
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 389: Daily ticket request

   And the people who happened to be sent out were Hydra agents and people with a guilty conscience, how dare to deal with the messenger of hell.

When    halogen egg heard this situation, he cursed secretly the guy who could be saved.

   But he didn't move a bit.

   Johnny smashed into the gang. He drew a shotgun from the locomotive. Under the erosion of the power of the black hole dimension, this shotgun turned into a weapon and a big killer for slaying gods and demons.


   was just a shot, and the gangster in the front directly smeared a pool of ketchup graffiti on the wall with his upper body.

   "Kill him!"

   The gangsters would not wait to die, they took out their guns and fired at Johnny.

   Johnny stood there and did not avoid him, but took out another big killer from the locomotive.

  Mm1 grenade launcher!

   "Boom! Boom!"

   As soon as a demonized grenade went down, the entire casino was dead, and their souls were all absorbed by Johnny, and then they entered the black hole dimension.

  Zord is very concerned about the situation of this batch of souls, and then he was surprised to find that the quality of these souls is very high, basically the pure soul created by the soul gem can reach a ratio of 1 to 100, or even more.

   One of the sinful souls brings energy to Zord's black hole dimension equivalent to the energy of more than a thousand pure souls.

  In other words, this guy is doing no evil, and when his soul is degenerate, he will be scrambled by demons and demons.

   Johnny ransacked a casino, but did not intend to stop.

   The other gangsters in Hell's Kitchen also reacted, and countless bullets fell on Johnny when he walked out of the casino.

   Johnny was not afraid of danger and took out a GEM134 machine gun from the arsenal.

  Minigun M134 7.62mm machine gun is a six-barrel aviation machine gun developed by the United States during the Vietnam War.

   This high-rate aviation machine gun is mainly used on helicopters, and can also be used as a vehicle-mounted weapon for mechanized infantry.

   M134 type 7.62mm machine gun has a high rate of fire, fierce firepower, complex structure, and driven by external energy sources. The gun has 6 barrels, which can be turned and fired. The rotating tube is driven by a DC motor (28V).

   However, after being eroded and transformed by the energy of the black hole dimension, this machine gun became vicious and domineering, and its skeleton-like appearance was full of evil.

As Johnny pulled the trigger, this machine gun roared and fired bullets far exceeding its ammunition capacity, and those bullets directly penetrated the wall, even the load-bearing pillar was directly penetrated, and the black flame on the bullet was disintegrated. Hit everything.

   The gangster who counterattacked behind the bunker was caught off guard and turned into a **** mist. Those who hid deeply could not escape the soul radar of Johnny's eyes.

   A rocket hit Johnny suddenly.


   Before the gangsters had time to cheer, Johnny pulled out a bazooka from his body.

   "Oh Shet!"

   The gangster who just fired the rocket had only time to swear such a sentence, because the rocket fired by Johnny was faster than the artillery shell.


   An entire floor was directly blown up, and then Johnny carried the M60 machine gun in his right hand and started the slaughter mode of the Wushuang cloth cutter.

   Gangsters had no power to fight back, and both the heads and those who didn't were shot to death.

   The gunshots resounded through the streets outside the Hell's Kitchen, making those people think that there was another terrorist attack in the United States.

   Seeing that the messenger of **** is making too much noise, there is no way to do it, so he can only send his own capable officer Coleson.

   The old men on Wall Street also knew about this, and they were anxious, and they even wanted to shoot a missile directly to see if they could kill the messenger of hell.

   This kind of frenzied proposal naturally no one agrees.

   Just kidding, it's okay to kill it, what if it doesn't kill it and let it stare instead?

   This thing does not seem to be able to communicate.

   The evil spirit rider doesn't play the leather whip that he is good at...No, the chain, it is naturally Zord's credit to change to the arsenal.

   He always felt that the Ghost Rider was too slow to kill and attack with chains, so he might as well play as Gun Master.

   Then he got Johnny a weapon arsenal, which could be taken out of his body or out of the locomotive.

   The iconic exclusive weapon is Hellboy's huge revolver. The bullet is equivalent to the length of a person's **** and the thumb is thick.

  Because it is eroded by black hole dimensional energy, this magic weapon does not require ammunition. As long as the black hole dimensional energy is sufficient, it can be infinite ammunition. Isn't it easier to kill a person with this than swinging a chain for hundreds of times?

   And this arsenal is very rich, there are even Black Hawk fighters, nuclear submarines, space-based weapons and so on.

   If Zod is interested, he may also plug a "Death Star" or Gundam in.

   After a night of trouble, Johnny passed out into a coma and returned to his normal appearance.

   But this evening, the fact that he became a **** messenger and swept the **** kitchen has spread, although SHIELD and the United States are trying to block the information.

   However, there is the rising tide organization, a hacker organization dedicated to letting people know the truth of the hidden facts, and their efforts were in vain.

   After all, the hacker Skye in the Rising Tide organization can use a simple notebook to invade the S.H.I.E.L.D. database, even the firewall designed by Stark can't stop it.

   This mysterious hacking technique has accelerated the spread of this video.

   Of course, Johnny was also taken away by Coleson who came afterwards.

   is now resting in a room closely monitored by SHIELD, waiting for him to wake up.

   Then, when Coleson reported to the halogen egg.

Poor ~www.mtlnovel.com~ The unconscious Johnny Blazer was caught by Hydra, the American Consortium, General Ross's military, the congress master, the Wall Street master, the vampire, the hand club, the golden union... and so on. The forces collected a lot of samples of blood, saliva, hair, dander, etc. when the gods and the ghosts knew.

   After knowing that the **** knight who killed the Quartet was turned into by himself that night, they became very interested.

   Can't wait to find out the secret of Johnny, and then take it for himself.

   Johnny Blazer didn't let them wait too long, so he woke up directly.

   "Hello, hot Johnny."

  While Johnny Blazer was whispering to the unfamiliar ceiling, where is this place, Coulson walked in with a gentle smile and gave Johnny a very good impression all at once.

He is a good man!

"where is this place?"

  Johnny felt a burning pain in his throat, as if he were severely dehydrated.

   "This is the ward, do you remember what happened last night?"

   Coleson was keenly aware of this and poured him a glass of water.

   "Thank you."

   Johnny couldn't wait to take it.