassment, looking at the vast sun, moon and galaxy hanging high above his shoulders, like the sky above his head, the imposing imposing emperor.

At a glance, he knew that this heavenly emperor was definitely a great **** at the level of Gaia, the mother of the earth, and maybe even Gaia was not his opponent.

The new Heavenly Emperor of the Heavenly Court actually had such a terrifying strength, no wonder the Jade Emperor before him was over without a hum.

"Keep him down."

Zod didn't have any interest in surrendering tricks for a heavenly father. He only saved his life out of his appreciation of Hades, or he was sent directly to Zhan Sendai.

After the black hole dimension was manifested in the heaven, the function of the original heaven was also strengthened.

Slashing Xiantai has also become stronger and more practical. After you go up, no matter whether you are the heavenly father or the omnipotent heavenly father, the immortal or whatever, you can cut everything.

After being cut, it will directly become the nutrient of the black hole dimension, and the soul will be scattered, and there will be no possibility of rebirth.

And the rope that binds Hades such a heavenly father-level **** is not a mortal thing, but the exclusive immortal cord in the heavenly prison, the stronger the strength, the stronger the immortal cord, unless you are a single universe-level strong Or, it's still possible to break free.

What made Hades relieved was that the emperor didn't let Persephone be taken away, but the couple went to the jail together.


Persephone was at a loss, although she was too weak and no one restrained her, allowing her to move freely in the cell.

But since it is a jail, it can't be a good place.

Even the garrisoned Heavenly Soldier General felt cold and bitter, not to mention the Queen Persephone who was just a vase.

Fortunately, Hades found that he could still use his divine powers, and the heavenly gods seemed to have no interest in them. There was no Hades imagined that the Queen of Hades fell into the hands of the heavenly gods, first by the heavenly emperor XXXX, and then the heavenly court. The gods XXXX were finally trained into XXXX.

It's not that Hades has such a rich imagination, nor that he imagined the heavens so dirty. After all, his brother and a family of people are like this.

Hades has colored eyes since he was a child, and he can't take off his colored glasses when he grows up.

After protecting the Empress with divine power, Hades himself endured the cold expressionlessly without saying a word.


On the Heavenly Court, with the victory and pursuit, he left the underworld directly and went to the Mount Olympus, which is visible to mortals but never climbed.

As for the one blocking the way...no, the three-headed dog who was guarding the gate of the underworld is now being eaten by Zod with dog meat. It feels very tonic and very delicious.

If you guessed it correctly, the current Mount Olympus probably didn't know the news of the invasion of Heaven.

Don't be surprised, Zod chose the Greek **** system for surgery because of this reason. The whole **** system is rotten to the extreme from top to bottom, and only knows a group of gods who indulge in sensuality and enjoyment, and are hopeless.

"Maybe there are ancient gods left over from the Battle of Titans, and they just happened to be swept away."

After Zord finished eating the three-headed dog in hell, he lay comfortably on the throne of the emperor.

The battle of the Titans is a war between the Olympus Protoss and the Titan Protoss. The alternation of the old and the new gods almost destroyed the entire world, as well as the human beings at that time.

The war lasted for ten years, and the Olympus Protoss finally won. The defeated Titan Protoss was either punished or expelled to hell, and could never turn back.

At that time, there were many gods who defended their lives wisely and did not participate in this war. After the Olympus gods defeated the Titans, Zeus began to enshrine the gods, and these gods hugged again and became big-tailed.

This group of people listened not to the announcement, coupled with the alternation of old and new gods, the distribution of theocracy was full of contradictions, and they were unwilling to obey the theological framework established by Zeus.

This is a problem left over from history. The Zeus family got up too quickly. After defeating the Titans, they wanted to stabilize the root of the disease as soon as possible.

This also gave opportunities to other gods, as well as opportunities in the heavenly dimension.

The biggest feature of this world is that both the God Realm (Olympus) and the Underworld are connected to the main material realm in which mortals live. They are connected to the real matter, that is, they can be seen and touched. , Can go, not the kind that exists in another plane.

This is the world described by many civilizations in the early days, and this world is actually the period of mythical civilization, perhaps the late period of mythical civilization, which is the so-called period when gods and men lived together. At this moment, the heavenly gods traveled to Olympus by walking and flying. Sishan


The mountains are high and steep, majestic and majestic, towering majestically above the earth, as the center of the world, worshipped by the people from all quarters under the rule of the gods.

This sacred mountain means'place of light' in Greek mythology, and its status is equivalent to the heaven next door, where gods, demigods and their servants live.

Refer to Guangmingding, which probably means the same thing.

The gods do not fall into the mortal world, the gods are high above, so this mountain is very high.

The mountains are vertical and horizontal, with snow-capped peaks and tree-lined valleys. Whether it is the dawn of dawn or the cold moon after dusk, it must be covered with this mountain before it can land in the world.

This is the majesty of the gods, symbolizing the transcendent status of the gods, who build palaces on the top of the mountain and govern the world here.

How to manage it is hard to say~www.mtlnovel.com~ After all, Zeus is not at home every other time, and when he is discovered, he often wears disheveled clothes.

The flying speed of the heavenly gods is very fast, it can almost be said that they have flown a distance of thousands of miles in one breath.

The huge and unmatched Olympus mountain is already in front of you, but after flying for another minute or so, the Olympus mountain is still far away, as if the distance between them and this mountain is not at all stretched. Nearly the same.

"God's Domain?"

The gods of the heavenly court stopped, each **** system will have its own unique things, this is also the case of Olympus.

Mount Olympus is the ancestor of the earth veins in this dimensional space. To put it simply, it is similar to the Himalayas to the earth and Bu Zhoushan to the primordial land. It is a collection of the earth veins of the world.

To put it simply, a part of the whole world leaked energy will follow the earth veins and gather in such a place, even if it is only one percent, this is also one percent of the energy of a world, and it is also incredibly magnificent. Uncommon individual life can resist.