
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 392: Frank started to kill

They still don't know that the "punisher" has become an immortal monster.

And Frank obviously didn't expose himself. He hid himself so well that S.H.I.E.L.D. and others couldn't find out that he had become a skeleton knight like Johnny Blazer.

After all, Frank knew very well that if his secrets were discovered, those pesky Wall Street masters would definitely greedy him.

Although he has become immortal, Frank does not want to cause social unrest and panic. He just wants to kill all the sinners.

As for those old men on Wall Street.

Put your heads on their necks temporarily, and when you kill all the sinners, it's their turn.

In the dark, Frank entered a stronghold of the Stanic family.

He still carries a large amount of weapons and ammunition under his windbreaker. Unless necessary, Frank will not use the power of the Ghost Rider because he needs to avoid exposing himself as much as possible.

What's more, after becoming an evil spirit knight, even in an ordinary state, he has superhuman strength, speed, and nerve reflex speed, enough for Frank to slaughter these criminals who are just ordinary people.

"Harley~How has my old friend been recently?"

The Mexican drug dealer Harley Steinbau who just walked off the Buick Boulevard car is being warmly welcomed by the owner here.

"Gering, if you can give me more goods, I will be much better!"

Harley, the little Mexican, hugged Goring, the man in charge here, and said.

"Ah~ you have to know, the output of Paradise 3 has not been high, so although I really want to equip you with more goods, there is nothing I can do."

Goering spread his hands, expressing his powerlessness.

Frank was thinking that when he caught a good prey this time, his soul radar told him that there was an invisible guy approaching him.


Frank put his hand into his arms silently and took out an M500 revolver.

Then he suddenly turned sideways, and a fishy red tongue slammed into the place where he was just like lightning.

The red tongue was like a powerful steel whip, and it hit a big hole on the solid concrete slab.

The noise from here immediately alarmed the two drug dealers over there, and Goering greeted him, and nearly 30 gang members with various guns raised their guns toward this side.

Frank had already fired based on the position of his tongue, and without any hesitation, he emptied the M500 bullet in just a few blinks.

The powerful warhead opened five large holes in the mutant's body, and the scene behind can be seen.

Five bullets, all hits!

The mutant couldn't stand his eyes on him, and he couldn't think of why he was shot when he was invisible. Moreover, all five bullets hit the torso and all the important organs were broken. Even if he was lying on the operating table of the hospital, he could not be saved.

This is the terrible thing about Frank, placed in the DC world, at least at the death knell level.

Killing is already instinct for them.

Frank reloaded the M500 bullet and flew out.

More than 30 gangsters have been staring here. When he just flew out, these guys opened fire on Frank.

However, the topography of this trading site is rather peculiar, like the underground foundation of a building with many large concrete pillars for support.

So Frank just dodged directly behind another pillar. Although the gangsters fired at Frank intensively, they didn't hit him.

"Damn it, Britz is dead!"

"Jason is dead too!"

At this time, the gangsters discovered that two of their companions had been shot headshot.

Because the gunfire was too intense just now, they didn't even know that the enemy had completed a counterattack at that moment.

What kind of monster is this?

Frank took out a 12.7 mm automatic rifle from his coat.

Don't ask him where he is stuffed, this is a man's secret, just like a woman's four-dimensional ditch, everything can be put in and taken out.

The automatic rifle with 60 rounds of extended magazine was enough for Frank to complete the massacre.

He threw out two smoke bombs. Suddenly, the smog of his nose and eyes were enveloped. Before they could react, Frank opened fire.

Everyone felt as if the air had become thinner, and their breathing had begun to not be smooth. Ask them to deal with the enemy, they have no problem.

After all, they are all trained by the Stanic family, and they have gone through many gangs to fight to guard an important property of the family here.

But this kind of enemy who doesn't know where is making people feel uncomfortable, cough~cough~ there are two low wailings, accompanied by two falling sounds.

This represents the sacrifice of two more companions. But no one dared to escape, there was no way to discern the direction in the smoke, and he didn't know where he would go. Perhaps escaping would make him die faster!

In this depressed mood, someone finally couldn't stand it. He picked up the gun in his hand and fired at the front. This was just venting his pressure, and it didn't help the real battle.

Frank did not waver. In the smoke, he fired extremely accurately based on gunshots and human voices. The lethality of the 12.7mm rifle shells was amazing. Even if they were wearing body armor, as long as they were not high-grade, heavy-duty body armor, there was basically no need to make up. Gun out.

Until three seconds later, the entire underground space was quiet again. There are only a few half-dead guys who lie on the ground and gasp in pain.

Frank finished filling the gun blankly, blasting the heads of these guys.

Then he found three suitcases ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and placed them on a simple table. Open the suitcase of drug dealer Harley, it is full of drug money.

One hundred sheets of one hundred dollar cash were bundled into a stack, and after counting, there were two hundred stacks of hundred dollar knives in this suitcase. This is two million dollars in cash.

The general small gangs like to use small banknotes because they do not have comprehensive money laundering channels.

But for the Stanic family, which has money laundering channels, naturally large amounts of cash are more popular.

The other two boxes are filled with ice-blue capsules. Frank heard the conversation between Halley and Goring before and knew what Paradise Three was called.

Now that science is advancing, traditional drugs such as Hai Luo Yin and Ke Ka Yin have begun to fade away.

Because these drugs that use plant extracts require a huge plantation, it is too easy to be discovered and then destroyed.

However, nowadays, soft drugs, poisons, and products that can be synthesized by chemical agents have a higher degree of concealment, and are more addictive and dependent.