
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 39: Assault

"Dr. Banner."

   "Don't come here!"

  Bruce Banner only felt his whole body hot, and then lost his mind.

   In Zord's eyes, it was Bruce Banner who suddenly turned green, and then his size quickly expanded, and finally turned into a behemoth.

   "Am I going to scream or say something about Oumaika at this time?"

   Zod looked up at the Hulk, then teased.

   Although it is said that Zord should use his spiritual power to appease the Hulk at this time and not let him run away, but Zord came here in person, except for Banner, a nuclear physicist, just want to fight!


   The Hulk snarled at Zod, but didn't mean to hurt him. After all, Zod didn't harm Hulk either. Hulk's mind at this time was still very simple.

  Zord waited for a while, and after staring at the Hulk with big eyes, he stretched out a hand and flicked his finger on the Hulk's chest.


   The Hulk flew out directly, and stopped after smashing many trees.

   Then Hulk became angry, and his body became a little bigger.


The Hulk jumped over and slammed a punch on Zod's head. Zod didn't move, and the ground under his feet did not break, because the shock wave and kinetic energy were all absorbed, and the Hulk's fist was directly deformed, just like an ordinary person. As if the fist hit hard steel, its fist broke!

   The Hulk howled in pain, and then saw Zord's eyes glow red.

  'S fiery hot sight hit the Hulk, easily melted its indestructible skin, penetrated into the flesh and blood, and directly penetrated the Hulk's body!

   The Hulk was even more angry, his injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his body became stronger. It grabbed a big tree and slammed it at Zod.

   Zod didn't even block the movement, and the tree slammed on him and exploded directly.

   The Hulk looked at the only tree in his hand in a puzzled manner.


  Zod stretched out his hand, the energy in his body was converted into electrical energy, and a hundred thousand volt lightning hit the Hulk.


The Hulk was trembling with electricity, but it quickly broke free, but Zord was faster, the energy in his body was converted into wind energy, and a huge hurricane was set off in the blink of an eye. The Hulk struggled to grab the ground, but he whizzed Was involved in a hurricane.

   The surrounding air currents were driven by hurricanes, and the giant hurricane just now quickly became a super giant hurricane.

   The Hulk circled around in the hurricane without fighting back. Under the influence of the Black Queen, this devastating Category 6 hurricane did not attract any attention.

   After all, the most advanced hurricane known to mankind is Category 5 and Category 6... If it is discovered, the United States is afraid that it will not be scared to death.

Zod, who has become a human-shaped natural disaster, doesn't think there is any invincibility in the world. He is stuck in this place now, and above it is the heavenly father level. I don't know how long it will take to become the heavenly father level. The parent-level powerhouse has caught a lot in the Marvel Universe, which is nothing at all.

   "I can be considered as soft as I am."

  Zord looked at the infinitely powerful Hulk in the invisible wind with no strength to fight back, and felt that he had reached the realm of Mahayana with softness and strength.

   Nodded in satisfaction, and then Zod watched the Hulk go round and round, only to find that instead of dizzying, it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

After all,    is a newly born Hulk, not as easy to be defeated as later, and has unlimited potential.

   So Zord absorbed most of the wind energy, the hurricane dissipated, and as soon as the Hulk landed, he pounced on Zord like a vicious dog.

  Zord said that he would not refuse anyone. He hit the Hulk's chest with a punch and plunged deep into it. Then he took the opportunity to throw the Hulk to the ground with an over-shoulder throw.

  Although Zod is not the most powerful occupation as a soldier in Krypton, he has implanted the life code, giving himself unlimited possibilities, and naturally also has the strength of the soldier.

   Coupled with the super brain, all fighting skills on the earth will be readily available in one hour.

   The Hulk, who was thrown so hard to react, was lifted up by Zord, and then severely broke his back!


   The Hulk howled miserably, and his spine was severely broken by Zord.

   Disjointed muscles and bones!

Zod used the splitting and staggered hand in the eagle's grasping hand. Playing this technique with a body of steel became very terrible. The Hulk kept wailing, that is, it has strong resilience ability, otherwise It's just useless.

   After removing all the eighteen joints of the Hulk's body, the Hulk collapsed on the ground and just groaned. Although the blood in his eyes was extremely congested, he still couldn't help Zod.

   Under a perspective scan, the situation in the Hulk's body Zord is clear at a glance, it can even quickly recover from this kind of muscle and bone disorder, what a monster!

  Hulk: Who is the monster!

   The Hulk, who recovered in less than ten seconds, is still reluctant. It hasn't suffered such a big loss, and it hasn't made Zod embarrassed or flat after playing for so long.

   It turns out that Zod blows out in one breath.

   Frozen breath!

   Kaka Kaka, the moisture in the air is also frozen, and the Hulk who bears the brunt directly turns into an ice sculpture.

   At this time, Zod began to sway the cosmic energy with his spiritual power, and the photon energy of Captain Marvel appeared in Zod's hands.

   Photon energy wave!

  Zord introduced the photon energy. The powerful energy ray hit the Hulk ice sculpture. Instead of exploding, it pushed it out. The impact of the photon made the Hulk desperate.


   The Hulk just roared and was teleported by Zod, who held his head with one hand and smashed it on the ground.

   "Can't you change other lines, come and tell me."

   Zod grabbed the Hulk's head.

   "Zodhis is the most handsome and strongest!"


In order for the Hulk to remember this sentence deeply, Zod smashed it into the ground and then pierced the ground with his bare hands. A huge green arm grabbed Zod and wanted to drag him into his arms. As a result, Zod stood still in place, and the Hulk couldn't shake Zod with enough energy to suckle.

   Instead, Zod grabbed his arm and pulled it gently. The mud splashed and the Hulk flew directly into the sky.

   moved to the sky above the Hulk in an instant, Zod raised his right leg, and came a tomahawk-style slash!

The Hulk's extremely tough bones broke directly under Zod's right leg. The Newton's three punches of gravitational acceleration caused the Hulk to hit the ground and smashed a large pit hundreds of meters in diameter and several meters in depth, causing a strong earthquake in an instant. Shattered its internal organs, and the Hulk lying on the ground vomited out internal organ fragments and green blood with high-intensity gamma-ray radiation.