
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 402: Wolverine

Inside the tire shop, Louis suddenly raised his hand to signal everyone to silence.

"You guys... have you heard anything?"

The next moment, the aluminum alloy metal sliding door suddenly distorted and violently deformed, as if hit by an angry elephant, and flew up. Unprepared, Louis was hit head-on, his skull was smashed, and his brain and blood sprayed all over the floor.

The violent sunlight came in, and the stabbed eyes of several people were sore. Only a vaguely tall man with a cigar came in.


A gunman raised his rifle, ready to shoot. The next moment, the rifle in his hand was hammered into a U-shape.

At the same time, there were three more blood holes in his body.

Wolverine didn't mean to evade at all. After the gunman opened fire, he didn't even bother to become a ghost rider.

The bullet hit him and penetrated the internal organs, but the internal organs healed after the bullet passed through, and the bullet that hit the bone bounced back directly, accidentally wounding several people.

He grabbed the foot of the gunman next to him and threw it directly, hitting the two gunmen on the opposite side, and then pressed his hands on the door of the Dodge Ram side and slammed it.

The heavy body looked like a roller, rolling the three stacked people into a ball of meat sauce and hitting the wall. The whole building was shaking violently.

Under the tremendous force, although the sturdy Dodge Ram is somewhat deformed, the overall frame is still very complete. Wolverine tore off the door that was stuck on the body.

Benny raised his pistol and aimed at Wolverine. The whole person was trembling violently from fear. His face was pale and sweaty, and his teeth clucked uncontrollably.

Before he could squeeze the trigger, his hand was held by Wolverine. With a little effort, his palm and the pistol in his hand were squeezed into a mixture of flesh and blood.

Benny looked at the hand that could be directly wrapped in dumplings in disbelief, and screamed like a woman.

毊灪flyncool.com毊灪. Then he was clawed down by Wolverine, and his head and the hard skull were directly divided into several pieces.

Wolverine saw the little girl who was still alive, and she was looking at herself in fear.

"You are safe."

嬯寷b①②0w①②寷. He took a breath of death-level lungs, smoked the cigar directly into ashes, and then vomited thick smoke.

Before the little girl could answer, the vicissitudes of life uncle turned and left.

Next, he was going to clean up the Reyes Group.

Occupying the border between the United States and Mexico, the drug transport business is very impressive. I believe that the Reyes Group must have bought a lot of black police.

Unfortunately, although the Reyes Group is notorious, few people know where their lair is.

Compared with the FBI and the Narcotics Enforcement Administration, their drug lord companion Mata is more eager to eliminate them.

The three bosses are looking forward to Juarez, Mexico, who will never cross the border to Texas. They remotely controlled this huge criminal organization with 147 mules, hundreds of dark spots, and more than 10,000 members.

Wolverine only fights alone, even if he recovers his memory, he is still so reckless.

After all, in Wolverine's view, he has signed a labor contract with a duration of eternity. The devil will not give himself time to rest, but it is better to chase the criminals forever than to kill the innocent.

The souls of sinners should go to hell, and he just stepped on the accelerator in advance.

Moreover, the content of the contract Wolverine was also branded in his mind after signing. Zod said very generously that he will never lose his memory in the future, and he has gained a true immortal body. As long as the black hole dimension is still there, he Can always be resurrected.

There are more souls and rewards. The reason why Wolverine became active is because Zod promised him that as long as he handed in 100 million sin-ridden souls, he would resurrect Kara the Silver Fox.

For Wolverine, who had recovered his memory, he couldn't refuse, and he even became a little eager for this.

The Reyes Group is not simple. Both the Drug Enforcement Administration and the CIA were very concerned when they launched an operation against them. There is a huge force in protecting this criminal organization. As long as the program is not legal, the operation will be cancelled.

This is also related to the fact that the Reyes Group is not stingy about "political donations". There is really no sin at all. So what do you guys eat?

Zod looked at Wolverine almost as a reckless man. On the way, the soul radar saw whose soul was full of sin and went straight to stabbing a person to death with a paw.

In this way, a perverted murderer appeared in Texas and quickly spread.

Even based on the location of the murder, one can easily infer that the murderer's destination is Mexico.

"It seems that this is also good?"

Zod looked at the sinful souls that were constantly making money. The knights he chose were obviously very powerful. Except for Johnny Blazer, they were all murderous and decisive.

Frank is the most stable and the most powerful. Zod wants to reward him and revive his wife and daughter.

But in that case, Frank might slow down his work~www.mtlnovel.com~ Actually, the best place to harvest sinful souls is the prison, but it seems that the knights don't go to the prison by default. It may be that the criminals in the prison have been affected. Legal sanctions are atonement.

In a town on the outskirts of Mexico City, Mexico's infrastructure is very imperfect. After leaving the city, there are only more than ten kilometers of roads, and the rest are dirt roads.

Dust soared all the way to the sky, and there was only an endless wilderness outside the window of the car, with clusters of shuttle trees growing.

In front of the skyline appeared a settlement, a tattered building, and barricades on the road. Several fierce faces and some fierce Hispanic men stood beside the barricades.

They are all members of the Reyes Group, guarding the only route leading to their important production base.

"What are you doing?"

They spoke in Spanish.

The driver answered in Spanish, but Wolverine was already impatient. In the soul radar, these people were all sin-ridden guys.

He tore the car directly and rushed towards the opponent.

Edman's alloy claws clung to his neck.

His eyes suddenly burst, only time to make a slight "ho-ho" sound, and his head flew out directly.

The rest of the people hadn't reacted yet, Wolverine had already rushed into them, and the Edman alloy claws of both hands had also stretched to one meter, and these people were torn apart in three or two.

Then he looked back at the frightened driver.

巗攮攮. "Go!"

Then Wolverine walked forward, and the driver turned around without saying a word.

This road leads to the drug production base of the Reyes Group and is one of the most important places.

Kryptonians who like Marvel, please collect them: () Marvel's Kryptonians have the fastest update speed.