
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 404: Mutant Factory

The workers in the mutant factory are torturing the experimental subjects in the factory in various ways, causing them to enter a state of dying, in order to stimulate the mutant serum injected into the body.

The screams almost pierced people's eardrums. Some experimental subjects have been activated with the x gene, some have sharp bone spurs, some have their skin turned into black scales, and some have grown fish gills.

Indeed, there is no place on earth more like **** than here.

"We have created three new mutants this time. I believe Mr. Filippoto will be very satisfied."

Francis squinted like a fox that saw its prey.

A mutant who has been brainwashed can sell for at least seven million US dollars at a cost of no more than 150,000 US dollars.

The big head is just x weapon serum. In chaotic Mexico, the cost of these experimental bodies is zero.

Thanks to the blessings of these wealthy drug lords, they have earned hundreds of millions of dollars and sent dozens of mutant thugs to this chaotic land.

This is like an arms race. As long as one party purchases mutants, the other party must purchase a corresponding number of mutants to maintain the balance of combat power. The chaotic situation in Mexico is the best salesman.

Bolton took out his phone and clicked on the video.

"No, Mr. Filippoto asked me to come to know, is this person your product?"

Francis's expression became serious. He took the phone and played back and forth, carefully observing the movements of Wolverine in the video.

"This is not our company's product, and I am not even sure if he is a mutant."

This is a variable, Francis doesn't care about it on the surface, but he has a lot of interest in his heart.

"As soon as he appeared, he destroyed one of our factories."

Bolton explained what Wolverine had done. These things can't be hidden, so it's better to tell them directly.

"Now that the Reyes Group has exposed the weak side, Mr. Filippoto wants to hire you to get rid of this person."

Bolton said.

"Why should I help you? This person is very strong and very tricky."

Francis returned the phone to Bolton.

"Money is not a problem. Mr. Filippoto is willing to spend a lot of money to ask you to do it. More importantly, Mr. Francis. These people have broken the balance between the various groups. If the Reyes Group falls, the Mata Group will Use guns instead of money to come to you to buy mutants."

Bolton was able to become the third mission of the Reyes Group not just because of his cruelty.

Francis was silent for a moment. Although he doesn't take these drug lords very much in his eyes, the chaotic situation does hinder his business. The people behind him don't want to see this situation.

After all, the annual military expenditures include the congressional lords and the CIA, the FBI turned a blind eye, and most of the funds whose origins are unknown and where they are not known are part of the expenditure here.

If something goes wrong, he will sit on his toilet the next day and "swallow a gun to commit suicide."

"Well, let's talk about the price issue next."


Mexico City, an ordinary street-facing office building, with formal white-collar workers coming in and out constantly.

No one would have thought that the fifth floor of this office building is a laboratory of the Reyes Group. The poisonous pulp that has been rough-processed in the jungle is dried under the irradiation of a high-temperature sodium lamp to become a cocaine product.

Every year, nearly 1.5 tons of products can be manufactured here.

The Reyes Group does things very secretly. Even the clerks working downstairs don't know that a poison nest is nearby, producing these crazy and depraved little powders day and night.

Wolverine certainly doesn't know that this is where cocaine is produced, but he has a soul radar.

A lot of wicked people gathered together, it was definitely worth his murder.

He kicked on the window frame of the office building and directly kicked the entire window off the wall, leaving only an empty window hole.

The members of the Reyes Group in the room are still busy making drugs, and in the face of a sudden attack, there is no time to react.

Wolverine moved.


A gunman nearest to him was kicked, about a hundred kilograms of body was kicked into the air, the gunner's eyes were bulging, and he had no breath in mid-air.

After the rest of the people reacted, they fired directly at Wolverine.

Now Wolverine has completely ignored the firepower of these guns, unless it is a large-caliber automatic rifle that may break the defense. These submachine guns and small-caliber rifles only repelled him. After Wolverine gained a firm foothold, he began to stride forward. Up.嬯寷bxwx.C o寷

Seeing that Wolverine was not afraid of bullets, the gunman of the Reyes Group suddenly cursed.

"It's a mutant! And also the most troublesome invulnerable mutant!"

Suddenly, everyone could hear the sound of dull footsteps, but because of the messy gunfire, they couldn't tell the location of the footsteps.


A big hole was suddenly knocked out of the wall where Wolverine was passing by, and a sturdy figure leaned out.

The person who broke through the wall is two meters tall and has brown rock skin. Because of being too strong, the body is almost squared by bulging muscles~www.mtlnovel.com~ Faces are more like apes than humans. A look of worrying brain capacity.

A fist clenched by one hand, thumped at Wolverine.

The punch was shocking, as if a heavy truck came roaring.

Wolverine fisted with him, but when the fists were about to collide, Edman alloy claws popped out, and the indestructible Edman alloy claws directly sank into the mutant's fist.


This mutant screamed, and he never thought that someone would be so insidious, hiding a knife in his fist, and more importantly, his invulnerable fist was broken.

Immediately afterwards, Wolverine's other hand also popped out of the Edman alloy claws, which directly gave this mutant an open mouth from the bottom up!

Suddenly, the mutant's intestines and internal organs clashed, unable to withstand gravity, and flowed all over the floor.

He also softened and knelt on the ground, and his head was chopped off by Wolverine's claw.毊灪7huan.com毊灪

"Chapp is dead!"

"how is this possible!"

The gunmen of the Reyes Group were still expecting Chap to kill Wolverine, but they didn't expect that their trusted mutant would be killed by Wolverine so easily.

Know that Chap is not the work of Mutant Factory, but a mutant who voluntarily joined the Reyes Group.巗攮攮

Different from those assembly line products that are brainwashed and mentally disabled, he has been reused in the Reyes Group, and his status is not low.

Kryptonians who like Marvel, please collect them: () Marvel's Kryptonians have the fastest update speed.