
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 403: Wolf and prey

In the production base, a group of women are making drugs, and their working environment is extremely harsh.

The Reyes Group did not purchase any labor protection equipment for them. The hot air, toxic acid mist, choking smoke, and flashing high-pressure sodium lamps were all harming their health.

Because these women have inhaled too many toxic chemicals, their skin is terribly rough, covered with spots, limbs are thin, their bodies are shrinking, and they look a bit demented, like walking corpses.

They are prisoners in this factory, trafficked from all over by Reyes, and work in the factory day and night.

The longest of them has not been exposed to the sun for three years, and the longer ones are not unavailable, but they have been "cleaned up" by management personnel because of illness.

Several gunmen supervised their work to prevent them from sneaking in the finished product. Because they have been working in drug factories for a long time, almost all of them are addicted to drugs.

The remaining gunmen were in the three offices of the garage. Most of them were wearing floral shirts, and some were shirtless with tattoos on their arms.

毊灪goafoto.com毊灪. The air-conditioning in the office was very full, and the gunmen were playing cards drinking iced whiskey and cigars. Rolls of dollars were placed on the card table.


An unmatched force directly pulled the iron door of the office away from the door frame, and the heavy iron door flew into a gunman and stuck it on the wall.

Wolverine walked in, and the gunmen were shocked and a little flustered when they saw someone breaking in.

A gunman tried to pick up the pistol on the card table and shoot, but before he could pull the trigger, he was hit in the chest.

There was a crackle of broken ribs, his chest sank a large part, and his internal organs were beaten to mud.

He progressed forward, punching one by one, killing more than ten gunmen in two seconds.

Some quick-reacting gunners finally drew out their pistols and rifles and started shooting. Wolverine picked up the rifles and fired at them.

There was a burst of gunfire like bursting beans in the office, and the howling bullets pierced holes one after another on the tables and chairs, the whiskey that was punched was flowing freely, and fragments of cards and dollar bills were flying in the air.

It didn't take long for the gunfire to quiet down abruptly.

Accompanied by the sound of several glass bottles being smashed and the sound of glass rubbing against floor tiles, Wolverine walked out of the office with a bottle of whiskey sipping.

There are four or five bullet holes in his clothes, and there is no blood on the skin inside.

As he kills more and more people, the more power he gains. This defense is the reward that Zod gave him.

The gunshots in the office alarmed the gunmen in other offices, and they asked loudly in the direction of Wolverine.


A gunner who quietly opened the grenade ring was suddenly headshot by a bullet shot from the top floor. The grenade fell to the ground, and the remaining gunner rushed out of the office. Before running a few steps, he was caught by Wolverine. The shot fell to the ground.

He is like a rabbit hunter in the hunting season, shooting these wolves and rushing gunmen, occasionally raising his rifle, just like playing a baseball, and smashing the gunmen who are trying to rush into melee.

It didn't take long to kill people like Wolverine who ate and drank water killed all the people here, except for the women who were frightened.

He drove away the women, then sat at a table and lit his cigar.

Drinking whiskey while smoking a cigar, it feels very refreshing to be immortal anyway.


"Who is it! Is it a member of the Mata Group?"

Filippo Reyes has a beard and brown skin, and his skull is large, like a lion.

At this time, he was obviously in anger, his eyebrows and hair were trembling, and his face was flushed with blood. The dangerous breath radiating from him everyone in the room was silent.

Everyone knows the consequences of offending Filippoto.

After the most painful torture, the corpse being hung from a street lamp is just the most common practice of the Reyes Group. He once chopped up people into offal and put them in the refrigerator to give to the enemy.

"No, we found out through the camera that it was a mutant."

Since Wolverine had never concealed his plans, the Reyes Group easily knew who they were attacking.

"A mutant?"

Filippoto was startled. Mutants are still very deterrent for ordinary people at this time. After all, this universe is a pure mutant universe. Superheroes and S.H.I.E.L.D. don't exist.

Especially the terrorist organization of the Brotherhood of Mutants has made the whole world feel terrified.

"It should have nothing to do with the Mutant Brotherhood. It may be someone we offended before."

The subordinate said.

"Then take revenge and go back and find a mutant factory to buy a mutant to deal with him!"

Filippoto roared like an angry lion.

As a drug cartel, they are most afraid of being thought to be weak. Competitors and collaborators will be like hyenas smelling blood, tearing up the giant Reyes Group and swallowing them~www.mtlnovel.com~嬯寷bⅹшⅹ●С〇寷. "Don't care how much money you spend, invite Francis, especially the woman under him. They are the best at dealing with mutants."

This threat reminded him of the humiliation and fear he had when he was a robber.

At that time, two-thirds of all the money he and his brother Miguel grabbed were given to the boss of the gang. Later, they teamed up to kill the boss, went out on their own, and established the huge Reyes Group.

"I see, boss."

Bolton shrugged, and it didn't take long for him to ride a pair of motorcycles to the outskirts of Mexico City.

This is a classic Harley Street Fighter, modified with ape handlebars, and constantly shuttles and overtakes in the traffic, which is very arrogant.

The mutant factory was disguised as a very ordinary chemical factory, not far from the main road in Mexico City. The Mexican president's fragile control over the country makes them somewhat unscrupulous.

The card sentry at the gate outside the factory was obviously very familiar with Bolton, and directly opened the barrier lever of the barrier and put him in.

Bolton parked the motorcycle in the parking lot, took out an ID card, and swiped open the heavy alloy gate.

巗攮攮. Inside are very common chemical plant layouts, thick pipelines, huge reaction tanks, and reaction furnaces.

There are even many workers pretending to maintain production. He entered the real mutant factory through a gloomy and damp underground passage.

"Welcome to hell!"

Francis, the person in charge of the mutant factory, was standing in front of Bolton with a folder in his hands and wearing a white lab coat.

The scene behind him is indeed no different from hell. Ice water, electric chair, water boarding, soldering iron, clubs.

Kryptonians who like Marvel, please collect them: () Marvel's Kryptonians have the fastest update speed.