
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 415: Yang Jian

Heavenly Court and Asgard had such a large-scale war that naturally did not hide from other gods, but they all watched them fight with the idea of ​​watching a good show.

It exactly met the result that Zod wanted.

As for the heavenly gods, compared to the former Jade Emperor, the Heavenly Emperor who is now cooperating between the heavens and the earth, and who is dying of all faculties in the world, is the Heavenly Emperor they really want.

Although Zod may not have much interest in this heavenly emperor, he took over the heavenly court and reshaped the heavenly gods completely for disguise.

After the matter is over, they may be allowed to live in their own black hole dimension. Zod does not intend to change the black hole dimension to the heavenly dimension, which will greatly slow down his speed of becoming stronger.

Only by maintaining the essence of the black hole dimension, can it digest all energy and soul, whether it is a good soul or an evil soul, it can be digested cleanly.

Not as picky eaters as the heaven dimension, only pure and kind souls are useful.

The heavenly gods worked very hard, making the gods on Asgard feel strange.

Erlang Shen Yang Jian is not a god.

Because he does not have a priesthood himself. Although he has titles such as Zhaohui Xiansheng King Renyou and Erlang Xiansheng True Monarch, he even said that he has set up an orthodox temple recognized by the heaven at Guanjiangkou, allowing him to enjoy the fireworks on earth.

But in essence, he is not yet a god.

In the past, Zod liked Yang Jian very much, and learned that this heavenly court did not have Yang Jian, so he made it out by himself, and with the power of the Lord of Dimensions, he gave him the priesthood of a judicial god.

The greater the priesthood means the greater divine power and divinity.

Although those in high positions are not lacking in such high positions as the Jade Emperor, they are incompetent waste.

However, Yang Jian obviously will not be of this type. He has already proved his ability with his merits. That terrible power is enough to make any **** in a high position feel jealous.

Heavenly Court also has to discuss seniority.

In addition to the supreme position of the Emperor of Heaven, there are also the four imperial emperors, the Shenxiao Jiuchen emperors, the Wufang Wulao emperors, the Wuyue emperor and the queen mother and so on.

Although most of these immortals were gods who took the opportunity to carve up when Taoist sects re-established the heavenly court, many of them were like the gods of Houtu, who had been in charge of such divine power since ancient times.

After Zod reshaped the gods, because the heavenly dimension has been swallowed by the black hole dimension, the gods and priesthoods originally established by the Taoist door have not been recognized by the black hole dimension, so it seems that the gods are stronger than before the reshaping, but In fact, they have lost the possibility of becoming stronger.

The gods of the heavenly court are working hard to gain the favor of the heavenly emperor and become the masters of the new gods in the new heavenly court!

In fact, Zod originally wanted to follow the trend and get a few gods out, but his education level was not high. After seeing the series of poor-looking and unclear gods on the Conferred God List, Zod gave up.

Why don't he make a few easy-to-understand names as the gods himself, for example, what are the gods of war, the sun god, and the moon god, which are not easier to understand than those?

Not to mention that there are also the Emperor Jiuchen of the gods, who sit on the same level as the Jade Emperor, and the Sanqing and Four Royals, who are even higher than the Jade Emperor.

Since Zod became the emperor of heaven, he would naturally not allow others to sit on an equal footing with himself.

What about trouble, a group of guys who don't even know if there is a heavenly father, just like me?

The position of the Emperor of Heaven is supreme!

If it were the genuine Heavenly Court, Zod would respect the Four Royals. After all, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors still have Nuwa.

Marvel's Heavenly Court, Nazord really doesn't have much awe.

Seeing that he couldn't get Thor for a long time, Erlang suddenly snorted.

Start using the supernatural power bestowed by the deity of the **** of justice!

The only difference between using divine power and not using divine power is that the divine light and divine nature flowing on him makes his whole person more and more majestic and majestic.

毊灪baolaishiye.com毊灪. The divine power circulated in his body, causing the space around him to begin to solidify, as if suppressed by something.

But when this kind of divine light, which had the power to exorcise demons, flowed to the drape on his body, it quickly consumed this purple and gold armor into invisible. In turn, he turned into a mysterious black armor condensed with divine power.

嬯寷九八ⅹшⅹ●С〇寷. The profound armor and black crown, the divine power rippling like the ocean, shocking people's hearts.

And when his divine power penetrated the keyhole, he immediately had three eyes, and released a divine light.

Then the divine power roared like the ocean, and the sea of ​​anger hit the sky.

At this time, he was obviously violent and murderous. This kind of will is matched with the divine power of the justice god's law-rectifying god, and almost all the immortal gods feel the unparalleled majestic pressure.

Thor even felt the oppression of his old father in Yang Jian!

how is this possible!

A judge!

He doesn't know what the power of the Judicial God in the New Heaven ~ www.mtlnovel.com~ Judging the Gods of Heaven, upholding the Law of Heaven, and Enforcing the Law of the Three Realms, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. This position is more than just a judge. The definition of, and the supernatural power it is endowed is beyond imagination.

Thor was almost shot down into the sky by Yang Jian's three-pointed two-edged sword. The judicial power made this Thor, who dared to resist the heavens, annoyed him.

Those celestial soldiers and geniuses are also very hardworking, seemingly inspired.

Just as the mortal dynasty can create countless famous generals in a battle, after a battle of gods, of course, countless new gods can rise.

Compared with those who have no courage to fight and can only bite their tongues behind their backs, these heavenly generals who are fighting on the front line are the ones who are most likely to be profitable. .

A general accomplishment is accomplished, but since ancient times, why have many famous generals emerged endlessly? Isn't it because even at the expense of ten thousand bones, they can't stop their ambitions?

There was no such opportunity before, but now that there is such an opportunity. How could they let opportunities slip away from their eyes?

巗攮攮. This is also the reason why Zod did not erase their souls, but reshaped them. These people are all very useful.

This battle of the gods was also an opportunity that Zod gave to the gods of the heavens before. If someone doesn't cherish it, and is greedy for life and fear of death, then there is no need to stay.

When Yang Jian was planning to take advantage of the victory to chase down the head of Thor to boost morale, a divine light fell from the sky, piercing his divine body in an instant.

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