
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 401: Another universe

  Zord, the big boss behind the scenes, made a lot of money. Everyone in the Tariha organization, including the leader, was found by Bucky. With the soul radar on, they would be caught up by Bucky if they could not run beyond five kilometers.

   The soul of the leader of the Tariha organization is so evil that it is automatically transformed into black hole creatures in Zod's black hole dimension.

   It's just that Zod doesn't need any black hole creatures, even if it is very powerful, let the black hole dimension swallow it.

   The soul energy is much stronger and faster than Zod's own energy to swallow the vacuum zero point. Zod has become a lot stronger now, but the distance to the multiverse is still far away.

   But it's okay, Zod discovered a new single universe, which looks like a mutant universe.

   He entered this universe very smoothly. Although he is a dimensional demon, but Zod has an entity, so this universe is not very resistant to him entering himself.

   "Invaded the second universe, who should I be a knight? Magneto?"

   Zod thought, and then there was a slapstick in the bar in front of him. A man walked out in a leather jacket. After seeing the iconic beard, Zod knew that he had found the knight.

   When Logan got into his car with a cigar, he noticed that there was one more person next to him.

   "Get off my car!"

   Logan said roughly.

   "What a poor wolf, do you want to know your own past?"

  Zord didn't care, and said calmly.

   Logan who wanted to punch Zod was stunned.

   "Do you know my past?"

   The wandering lone wolf couldn't help but ask. He has been searching for his past, wants to know if he has family, and wants to know how he used to be.

   "Of course, but you have to sign this contract first."

  Zord also opened up the business of signing the contract and directly took out a parchment.

   "What are you, the devil?" 0

   Seeing the incomprehensible text on the parchment, Logan finally realized that something was wrong.

   "No, I am a benevolent **** of destruction and destruction."

   Zode righteously said, what devil, I don't know.

   Logan stretched out his hand to tear the parchment, but when he touched it, his finger hurt and a drop of blood dripped on the contract.

   "That's it, your past is actually very simple..."

   Zod put away the contract, Luo was still anxious at all, but when he heard Zod began to talk about his past, he couldn't help but become fascinated.

   In order to ensure his youthfulness, Zod even showed Logan through the prequel to Logan in the form of a movie.

   After reading his story, Logan fell silent and he smoked a cigar.

   "The contract is complete."

  Zord smiled and disappeared.

   Logan also knows what he needs to do. He is going to hunt down those criminals, time is forever!

  He stared at the Reyes Group in Texas where he is now.

   Reyes Group, they smuggle hallucinogens around here, and the goods from Mexico and Colombia are shipped to the United States through them.

   There are quite a few mutant members in the Reyes Group who are cruel and do no evil. No one who offends them is ruined. If they want to survive, they can only escape from Texas.

   The FBI has planned several operations against the Reyes Group, all of which lost their troops and returned without success.

   A brand new Dodge Ram drove on the interstate. The car drove at maximum volume and played FadeTo by Metallica.

  "Lifeitseems, willfadeaway


   A young Hispanic bald on the co-pilot, with a big beard, holding a little girl in his hands.

   His body was covered with tooth marks and scratches, dripping with blood, and it was obviously a hard fight before he was subdued.

   "Fak! Barney, I really don't know why I caught this kid and returned to El Paso. We still have five kilograms of goods in our trunk! If something goes wrong, Bolton will take our skins!"

"What do you know, Marin, have you ever seen a child of this age have such strength? This is a mutant, brother! We give her to Bolton and sell it to Juarez, Mexico. We can at least earn Eight hundred thousand, eight hundred thousand! Understand, brother, eight hundred thousand is enough for us to run twenty times under the patrol of the police!"

   Juarez has an underground boxing market that specializes in buying mutants for brutal and **** fights. The gang leaders in Mexico and South America, the dignitaries in Washington, the investors on Wall Street, and the stars of Hollywood are all customers of this fighting arena.

   The adult mutant is worth 1.2 million US dollars, and the young one is worth two million. Even if Bolton drew 60% of the water, it would be a lot of money for both of them.

   The young mutants are very valuable in training. After brainwashing and cruel training, they are excellent cannon fodder and bodyguards. Many gang leaders like to buy at high prices. What's more, this mutant is a female, more valuable.

   After all, females can play around when they are fine.

   Even if the mutants are in their own universe, their treatment is not much better.

   Along the interstate, they quickly returned to El Paso and drove the car into a tire shop.

   A pair of eyes passed through the observation window of the rolling door, staring at the two Dodge Rams vigilantly.

   "We are closed today and closed."

   "Stop making trouble with Bates, we only left here with the goods forty minutes ago."

   There was a moment of silence in the tire shop, and the rolling door opened, allowing the two of Marlins to drive in. Before the car stopped at the station, a few rifles were put on the window and aimed at the two people in the car from all directions.

   "This is not the rule~www.mtlnovel.com~Benny, even if you encounter problems on the road, you are not allowed to come back here. You messed things up! Man!"

   A brawny bald man with tattoos walked to the side of the car window with a fierce expression.

   "No, no, Louis, there is absolutely nothing to follow. You don't know what we met halfway, a mutant! Only seven or eight years old! This is a lot of money, and Bolton will definitely not blame us!"

   Louise's expression eased. If the two of them had caught a mutant, it would indeed be forgiven for the rash change of course.

   They don't know, a wolf has been tracked here.

   With the help of Soul Radar, Wolverine, who has turned into a ghost rider, did not use any guns or weapons. He just took out the vehicles and locomotives that Zod prepared for all ghost riders from the arsenal!

   But in fact, Zod also prepared a lot of cars, even huge excavators like Big Macs, but it's a pity that these knights don't seem to be interested.

   The locomotive stopped outside the tire shop, and Wolverine was holding a cigar burning with hellfire.

   "Working for the devil seems to be good too, at least there are enough cigar tubes and it's strong."

   Wolverine said to himself.