
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 423: The weakest single universe

Hela's ability might be able to make Heavenly Court suffer a big loss.

It's just that although he said his biological daughter, Hela may not have any good feelings for Odin.

According to Asgard's domestic violence tradition, she came up to beat up her father, which was a normal development.

On Zod's side, he found that the earth of the gods universe seemed to be something wrong, and he felt a powerful breath on this earth.

The aura seemed to be aware of Zod's observation and flew out directly, forming a golden figure.

The golden figure spewed out a burst of cosmic energy.

It's like one, no, it should be countless exploding celestial bodies, full of terrifying aura that destroys the world!

The mere response of the radiated energy causes the magnetic field to be disordered and the space vibrates.

The golden flame is actually a stream of violent particles.

They are like a rainbow, rising straight up into the sky, penetrating the atmosphere, and disappearing.

The tyrannical breath is still climbing upwards, as if never ending.


Zod looked at the man with the explosive power of millions of stars with interest, and he also saw that the opponent was not a sentry, or a sentry, but a very dangerous personality of the sentry.


The earth in the universe of the gods is all dominated by religious beliefs instead of the country, so there are sentries in this universe?

Shouldn't those heavenly fathers be able to stop the sentries?


It is the dark side of the sentinel's body.

Compared to Black Phoenix's negative personality, nothingness is more terrifying.

Because the former can at least communicate, but the latter will only destroy everything unreasonably.

The pupils opened by the sentry were pitch black, and the waves of destruction spread.

In his dark eyes, there is no mercy for life, and no mercy for the enemy.

Only nothingness!

After the destruction of everything, the ultimate nothingness that no matter exists!

The gods are actually not ignorant of the earth, but because of the emergence of nothingness, they can do nothing about nothingness, because compared to the heavenly Father's sentinel, nothingness is at the level of a single universe.

A group of heavenly fathers couldn't beat Nothingness together, but after being nearly killed by Nothingness, the gods retreated.

Then Nothingness killed all the superheroes in the world who rebelled against itself and ruled the world.

Compared with sentinels, nihility is full of various negative personalities, such as after ruling the world, indulging in sensuality, indulging in desire, and venting the possessive instinct of male creatures.

He even slaughtered more than 300 million men and drove most of the young and beautiful women to an area. He drove the rest of the men to an island. Every day when he got up, Nihility directly pulled over the women he saw and had sex.

All day long, the horrible physical strength, and the constitution that is immune to all viruses, made nothing fearless, and slapped more than 100 million women.

A woman who is tired of playing will let her mate with a young handsome man, optimize her genes, and raise her offspring separately from men and women.

The ugly men and women wanted to kill the nihility directly at first, but after thinking about it, nihhhh let them do the kind of work that requires human hands to operate.

Wastes of no value and talents are used to raise pets by nothingness, such as lions, tigers, sharks, big octopuses, and the like.

"Are you watching me, the so-called god?"

The Void Sentinel directly rushed into the heaven. For him at the single universe level, it is not difficult to find the location of the heavenly dimension, and Zod didn't mean to close the door.

On the contrary, he was eager for the Void Sentinel to send him to the door.

"Bold, dare to be presumptuous in front of the Emperor of Heaven!"

The heavenly gods stood up.

The Void Sentinel took a look at them, but it was a little unexpected that these guys who looked like miscellaneous fish actually had the strength comparable to other **** kings of the gods.

It seems that the strength of this group of gods is good.

"Retreat, he is not an enemy you can deal with."

Zod said.

Entering the dimension of his black hole is his food.

This imaginary sentinel probably has not been severely beaten by the society, and it happens that Zod is also a little boring.

"Interesting, it seems you are very confident."

The Void Sentinel was also a bit boring, and the gods hid, but they didn't expect to have a strong head now.

Boom! Boom boom boom!

The atmosphere was squeezed away severely, rubbing out a crimson light.

The accumulation of dark clouds scattered and empty, and the entire sky was illuminated.

Within a ten-thousandth of a second, the fist of the Void Sentinel slammed in front of Zod.


The Void Sentinel raised his eyebrows, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Since his debut, he has faced many enemies.

There are not many opponents who can take his fist head-on and survive.

The **** in front of him did it.

The Void Sentinel saw him react in a few microseconds, opened his palm, stretched it to his chest, and then firmly clenched his fist.

He even sat motionless, the punch of the Void Sentinel did not sway him, and the table and chair were not damaged. Zod's penetration into the atoms and energy completely offset all the power of this punch.

"Interesting technique."

The Void Sentinel's eyes lit up, his learning ability is very strong, and he can learn the molecular reorganization ability of the molecular man when fighting against the molecular man, so it is not difficult to learn Zord's subtlety.

Then Zod gave a punch.

The force of terror is like a sharp blade, straight through the tall body of the Void Sentinel.

An inhuman body capable of resisting the planet's Big Bang, like a ragged sandbag.

The chest collapsed immediately, and the bones all over his body screamed as shattered.

The whole person arched into an amazing arc, as if someone had broken the spine bone, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Although a little embarrassed, the sentry still blocked it.


The atmosphere was turbulent and thunderous.


As tens of thousands of explosives exploded all at once, setting off a strong air current.

The invisible force field held the two of them and threw them away.

They are like two meteorites, frantically rubbing the atmosphere, emitting intense flames.

During the full-speed flight, Zord and the Void Sentinel did not stop, but had a thousand violent collisions.

The Void Sentinel felt angry, and his body was casually beaten to collapse by Zord.

Like broken porcelain ~www.mtlnovel.com~ there are fine cracks.

"Too weak, you are the weakest single cosmic powerhouse I have ever seen."

Zod even carried one left hand behind him, and only used his right hand to confront the enemy.

The Void Sentinel only felt ashamed and shameful, when did he be despised so far!

"Mom messing with Fak!"

The Void Sentinel uttered an swear word, and those dark eyes were full of madness.

The golden figure stretched into a straight line, and slammed into Zod.


There was another shock!

They are like two colliding celestial bodies, the violent rays and high-energy particles formed when they meet each other, reflecting the deep and gloomy starry sky of the universe.

The dark space is the background board, and the stars are like flashing lights.