
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 411: The universe of gods

Zod discovered a new universe.

Then I discovered that this universe should be a comic universe. It looks ordinary, but in fact a lot of superheroes have appeared.

When he first arrived, he didn't ask the golden angel to purify the evil right away, but instead planned to see what was going on.


The President of the United States is thinking about the frequent appearances of superheroes this year, and after tumbling in bed to sleep well.

When he got up early in the morning, he followed his wife's advice and went to the top American clinic for the president and others for a physical examination.

Don't underestimate it just because the name is a clinic. In the United States, or even the world's best medical facilities, this clinic is on the list.

The President of the United States went for a medical examination and complained a few times online as usual that it is really difficult to be a president, and it is even more difficult to be a good president.

Then began to question whether the American healthcare system was a waste of taxes.

Such complaints immediately touched the nerves of America's most powerful interest group.

So before noon, the President of the United States is still undergoing a physical examination. There are already rumors outside that the President of the United States has a heart attack and has to go to the hospital for treatment.

Such rumors can explode by the way, and the consultants of the entire presidential residence and his family members are bewildered to believe that it is true. They called each one to ask what happened to the heart of the president.

This originally implies a layer of warning in it.

Where did you think of it.

嬯寷Bⅹшⅹ●С〇寷. The American President, he didn't take this set at all. After the medical examination, he held a press conference and cursed that the organizations behind these reporters were scumbags who only knew about reporting fake news.

Immediately after he returned to the Presidential Palace, he immediately stated that he wanted to fulfill the most difficult promise he had promised to voters.

Medical problems!

In the United States, the total amount of benefits involved in medical issues exceeds 20% of the entire United States' gross product.

毊灪suyingwang.net毊灪. Through the repeated push of previous presidents, especially the deceptive and flawed implementation of the mixed-race president, we can also plan to completely destroy the few remaining public medical systems.

The taxes they draw directly in various names each year far exceed military expenditures, reaching nearly half of their total income.

This makes them a serious illness in the United States.

It is still the kind of malignant tumor that everyone knows, but everyone can't speak.

In contrast, the gentlemen who can negotiate and compromise the bought-in Financial Street, although notorious for being dangerous and violent, are far inferior.

You know, the rich and powerful people in this malignant tumor are all real American families with a century.

Many of them have a dark history of blowing up all competitors' families neatly into the sky, or directly using private troops to drive planes and tanks to suppress workers.

In the United States, offending them is far more dangerous than offending the army!

On the contrary, the American president who was angered thought of the Hulk Hulk and a series of losses caused by various research experiments during this period of time.

All kinds of materials are in stock, and the fiscal deficit is getting worse and worse.

He simply played the red-necked temper and decided to leave it alone, recklessly!

Awesomely announced the operation on this medical group.

The first step... is to require all relevant business units to transparently disclose their cost-per-use data to the government.

Therefore, the medical and insurers who actually belong to the family will be blocked from cheating on welfare subsidies.

Of course.

Although the president had a red neck at the press conference, he was very tough.

After arriving at the meeting, the final bill after some negotiations was as gentle as a joke in terms of punishment.

For those concealed or undisclosed units, the fine cannot exceed 300 US dollars each time, and the annual fine cannot exceed 10,000 US dollars!

This makes the deterrence of this bill seem like a joke.

However, the senior leaders of the major forces still expressed their appreciation for the courage of the President of the United States to break the situation.

If medical problems can really break the game.

Hundreds of years later, this ridiculed President of the United States, with various nicknames, must be left in history...

Zod ate the ice cream, then gave Yan Lingji a bite.

Yan Lingji also learned something, and stuffed it back to Zod.

"This world is really interesting. Superheroes and super villains have all appeared, and there are even the heaven dimension and the heaven dimension, the Olympus dimension... There is no doubt that this world is a comic universe with the Council of Gods..."

In less than a day, Zod had figured out the details of the universe, and the universe had no idea about his arrival.

"Why does medical treatment become a place of huge profits?"

Tifa and Angel Yan asked inexplicably.

Just now they followed Zod around the world and heard a lot of information with their super hearing.

"This is one of the shortcomings and criticisms of mankind, and there is no need to bother about it."

Zod said calmly, what he cares more about now is the affairs of the Council of Gods~www.mtlnovel.com~ In this universe, Asgard has also become a dimensional space, and the world tree system of the nine worlds has become The nine-dimensional space is no longer the concept of a planet.

In addition, the gods and gods have their own dimensions, as well as the **** dimension as hell...

This universe is simply a gluttonous feast for him!

However, it is also difficult to handle. A universe with councils of gods develops and supports each other. Although there are occasional conflicts, it is not very serious.

Zod is thinking about whether he should jump out directly as the enemy... or enter the opponent's camp?

The heavens of the Marvel Universe are very awkward. Not to mention that the Jade Emperor is wearing a green Japanese samurai vine armor, Nezha is like a monster, with three heads and six arms with blue fangs.

To kill them and eat them, Zod didn't feel at all, after all, it would be better to destroy this kind of extremely insulting heaven.

With a quick sweep, he lifted the curtain of the heavenly dimensionality. The dimensional space of this universe did not hide his coordinates, so Zord easily found the heavenly court.

"It's different from the Marvel Heavenly Court I know, it's not on Kunlun's side..."

Zod arrived in this heaven in an instant and saw a "South Heaven Gate"!

The soldier guarding the gate wore a golden armor, but the shape of the armor...unknown, not a man, and even a flying saucer helmet with a light armor.

Isn't that why these heavenly soldiers will be able to laugh to death if they pull out?

"Bold, no monster, dare to come to Nantianmen to be presumptuous!"

巗攮攮. Hundreds of heavenly soldiers saw Zord appearing out of thin air, and immediately scolded.

In the next moment, they didn't see any movement from Zod, and they turned directly into powder.

Kryptonians who like Marvel, please collect them: () Marvel's Kryptonians have the fastest update speed.