
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 407: Holy war

And just such a thing, when they rushed out of heaven in groups, they also had a terrifying momentum that covered the sky and the sun, and the mountains collapsed.

Because there are too many of them, too many. Too much, looking around, all angels are flying. To the extent that you can't even see anything other than them.

Zod's eyes lit up, the gap between the heavenly dimension and the earth dimension has been opened, and now the heavenly dimension is in his pocket!

Suddenly, a rumbling sound came from the sky.

That is the vice-prince of the kingdom of heaven. The blazing angel Michael used his divine power to summon countless meteorites, straddling the endless space and hitting the earth.

These meteors once represented the majesty of God.

In the biblical story, the two cities of Sodom and Amora were completely destroyed by the seraphs who sounded the trumpet of the doomsday because they attracted the wrath of God.

And now, this skyfire meteor, which represents God's punishment, reappeared.毊灪bxwx.co毊灪

"It's not good, Chief, it's the meteorite group!!!"

S.H.I.E.L.D., including all countries in the world, have made great alarm bells, and the angels are able to summon a group of meteorites to attack, which is beyond imagination.

It's a pity that the golden angels on Zord's side are not afraid of the huge impact of the meteorite group.

They even charged against the meteorite group, directly smashing or smashing the meteorite.

Then slaughter more angels!

Zod also shot at this time.

The towering gods that appeared out of thin air, the gods standing up in the sky suddenly reached out and grasped the void, stretching out his arms as if supporting two gates.

As his arms strained, the whole heaven began to vibrate. That is he was using his pure power to tear apart the spatial dimension of heaven.

No matter how people beautify heaven, no matter how they imagine heaven will be a perfect world.

Can not conceal its essence. After all, it is just a different space dimension, a different space dimension that is indistinguishable from those hells.

Almost immediately, fragments of cracks appeared in heaven. It was not a trace left by the mere tearing of the earth, but a void gap directly connected to an endless void.

As long as they were touched by these void gaps, they were all sucked into the void in an instant.

That is the incarnation of the true infinity, which is enough to swallow all things. So even heaven is falling apart under the power of the void.

"Oh my God, it turned out to be a dimensional demon who can physically descend into the real dimension!!!"

"This is impossible, even the Almighty Lord can't do it!"

The angels were beyond shock when they saw this scene.

"Is that... the **** of destruction and destruction?"

Nick Fury looked at the **** who was bigger than the entire earth just by showing one side. The giant god's whole body was deep and indescribable black, with black armor and black belly, except for the eyes and facial features that occasionally revealed a little light. Besides, even the flames burning on his body are completely black.

The feeling of this giant is as deep and terrible as the endless abyss that swallows heaven and earth.

Such an existence, as if it shouldn't appear in this world at all.

Just as soon as he appeared, the entire universe seemed to become quiet because of him.嬯寷B ⅹшⅹ●С〇寷

Countless substances and even light and shadow poured directly into his body like Wanchuan returned to the sea.

While this made his body bigger and darker, it also made the feeling of rejection by the universe he felt a bit heavier.

Then this giant punched out the terrifying scene of heaven and earth cracking, countless light shavings and sparks shot out, causing immeasurable damage to the heaven below.

The streamer shredded the palace and the earth like a lightsaber, and scattered sacred fires fell on the ground.

Ignited countless plants and houses. Coupled with the feathers floating in the sky, there are void rifts everywhere. Now heaven doesn't look like heaven at all.

It is like a ruin after the doomsday, more like a **** in the process of transformation. Even compared with hell, this place is now more dangerous and scarier. Because here is being destroyed.

Zod's black hole dimension swallowed the heavenly dimensional fragments that he destroyed to the maximum extent. Every time it swallowed one, it was as if it had swallowed thousands of souls with excitement.

The light in the entire heaven disappeared instantly, and everything in front of him was completely reduced to endless darkness.

Then a little light suddenly appeared, it was an unclean color, a dim yellow light, exuding a charm of ending everything and disappearing everything.

"The back hand of the Lord?"

Zod realized that the power of the light was not at the same level as the group of angels. It was very close to the current Zod's single universe-level power!

It is true that the Lord, who has destroyed many religions and enjoyed the soul of the earth for so many years, is about to catch up with me.

Zod complained in his heart.

This was the first light of creation, but now it has been reversed by its creator ~www.mtlnovel.com~ completely turned into the twilight of destruction. And its existence has only one meaning, and that is to bring real doomsday to others.

The twilight that destroyed everything and ended everything turned into a gloomy beam of light, engulfing Zod's big hand in an instant.

The light from the collision ruthlessly destroyed everything it touched. Under its influence, the palace became ruins.

The land became barren, and the trees, flowers and plants withered.

Even the angel incarnate of light completely died out in this twilight.

Like a extinguished light, their souls could not stand the erosion of twilight, and they were completely dimmed in an instant. And quietly extinguished the light.

Zod raised his brows, the souls of those angels are all mine!

Relying solely on the strength of his own body, he shattered the heavenly dimension of Zod. Only then did he show the true power of his **** of destruction and destruction, the ultimate violent power in the universe!

In front of this power, Twilight was as fragile as a bubble, and it broke directly.

In an instant, the heaven, which had fallen into the boundless darkness, burst out with light like the burst of stars. A shocking sound like the first sound of the birth of the vast universe!

In an instant, heaven was torn in half like a picture scroll, full of boundless darkness.

Numerous voids and crevices spread on it, making the past heaven almost completely fragmented in human eyes.巗攮攮

This is already equivalent to destruction. If no one repairs it, this dimensional space will be swallowed up by the void and become history completely.

"Heaven... lost."

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