
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 394: Invade

With this kind of human body thawing technology, it is entirely possible to cooperate with the rich and powerful people who are afraid of death to win them over.

Why can't Hydra grow?

By the way, this perfect human body thawing technology, Hydra is only used to preserve the combat effectiveness of a few soldiers...Are you brain-dead?

But whether they are brain-dead or not, one of the thawed Winter Soldiers is Zod's target.

His third knight, James Buchanan Barnes.

Captain America is a good friend who has not hesitated to civil war and betrayed his long-held belief.

James Buchanan Barnes originally had no will of his own. After Zod appeared and helped him restore his memory, he not only had his own will, but also remembered what he had done.

"No, I actually did so many unforgivable things..."

James Buchanan Barnes fell to his knees when Zord appeared.

"Want an atonement?"

His first sentence is different from other dimensional demon gods, because other dimensional demon gods will definitely say at this time, I can satisfy you what you want, or do you desire power?

Zod felt that this kind of advertising and the words of recruiting talents were weak, and it was better to point to the other party's mental needs.

"who are you?"

Barnes was not so easily fooled.

"Steve is still alive, do you want atonement, Barnes?"

Zod sat on a chair, and the people around Hydra seemed to freeze in time.

Only then did Barnes realize something was wrong.

"Steve, still alive?"

Barnes, who had recovered all his memories by Zord, naturally knew that it was seventy years later and that Steve was still alive and an old man.

"Yes, young and healthy alive, like you, he is also frozen in ice, and he hasn't been thawed yet."

Zod said with a smile.

As soon as Captain America is mentioned, Barnes becomes abnormal.

Then he knew what the identity of the person in front of him was and what the so-called atonement was.

"The soul of the sinner, darkness descends..."

While Barnes was still thinking, Zord suddenly frowned.

He felt that other dimensions had invaded.

This kind of thing actually happens every day, and Kama Taj also exists for this. The reason why Gu Yi doesn't want to live is because it is too frequent and too tired.

But now, with Zod, he temporarily took over the job of managing the invasion of dimensions. Without him, creatures of other dimensions would invade, and Zod could get their souls.

It would be even better if it was the **** dimension, the souls of those demons and demons were simply a tonic.

After thinking about it, Zod put the interface of dimensional invasion on the big football field of the United States.

"Darkness has begun, Barnes."

Zod turned on a light and shadow screen, and Barnes saw a huge football field on the opposite side.

New York City football stadium.

Suddenly a green light fell from the sky on the grass on the field where the game was supposed to continue. After being tracked by the camera, it crossed a beautiful parabola and banged into the grass.

Under the bang, the grass was smashed into a large circular hole.

Hot air came out of the pit, accompanied by a burst of unwilling roar.

Immediately, in full view, in the close-up of the camera.

A five-meter-long behemoth with a snake head and wolf body, tiger claws and scorpion tail covered with blue scales, swayed and crawled out from the side of the pit.

As it crawled, there was a burst of cold air from its body, and as its entire body crawled out, it raised the snake's head with a roar.

The cold air visible to the naked eye burst out from the top of its head, then spread out, blowing towards the surroundings of the football field.

The audience screamed one after another, but they shunned it. They were hit by the cold, one by one, they immediately became inconvenient to move, and their movements became sluggish.

Suddenly, huge fear covered the hearts of tens of thousands of people on this football field.

It also makes the millions of viewers watching the live broadcast worry.

Of course, the data of these millions of viewers is soaring.

As the internet fermented, several TV stations that broadcast live football matches in New York City have all been blown up by the calls of their peers.

I believe that within a few minutes, viewers around the world who watch TV and follow news headlines will notice this big event.

A mysterious monster appeared on the live broadcast of the American New York City football match!

Tens of thousands of people are affected and are at stake!

An intelligence organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. was naturally the first to know such news.


Bittern only felt that his skin was hurting again. He saw the exclusive live broadcast of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s 4K high-definition satellite. The behemoth monster had no history at all, and he didn't know if it was an alien or something.

Because it appeared out of thin air, S.H.I.E.L.D. investigated all the nearby surveillance, but found no trace of it.

The audience at the scene couldn't escape. This dimensional invading monster released its own coercion, which can be said to be killing intent, and immediately shocked the fragile species of humans.

Then began to grow big.

"Do not!"

Barnes knew that this was New York, America, and he gritted his teeth when seeing so many innocent people being hurt by this monster.

"I promise you!"

Barnes looked at Zod and said.

"Wise choice."

Zod did not come up with a contract or anything, his power is much stronger than Mephisto, and the black hole dimension is currently connected with the earth dimension, as long as Johnny Blazer and Frank use the power of the black hole dimension, they will continue Deepen the connection between the black hole dimension and the earth dimension.

Barnes ignited black flames, and he roared into a ghost rider, and then a locomotive emerged from the black flames. Barnes rolled over the car in mid-air, and then rushed into the screen.

Arrived directly at the football stadium~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ghost Rider? "

The halogen egg was taken aback when he saw the ghost rider who suddenly appeared, and then quickly contacted the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who was in charge of monitoring Johnny Blazer, and got that Johnny Blazer was currently riding a motorcycle.

"The second ghost rider?"

The bitten egg got even more headache. One evil spirit knight was already troublesome enough, but now there was a second one.

Wait, could that monster be what Johnny Blazer said about the advent of darkness, a big change that hasn't happened in a thousand years?

After Barnes rushed to the scene, he directly retrieved an NSV heavy machine gun that fired 12.7×108 mm bullets from the arsenal.

This fierce heavy machine gun is mainly used for air defense, not to mention that it has been strengthened by the energy of the black hole dimension.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

A loud noise like thunder, after Barnes easily carried this heavy machine gun with one hand and pulled the trigger, the ground was shaking slightly with the loud noise!