
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 405: Dimensional war is about to begin

Zod, who was paying attention to Wolverine, suddenly felt the dimensional fluctuations in the previous movie universe.

After all, the dimensions of the black hole and the dimensions of the earth have become closely related because of a few knights.

"Heaven, have you come down?"

Zod is eager for his hands, the heavenly dimension of the movie universe is probably not very strong.

Inside the Cathedral of New York City.

Although I don't know why angels did not descend in the Papal kingdom, it's okay. After all, it's the movie universe. Maybe the Heaven Dimension thinks America is more pious?

The archbishop of the cathedral hurried to meet the holy.

There are three angels who have descended this time, and their purpose is very simple, that is, to find out why no soul has ascended to the dimension of heaven, even if it falls again, it is impossible for a kind person to be absent, right?

Oh, by the way, when Zod was paying attention to the mutant universe, this movie universe had been in the past for several years.

毊灪lolxsw.com毊灪. For many years, there was no soul on the heaven dimension. The angels felt that something was wrong and planned to investigate.

However, before the angels pretended to be forced, and said that they were called enlightenment, it was actually a riddle that they didn't understand, when the door of the cathedral suddenly exploded.

Three people stood outside the door.

They were the Punisher, Bucky, and Johnny Blazer who were suddenly sent directly by Zord from other places.

嬯寷寷. The three of them all looked dumbfounded, and the door exploded directly, they didn't know what was going on, they were very passive.

But seeing three angels with white wings standing barefoot on the statue, they seemed to know what to do.

"The spirit of vengeance?"

The three angels are a bit weird. Why do these three vengeful spirits feel like something is wrong?

The work and tasks of angels and the spirits of vengeance are different, and this has already been established when Jehovah is still alive.

The three evil spirit knights also did not discuss at all, mainly because Zod, the immediate boss, suddenly gave them a task and reward.

By killing these three angels, you can start the task of resurrecting your wife and daughter. At that time, you only need to collect 100 million evil souls to resurrect your wife and daughter.

The punisher lost his cool on the spot.

Killing these three angels, and then collecting 100 million evil souls, you can revive Captain America Steve, because the popsicle is now in Zord's hands.

Bucky lost his cool on the spot.

Johnny Blazer...Well, you can be free by collecting 100 million souls.

Regardless of whether the opponent is an angel, the punisher drew his spear.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The angels were caught off guard and were attacked. After the black hole dimensional energy eroded, their expressions suddenly changed drastically.

"They are not spirits of vengeance!"

Although very similar, it is definitely not the spirit of vengeance, but something else!

On Zod's side, because he was worried that the three knights would not be able to defeat or retain the three angels, after thinking about it, he reluctantly consumed a large wave of evil souls, turning them into creatures of the black hole dimension.

A creature that belongs to the dimension of a black hole, born under the high-pressure environment of a black hole-Saint Seiya!

There is no way, for the sake of appearance, after all, this is an era of justice.

If he creates a lot of handsome creatures with horror and hideousness, believe it or not, they will betray the angels.

The men are so scary, the **** of destruction and destruction must be the evil god! ! !

Although... from the name of the god, he doesn't look like a good **** anymore.

Twelve handsome men and beauties were born, and they received the energy and soul of the black hole dimension. Once they were born, they had power far beyond most people.

It's a pity that they only have their own appearances, and they can't play Lightspeed Fist and various Golden Saint Seiya moves.

The main reason is that Zod didn't know how to punch the speed of light in front of physical effects without destroying the earth.

It's too difficult, let them have a strong body.

Under the horrible pressure of the black hole, their body density is equivalent to that of being born under a thousand times the gravity environment, and their strength, speed, and physical strength far exceed those of the cursed warrior.

It is estimated to be equivalent to ten times the strength of Thor.

In addition, the golden saints on their bodies are not only Edman alloy + vibrating gold, but also the black hole dimension energy of metaphysics.

It can be said to be indestructible, even if the enemy uses the power of infinite gems, it is difficult to destroy these golden garments.

Inside the cathedral, the three evil knights were really not the opponents of the three angels. When they were beaten badly by the three angels, twelve golden saints appeared.

The shining golden armor, the pure white and flawless cloak, and the beauty that can be called the male **** and goddess made the appearance of the twelve golden saints attracted the attention of the S.H.I.E.L.D.E.L.D. forces that had long been attracted by the battle.

"We are the twelve golden saints of the **** of destruction and destruction, heresy named angels, destroy!"

"God of destruction and destruction?"

The three angels looked dumbfounded, and after feeling the breath of other dimensions from the Golden Saint Seiya, they immediately understood what was going on.

"You chess pieces invaded by the Dimension Demon God!"

The three angels were furious ~www.mtlnovel.com~ It's a pity that what they said has been blocked by Zod.

With twelve golden saints and three evil knights, these three angels were directly beaten to death by the group.

The soul couldn't enter the heaven dimension, and was sucked away by the black hole dimension.

Zod was surprised to see the three souls who had entered the dimension of heaven and were still shining with white light, like little suns.

"Good guy, the souls of these three angels are comparable to all my income so far."

Zod couldn't help but was very moved, and he didn't know how many souls this heavenly dimension angel had eaten. Actually, an angel soul could compare to Zod's harvest these days, and even a lot more.

After the three angels died, S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau also rushed to the scene, trying to make contact with the twelve golden saints, but the golden saints completely ignored them and disappeared.

Among the three ghost knights, apart from Johnny Blazer, the other two also left simply.

Zod is not in a hurry. He plans to wait for the angels to continue sending people down, and with the close connection between the heavenly dimension and the earth dimension, it is impossible for them to pretend to be ignorant.

At that time, Zord could also find the heavenly dimension from the souls of these angels.

"It's really exciting, the first dimension war is coming."

Zod, as an adorable new among the dimensional demon gods, is looking forward to his first dimensional war.

巗攮攮. The winner takes all, and the loser has no dimensional warfare, which leads to the dimensional demon not wanting to go to war no matter which one.

Everyone is not the dimensional demon gods of the several multiverse levels, they are all single universe level, a small number of heavenly father-level dimensional demon gods, the level strength is similar, the ghost knows whether they can win.

Kryptonians who like Marvel, please collect them: () Marvel's Kryptonians have the fastest update speed.