
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 388: Messenger of hell

It's like Mephisto is looking for Johnny Blazer in the original plot.

   A normal soul cannot rob the heavenly dimension and "death".

   But if it's a branded soul, it's different.

   Johnny Blazer hunted evil souls for him in accordance with Mephisto's contract, and seemed to be doing good deeds, performing justice, and anti-heroes.

   But in fact, all the sinful souls he harvested went to Mephisto's Hell Dimension Fragment to strengthen the strength of this old devil.

   Mephisto was able to advance from the devil of the heavenly father to the great devil of the single universe, thanks to this.

  Zord fell in love with Johnny, entirely because he was not an ordinary ghost rider.

  The source of power of the pure evil spirit knight is heaven, and its fundamental spirit of vengeance was created by God himself.

   After the Noah's Ark Flood, God discovered that the original sin nature of mankind has not changed, but he previously promised not to punish mankind with cruel means like the flood, and he used the spirit of vengeance to supervise the sin nature of mankind.

   Since then, the spirit of vengeance that descended on the world in the form of flame, combined with the human host to form a ghost rider, used to cleanse the sins of the world.

  The main duty of the evil spirit knight is to supervise the evil nature of human beings in the world, and to avenge the innocent people who have been killed by the evil. It is the standard evil nemesis.

   The souls of the criminals killed by the genuine evil spirit knights will be annihilated directly, and will not go to any **** dimension to strengthen the power of those demons or demons.

   Therefore, the real name of the Ghost Rider should be called "God's Wrath"!

   But Johnny is not an ordinary ghost rider, he is not even a ghost rider.

   He is the soul of a hell-dimensional demon lord defeated by Mephisto, Zatanos!

   This gives Johnny the potential and strength to surpass other ghost knights, which is actually true.

   He became the strongest ghost knight, playing Mephisto for daily entertainment, and the comics of the ghost knight slaying the Marvel universe.

   Although this Johnny Blazer is just the Johnny Blazer of the movie universe, he may not have such powerful power.

   But leave him alone, talk to him first.

   As for why Zod worked so hard to harvest his soul, instead of fighting other dimensional demon gods.

   You can see why the two old cunning men, Heaven Dimension and Mephisto, don't fight.

  Zord doesn't understand, but he will follow smart people, and he doesn't have to look at Lao Mo so hard, every universe deceives people, deceived himself from Heavenly Father to a single universe level?

   In a certain universe, Lao Mo even became a "Satan" through deception. The Satan in the **** dimension is different from the "Lord" in the heaven dimension.

   Once you become a "Satan", you can gather the hell-dimensional fragments that have been broken into countless pieces and become a true multiverse-level demon king. At that time, all the hell-dimensional fragments will be controlled by Satan.

   Therefore, harvesting souls must be very good. On the one hand, Zord wants to be promoted to the multiverse tier to contend with the runes, but on the other hand, this promotion is not so easy.

   Otherwise, it won't take so many years. Among the countless dimensional demon gods, there are only three multiverse-level big demon gods.

   Wei Shandi, they are not counted, they are a trinity, only one.

   Johnny Blazer could not resist, he was directly dragged into the black hole dimension by Zod, and when he came out, he was branded with the black hole dimension, and now his soul was completely owned by Zod.

  Zord was a little disappointed, this Johnny Blazer is completely a parallel import.

   But he was merciful and strengthened Johnny Blazer.

   "This guest, you are too much to do this."

   An elderly gentleman walked over with a gentleman's stick, and the shadow behind him was elongated, forming a fierce devil's shadow.

   Realizing that he had lost control of Johnny Blazer's soul, Mephisto didn't care about the agreement with the heavenly dimension, and hurriedly descended here.

   Then I found Zod and Johnny.

   His beloved knight was snatched away, and the old devil was very angry.

   "Mephisto? Mephisto in this universe is too weak, though it's just a projection."

  Zord didn't know when he had come behind Mephisto, the old devil could only hear one such sentence in the end, and then his consciousness completely disappeared.

   Under the circumstance that the Dimension Demon's body cannot directly descend into the real dimension, Zod is basically invincible, even if it does come, he is invincible.

   Even if it was the crimson dimensional demon Satorak at the top of the pyramid, if he dared to leave his dimensionality, Zod would beat him to death and eat his crimson dimensionality without saying a word.

   "Johnny, what are you waiting for, why don't you start your work?"

Zod looked at Johnny Blazer. The locomotive under his crotch was eroded by the power of the black hole dimension and turned into a cool, hideous heavy locomotive burning with black flames, and Johnny Blazer himself wailed. The black flame was lit from head to toe.

   The black flame version of the ghost rider!

  Because the ghost rider of this movie universe has not yet appeared, the appearance of Johnny Blazer quickly attracted the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"what is that?"

   S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau quickly discovered Johnny through the surveillance cameras, a skeleton rider riding a motorcycle with black flames burning!

   "Is **** so advanced now?"

Although Coleson said a cold joke, no one cares, because they are like enemies~www.mtlnovel.com~ One-eyed black marinated eggs, not to mention, although he knew this through Captain Marvel many years ago People on the earth in the universe are not alone, there are many aliens.

   But he didn't know that **** also exists!

   Regarding Johnny Blazer's look, no one would dispute that he was a **** of death or a **** knight who harvested his soul from hell.

   The proper villain!

   Johnny was taken by the locomotive uncontrollably and disturbed many New Yorkers along the way, and then the New Yorkers saw him rushing into the Hell's Kitchen area.

   "Sinners, your fallen and sinful souls, I will judge you!"

   Johnny rushed into an underground casino run by a gang, and everyone inside was startled.

   After all, it is very exciting to see a skull in the middle of the night, and Johnny's first sentence is even more exciting and scary.

S.H.I.E.L.D. agents stared at Johnny closely, and sent out manpower to try to contact the **** messenger. However, S.H.I. Can be there in time.

   Just kidding, although S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are confident that they are performing justice, there are also many Hydra agents and people with guilty conscience.