
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 424: The strongest fried chicken drumstick in the universe

The two figures facing each other in the air exude the same terrifying aura.

Although the battlefield has been changed to space, the aftermath of their fight is still thrilling, as if a wave of violent energy is set off in the void, impacting the space barrier.

All kinds of tiny particles that are invisible to the naked eye collide, burst into brilliant brilliance, and turn into a rare wonder of the universe.

The space of the black hole dimension is much tougher than the real dimension of space, but these are just wallpapers. After tearing this layer of camouflage, the Void Sentry will see countless black holes.

Of course, Zod didn't think he could tear it.

The main reason is that the gap between the two is too large. The Void Sentinel is just a single cosmic level. Zod is already super-single and does not know how many times it is. The number is so large that it is larger than the astronomical number, and it has lost the meaning of calculation.

Even if Zod didn't use any power, this body alone could completely crush the Void Sentry, and standing still and letting him fight would not hurt Zod a bit.

It's just that Zord felt very bored, so he let the Void Sentinel play with him, otherwise he would have been swallowed up long ago.


In a blink of an eye, the golden flames twisted and flashed.

The Void Sentinel straddled the void and appeared on the right side of Zod.

The arm was raised, bent into an elbow, and hit Zod's head.

Zod doesn't use the whole hand anymore, he just raised his mouth with an index finger, ignoring the light speed barrier, and resisting all the attacks of the Void Sentry at a speed faster than light.

Such a fierce and swift attack and defense.

In just one femtosecond, there are hundreds of times of switching between them.

Obviously it was a close fight, but the Void Sentinel found that even if he tried his best, he couldn't break through the defense line of Zod's index finger.

Every time a fist is thrown out, the vibration and explosion caused by it are annihilated in the dark and quiet vacuum environment, silently.

Only the surging torrent of energy destroys the surrounding cosmic dust and crushes it into smaller particles.

The two struggled fiercely while moving at high speed.


Zod's index finger blasted terrifying energy, and the Void Sentry couldn't dodge for a while, and his left arm shook into fleshy meat, which instantly decomposed and disappeared.

The threat of death urged the Void Sentry to release all its power.

He roared silently, and the sound waves were swallowed by the pitch-black void.

The golden flames emanating from his body immediately skyrocketed, and terrifying energy was released from his eyes.

A stream of violent particles like a hot sight, like a bank flood, sweeping everything!

Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Even with the huge energy of the gamma-ray stream, Zord could not be able to retreat. His index finger was like a brush with splashed ink, and dozens of terrifying energy attacks were launched, all hitting the Void Sentry.

Almost beat the Void Sentinel to pieces.

But at this time, Zod withdrew his hand, with a piece of meat looking expectantly at the Void Sentry in front of him.

The pitch-black shadow covered the golden flames erupted and released by the sentry, and twisted tentacles stretched out.


It is the negative personality in the sentinel.

As we all know, whitening is weak by three points and blackening is three times stronger. This law applies to any film and television works and cultural works.

The sentinel claims to have the power of millions of stars, but in fact, under normal circumstances, it is also the power of bursting stars.

Only by completely abandoning oneself, letting nothingness dominate, and breaking through restrictions, can the terrifying force that destroys the world be completely released.

The Sentry of Nothingness just gave Zod an awkward feeling, just like the reason that was still fastened in madness. After realizing this, Zod chose to disperse the consciousness of the Sentry, and then he saw the real "Nothingness" ".

The blood-red light, mixed with the pitch black shadow, merged bit by bit into the sentinel's body that had become fleshy.

The sharp limbs constantly pop out from behind, like open wings.

Zod watched the unscientific explosion of the sentinel's breath, and it was already several times stronger than it was just before it was fully formed. Normal people probably have desperately prevented the emergence of nothingness at this time.

But Zod didn't. He even condensed a chair and sat in space. By the way, he brought himself a drum of fried chicken drumsticks and Antarctic iced Coke, while taking the fried chicken drumsticks leisurely to dip tens of thousands of dollars a gram of fish roe. Jiang, while waiting for nothingness to come out.

At the same time, the sentinel occupied by the dark shadow "grew" out a new head.

It is still the same face, the look of Robert Reynolds.

But compared to before, there was no expression on his face, like a cold machine with no emotions.

The darkness of his eyes was full of destruction.

The former Sentry of Nothingness actually only amplifies the desire of the Sentry by Nothingness. The real Nothingness is a killing machine without any emotion and reason. Only in this way can the real power of the Sentry be brought into play.

Void raised his head, a heart-palpiting murderous intent, all of the void in a moment.

Without any words, this nihility was punched as soon as it appeared.

"Have you ever seen the strongest fried chicken drumstick in the universe?"

Zod suddenly said to him~www.mtlnovel.com~Get cash] Follow vx public. Public number [Book Friends Base Camp~www.mtlnovel.com~ You can also get cash!

Void did not react, and saw the tall figure appearing in front of Zod like a teleportation.

Within a few milliseconds, Zod was attacked fiercely like a violent storm.

The sharp limbs and fists filled with terrifying power also smashed over at the same time.

However, these were enough to easily cause a big bang in the universe, and every blow was a refining geomantic attack, but they were all blocked by the little fried chicken leg in Zod's hand.

This is maddening enough to make anyone feel insulted ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ nothingness but no reaction at all.

The explosive attack almost crushed the void.

"The gap is too far. You are so strong. You haven't learned to use other media to transmit your own power, nor can you use the power of concepts. I only need to use the power of ordinary people to wield a chicken leg to break your universe. A fist as powerful as a big bang."

Zord blocked him for a while, then he let go and took out the fried chicken legs, right in the void of his chest.

Nihility does not understand that the speed of his own neural reflections has surpassed the speed of light, and he can even read quantum fluctuations and fluctuations. In short, he can predict the future, but still can't avoid this fried chicken leg.

Moreover, the power of fried chicken legs was beyond imagination, shattering his extremely powerful body, which was countless times denser than a neutron star, forcing Nothingness to reorganize his body.

This time Void did not attack immediately, but was thinking about what had just happened, trying to find the answer from the clues revealed by Zod.

It is a pity that if these otherworldly powers are so easy to be learned by him, then the "gods" can commit suicide.