
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 400: 400

"What a terrible individual combat capability. It has only been a minute since the sound of the guns were heard. Has it broken through the outer positions of the Chekaha organization depending on the situation?"

Listening to the sound of guns and guns in the distance, remotely controlling the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, the Citigroup investigation team was watching the battle in the valley. After seeing the refreshing and sturdy battle of the thunder **** Zhao Mang on the screen, he couldn't help but envy. Road:

"Look, if this punch goes down, the armored car with the protective plate is also turned into scrap immediately!"

"It's amazing, this is much cooler than the heroes with special effects in the movie!"

"It's just that the opponent is too weak. There is almost no enemy in one. It is even more relaxed and comfortable than our Citi Army fighting. It's just assaulting the children!"

"Don't quarrel, you will be directly connected to Wuling Fort. The generals are very concerned about this conflict!"

The observer's team leader coughed and suddenly reminded him.

"Yes!" The observer hurriedly sat up straight and came out as if he was focused on the remote control unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

Only this lasted for two seconds, and the observer cried out in surprise again.

It caught the attention of the people around.

They looked at the screen, but it was an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft on the trail south of the Chekaha base. They filmed and found a small convoy consisting of two white jeeps and a camouflage off-road vehicle with heavy machine guns. Drive out of the base.

Judging from the intelligence, this is obviously an evacuee from the infamous Chekaha organization.

But just such a situation will not make Citigroup's elites exclaim.

What they were surprised was that not long after the convoy drove out of the valley, it turned and deviated from the dirt road in a sudden blizzard, and rolled over into a ravine more than ten meters low.

The weather here today is cloudless, it is a sunny day.

Besides this season...Where does the blizzard come from in the Land of Chaos?

A possibility flashed through the minds of observers:

Only transcendence can be so!

Excited, they hurriedly hovered the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in the high altitude, and zoomed in on the camera.

Suddenly, they saw a few **** terrorists crawling out of the car that was overturned embarrassingly.

When struggling to call for help.

These terrorists were stunned to see a girl in a cold kimono made of ice and snow floating over their heads, staring at them coldly.

Just the look in the eyes has already made these terrorists cold all over.

They screamed in fear, and raised their assault rifles to take courage.

However...Xiao Yu's summoning elemental creature **** Snow Girl actually didn't have the ability to communicate with others.

And even if she could hear it, she couldn't understand the native language of these guys.

Shiki God Snow Girl released more than a dozen ice cones between her hands, and pierced these terrorists directly to the ground amidst the screaming sound.

Then the rear-style **** Xue Nu suddenly turned around, ignoring the assault rifle bullets fired by the survivor who had just climbed out of the upper body on a side-turned off-road vehicle.

He stretched out his right index finger and pointed it at the back of the off-road vehicle.

A blue light flashed, and the survivor's body was covered with a layer of white frost.

Then with a click, it broke into several pieces and fell onto the ground where frost also appeared.

On the other hand, the **** Snow Girl, the more than a dozen gaps that were shot by the assault rifle bullets, had already recovered from one breath and one breath.

"It's the spirit of Qingming Onmyoji!"

"I also remember, it seems that the scientific name is... Xuenu or something?"

Citigroup observers were shocked for a while, then watched the Shiki God Snow Girl disappear in front of the camera of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft before returning to their senses and whispering to each other.

The Yingdu incident was a huge nuisance at the beginning, and people like them have more detailed contacts than onlookers on the Internet.

Therefore, the identity of this **** Snow Girl was quickly confirmed.

Then came the problem.

Now that the Shiki God Snow Girl appeared here.

So will Qingming Onmyoji be late? I'm afraid that I have stayed somewhere nearby, right?

Thunder God Zhao Mang, Onmyoji Qingming...

Oh my God, this Chekaha organization offended two transcendents!

How could it be so unlucky?

This is unscientific!

The observers immediately reported the discovery as a top priority.

The experts and professors didn't think that the Chekaha Organization had offended the extraordinary forces so accidentally.

The information they obtained about Qingming Onmyoji is that the Chekaha organization may be related to this polar bear country catastrophe.

So Qingming Onmyoji and Thunder God Zhao Mang united and attacked the Chekaha organization, perhaps intending to capture something.

During this period, the leader of the Chekaha organization also witnessed the mysterious power and the **** Snow Girl sniping at them through the cameras placed in the evacuation team.

The leader who looked through the pamphlet, his mouth trembled.

This leader, who had just had ambitions, had already begun to retreat in his heart.

He hid in a private room and began to disguise himself secretly.

In the command room of the Chekaha organization, a puppet pretending to be him was sent out loudly to fight the evil heretics to the end!

At the same time, several large surrounding forces have been connected, asking them to stop the advance of Thunder God Zhao Mang!

Otherwise...their missiles will be launched and hit the tourist attractions of the emirate!

The leaders of the emirate were dumbfounded one by one when they heard the news, and they didn't know where to go to vent the words in their hearts.

They asked the diplomats of Citi State ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ whether the air defense equipment they purchased at a high price could intercept the missiles of the Chekaha organization.

But they can only get an ambiguous answer.

In fact, even the Citigroup's military dare not guarantee this.

Although the equipment they sold was right, the PPT made when it was first sold did show that it could intercept those short-range missiles.

But... the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail. The emirate's logistics and on-site operations, as well as the impact of environmental factors, have always existed.

How much the interception rate can be in actual combat, even the experts who developed this device can only make a general nonsense that may or may not be possible.

The senior leaders of the emirate panicked and asked for help from the major forces.

Just what can the major forces do?

Directly launching a large-yield nuclear bomb for a low-altitude explosion can ensure interception.

But who dares to do this?

Not to mention that there are still extraordinary appearances there, and it is very likely to be related to the polar bear country catastrophe.

Enraged by those extraordinary, are you really afraid of being retaliated against by the polar bear country and the other party?

At most, Citigroup dispatched the nearest unmanned reconnaissance plane to make air calls to inform the Thunder God Zhao Mang of the biochemical missile intelligence organized by Chekaha.

Xiao Yu turned into the Thunder God Zhao Mang, and for the first time squandered the power of the Great Knight in the real world.

Successfully staged a scene of one enemy and one army.

Xiao Yu, who had let go of perception to the limit, slowly walked out of an explosive ammunition storehouse, he noticed the flying drone, and couldn't help but look up.

"Huh? A missile equipped with biological and chemical weapons?"

"This Chekaha organization is okay. It is really frantic, and it is no wonder that it can make the big powers scrupulous."


"This is just to allow me to better pretend to be a big one!"