
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 397: Is there any reward for 800,000 words?

This is a big guy.

Zod supported his cheek, and the soul of the Balrog made the Black Hole Dimensional about to move, as if he wanted to swallow it directly.

This can also be done. It is not necessary to absorb the soul from the outside world. Zod can also risk the war with the three Emperor Weishan and eat the earth directly into the dimension of the black hole. The billions of souls are all Zod. German.

It's just not worth it.

Just kidding, they are all dimensional demon gods, they are all gods of destruction and destruction, and they are still attached to the soul of a single universe and a planet?

The correct operation of the Dimension Demon has never been confined to a single universe. It is the normal Dimension Demon to run N universes to develop business like Mephisto.

Although there are also some dimensional demon gods who are keen to fight against other dimensions to obtain souls.

The reason why Zod still pays attention to this movie universe, instead of looking for other universes, is mainly to wait for the reaction of the heavenly dimension.

It is estimated that it will not be long before the group of bird people find that no soul has ascended to the dimension of heaven. Then they will come to the earth to check the situation.

The evil spirit knights created by Zod will not let go of these mortal angels at that time, their souls are as precious as this Balrog.

They are all great tonic!

Moreover, if he could find the heavenly dimension along the vines, then Zod would definitely not hesitate to hit the black hole dimension and go to war.

He knows that in the Marvel setting, the heavenly dimension of the Lord is missing. At the moment, most of the heavenly dimension in the single universe does not have a Holy Lord. In fact, even with Zord, it can be done.

Johnny Blazer also rushed to the scene at this time, and the two ghost knights suddenly glanced at each other.

Johnny Blazer looked at Barnes's robotic arm. Why does he have such cool equipment?

Barnes's mechanical arm was kindly transformed by Zod into an Edman alloy shell + vibrating core structure, and Thanos can't be cut!

Of course it is Thanos of the movie universe.

"Sure enough, there are two evil spirit knights..."

The halogen egg looked at the two flame-burning skulls "looking at each other", coupled with the huge Balrog and the dense monsters next to him, suddenly felt like he didn't know the world.

What's so special, aliens have all come out, and they have been scientific for so many years. Are you just now telling me that this world is actually theology?

The flame demon roared, and the flame whip lashed at the two of them.

This time, Barnes was finally able to grab Balrog's whip with his mechanical arm, and Johnny Blazer, who had just arrived, also took out his big gun.

"Boom boom!"

The firearms strengthened by hellfire are super powerful, and the flame demon is directly punched with blood holes one by one.

But it directly abandoned the whip, and then rushed up and kicked Johnny Blazer. Bucky also dropped the whip in his hand and used his mechanical arm to fight the Balrog.

The mechanical arm that is also strengthened by Hellfire might not be able to fight the Wrath Hulk, not to mention the ghost knights themselves also possess the ability of super power, which can easily start with a hundred tons of power.

However, at this moment, a line of fire in the sky fell vertically at an extremely fast speed.

A few seconds later.

People outside the enclosure only felt that the ground rumblingly vibrated, as if they had experienced a short earthquake, and then they saw a large cloud of smoke and dust rising from the center of the enclosure in the distance.

Countless fragments of soil, rock and concrete were thrown in all directions from the center of the explosion, mostly within a range of 100 meters, far from reaching the first line of defense in the encircling circle.

This sudden blow came from a high altitude, and the United States dispatched its air force, and a direct blow came from a high altitude that was invisible from the ground perspective.

The huge Balrog lost most of its body on the spot, and those dense monsters became fragments at the moment of the explosion and were thrown high into the sky.

Only a large pit with a depth of ten meters appeared on the spot.

Zod received the soul of the flame demon, and the opposite dimension didn't know if he gave up or what, anyway, he didn't continue to let the monster over.

Bucky frowned and dug out from the buried concrete ruins. With the fire of hell, the concrete was easily burned.

However, at this time, Coleson and the others had already brought people around, cleaning the scene on the one hand, and trying to get in touch with this newly-emerged Ghost Rider on the other.

But Bucky didn't have them at all, so he rode on the motorcycle and left.

Coleson and the others did not dare to use strong and blocking, they could only try their best to remember the characteristics of each other.

Bittern is a bit regretful for not being able to contact this new ghost rider, but now is not the time to think about it.

"How is Tony Stark?"

What he cared about was the life and death of that genius.

"The situation is not very good. Tony Stark is now being sent to the doctor for rescue. His steel suit was directly split in half, and the thing on his chest seems to have gone out. The doctor is now trying to rescue him!"

Coleson said excitedly.

In order to ensure that this great genius could be rescued, SHIELD also went directly to the door to take away the future Doctor Strange, that is, Mr. Stephen Strange.

Who made him the most authoritative surgical expert now?

As a result, Tony Stark in this universe had an important plot change. A few pieces of his crisis heart were easily taken out by Stephen Strange, and other doctors were not more than 50% sure.

But Stephen Strange is 90% sure, but if it is normal, he will still refuse, because there is no 100% certainty that will affect his reputation for the success rate of surgery.

However, the target of the operation was Tony Stark, and the government's CIA and FBI were looking for the door... God knows why these two privileged departments with power in the opposing side would come for this matter.

No way, Stephen Strange had to work obediently.

Fortunately, I succeeded, otherwise I may have to go to jail.

On the other side, Bucky rushed into the black hole dimension on a motorcycle, making S.H.I.E.L.D. lose the ability to track him.

"Good job."

Zod praised him ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Bucky had no expression on his face, but just nodded.

Then Zod put him in a place that he had chosen a long time ago.

Steel Acropolis!

Why is it here?

Because here is a base of terrorists belonging to the land of chaos.

The Land of Chaos was originally a small country, but it was caught in the midst of various major forces due to geographical factors.

As the original Russian brain invaded this country.

So far, the land of chaos was born in the land of the four battles.

There is no such thing as a unified political power here, but the traffic extends in all directions, but it has become a hotbed of underground forces.

It can be called a national version of Sin City.

Countless evils can brazenly appear in this area.