
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 416: King Odin

Odin, wearing the Destroyer armor, finally appeared.

   As soon as he appeared on the stage, he planned to frighten the heavenly court, so he took Yang Jian with an operation.

   must hit, the eternal spear that must penetrate directly penetrated his divine body when Yang Jian was caught off guard.

   then automatically returned to Odin's hands.

   This shock shocked many heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals and the heavenly gods.

   "The King of Asgard..."

   That is a character of the same level as the Emperor of Heaven.

  Zord is Odin who is holding his cheek and watching the show.

   Well, it's much better than the movie version. If the movie version has such a supernatural power to crush this space, it is probably more than a heavenly father.

   He also saw that this Odin was too powerful to bear his divine body, and suffered a lot of internal injuries, but there was no way to heal his injuries. Heavenly Court came to the door with his family.

   Yang Jian frowned after the Eternal Spear penetrated his body. Fortunately, the **** of justice was very powerful, and the wound healed directly.

   However, Yang Jian could still feel that Odin's overbearing and fierce divine power made his wound aching, and he didn't know how long it would take the judicial god's divine power to eliminate Odin's divine power.

   "Why did Heaven attack me Asgard?"

   Odin looked directly at the sky and asked.

   This is also the answer that many gods want to know.

   As everyone knows, the Jade Emperor of the Heavenly God System is very embarrassed. Right now, he can directly attack the Nordic God System, which is known as the most reckless in the God System. Where is the courage?

   "Where is the Jade Emperor?"

   Odin took a step, and Yang Jian stopped in front of him again.

   "The Jade Emperor is dead, now it is the Emperor of Heaven who will attack you!"

   Yang Jian said coldly.

   But his words shocked all the gods, including Odin.

   The Jade Emperor is dead?

   Changed to a "Tiandi" now?

   Fuck, why is there no movement at all for such a big thing?

   In fact, it is not that there is no movement, but people who see the movement did not expect to go in this direction.

   At this moment, the heavenly court was square, and a divine sword flew out, and Yang Jian took the sword, and suddenly felt that the divine sword in his hand was gushing out infinite power.

   It is neither copper nor iron nor steel, and was once hidden under Mount Xubu;

   Without reversing Yin and Yang, is there no water to quench the edge?

   Zhu Xianli, slaughtered immortals and died, trapped immortals with red light everywhere;

   Jue Xian has changed infinitely and wonderfully, Da Luo Jinxian has blood stained his clothes.

  Yang Jian understood in his heart, this is the **** of death bestowed on him, it is the four peerless divine swords made by the heavenly dimension!

  Zord swallowed the heavenly dimension, and simply used the power of the black hole dimension to shape the treasures he knew.

   Yang Jianzhu's immortal sword is in his hand, and he is not afraid of the old king Odin, and directly swings the sword at Odin.

   Odin's face changed slightly. He is the dignified king of Asgard, this new heavenly emperor actually only sent a judge to deal with him?

   How do you look down on yourself, how arrogant?

   At this point, he no longer keeps his hand, and the Eternal Spear is aimed at Yang Jian's head, wanting to shoot him to the head.

  When the gun of eternity is shot, it carries an irreversible truth. Even the supreme sun **** Ra and the omniscient and omnipotent Jehovah will be jealous.

   However, Yang Jian is the true **** bestowed by the black hole dimension, and he is also a divine tool produced by the black hole dimension holding the Zhuxian Sword. The power of the black hole dimension is transformed into divine power without any waste.

   Even in Asgard, the dimensional space of someone else's home is the same, even Asgard can't stand the power of Zhu Xianjian.

   Yang Jian slashed out with the Zhuxian Sword in his hand. Heaven and earth are a must, as if the world were to be cut open by this sword. The bright light of the Eternal Spear was directly stagnated, and the truth of causality was cut off by the magical power of the Zhuxian Sword.

  Zord has brought their characteristics to the fullest according to the description of the four swords of Zhu Xian. Zhu Xian is sharp, so sharp enough to cut space-time mass energy, and cut cause and effect...

   Even the sword's edge was so sharp that even Odin's Destroyer armor had deep bone wounds.


   Thor, the **** of thunder, was taken aback. His invincible father was slashed with a sword by a **** as a judge. How could that be possible? Is that sword a more advanced artifact than the Eternal Spear?

   Odin snorted, never expected that the newly appointed Heavenly Court Monarch was so powerful that he was hurt by a sword before the real man arrived.

Although the supernatural power of the    Zhu Xianxian sword is only sharp, it penetrates deep into the bone marrow, like a bone gangrene. Even if Odin's supernatural power is so strong that his body can hardly bear it, it cannot suppress the supernatural power of this sword.

   This is still because Yang Jian is not the owner of the Zhuxian Sword, he just holds the Zhuxian Sword, otherwise the Sword of the God King is not a dream.

   After all, in terms of quality, Zhu Xianjian's supernatural power is much higher than that of Odin.

   What's more, Yang Jian's Judicial God, the position of God in the new heaven is not low.

   After all, as the emperor of heaven, Zod must establish his own majesty and the laws of heaven.

   As in the past, the mission of letting the heavens reward and punish the heavens is nothing, that is absolutely not allowed.

  Heavenly Court, since it is the true newfound of heaven and earth, there must be absolutely rigorous laws.

   There can be a little slack in legislation, but there can be no slack in law enforcement!

   This kind of thing is to give others a little bit of truth, and in the long run, it is hard to escape the end of being overthrown. This point can be said to be inferior to the past and present at home and abroad.

   Which dynasty was defeated, didn't it start with the loosening of the law and the act of rebelling against the law?

   Why do you say that? This is actually related to the mess left by the Jade Emperor~www.mtlnovel.com~ For more than two thousand years, the Heavenly Court under the Jade Emperor's governance has already developed various ills.

  He doesn't need to look into it seriously, just a little bit of inquiries, he can know that many gods rely on their power and duty to do all kinds of illegal things.

  Zord hates this kind of thing, and because of this, although he doesn't value this heaven very much, the status of the established judicial **** can almost be said to be under one **** and above all gods.

Yang Jian relied on the divine power of the justice gods and the sword of punishment to fight the **** king Odin. Fortunately, the Destroyer armor worn by the **** king Odin was blessed by the gods in the early years, and then forged by the dwarves to fight against the gods. Group of.

   Otherwise, he might not be able to fight Yang Jian to this level.

   And as Yang Jian gradually became familiar with the divine power of the Judicial God and the Sword of Death, he also gradually suppressed the God King Odin.

  The supernatural power Yang Jian is simply a raging melting pot approaching to the Protoss of Asgard, making it difficult for them to breathe.

   The divine power in his body is steamed, and the divinity in his blood is roasted.

   Everything that brings them is extremely suffering. The pain is almost maddening them.