
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 385: Advance to the Dimension Demon

Hearing what Gu Yi said, Zod finally picked the biggest unowned dimension.

Dark dimension!

It was the first time that Zod became a Dimension Demon. He had no experience. Under the leadership of Supreme Master Gu Yi, Xiao Mengxin taught how to become a Dimension Demon.

This unowned dark dimension accepted Zod at the speed of light, and even feared that Zod would repent.

At the same time, Zod also developed a clear understanding, as long as he abandons his physical body and completely merges with this dark dimension, he can become a single-universe-level powerhouse!

Oh, the single universe level is an egg.

Zod ignored the coveting of the dark dimension for his body, and then he merged into the dark dimension, rewriting the nature of the entire dimension with his own power!

In front of Zod's powerful power, the Dark Dimension had no power to fight back, and directly became the shape of Zod.

From the dark dimension to the black hole dimension!

Countless black holes appear in the black hole dimension. There is no light here, but they can still be seen clearly.

After all, in the dimensional space, the master of the dimensional space can be omniscient and omnipotent, anti-logic, and even realize perpetual motion.

It's just that there is no light, and then it is not difficult for the creatures to see it.

After Zod became the master of the black hole dimension, he immediately imprinted his hand-management maidens with a black hole dimension. In the future, they can be directly pulled into the black hole dimension to escape.

No longer have to worry about the threat of runes, he has the ability to break out of the multiverse and find the black hole dimension outside the multiverse!

With the black hole dimension, Zord can see what it looks like outside the multiverse from a high-latitude perspective.

He observed the super universe.

In the setting of the Marvel universe, the super universe is composed of two or more multiverses.

After becoming a dimensional demon, Zod has realized that he can quickly find other dimensions through the black hole dimension, but most of them have the main dimension.

"Don't worry about this..."

In the dimension of the black hole, Zod faintly has a multi-level level, but the difference is a thousand miles away, and it can only be said to be infinitely close.

With the help of the power of the black hole dimension, he swallowed the power of the Phoenix and the Dragon from his body.

It was needed before, but it is not needed anymore. It is simply used as a nutrient for the black hole dimension.

"Such a world is good, but there is no life."

Zod looked at the deadly black hole dimension.

The creation of life requires soul, and soul is a precious item to the dimensional demon, second only to dimensional fragments and unowned dimensions, the currency circulating between the dimensional demon is also based on soul.

This is mainly because of the Marvel World, those souls who died naturally, it is difficult for the Dimension Demon to **** the "death" of one of the five great creation gods.

Otherwise, the Dimension Demon will not spread his beliefs and devote strength to imprint the other person's soul to obtain the soul of others. In addition to grabbing souls from "death", there are also large and small **** dimensions that will automatically collect souls, so the soul is very important to the dimension. It is a very precious thing for the Devil God.

The souls of Kama Taj's group of wizards have long been stigmatized by various dimensional demon gods. Every time the power of the dimensional demon **** is used, the brand will deepen. After death, the soul will be directly divided by this group of dimensional demon gods. .

First of all, **** is a conceptual general term. Asgard's Heim underworld needs to be divided into a part of the heroic spirits, Hades has to take away a part, and there are all kinds of various death gods, other dimensional demon gods do not say However, their believers accounted for a lot, and their souls did not return to hell.

Then there is the heavenly dimension, which is closely related to the earth dimension, and they are the biggest winners.

Almost a large number of souls have been harvested, and the power of the heavenly dimension has become stronger as a result.

Even if the dimensional demons are omnipotent in their own dimensions, they still cannot create souls out of thin air.

But Zod found an alternative method.

He went to the movie universe, where the Red Skull guarded the planet of the soul gem.

"Are you here to find soul gems?"

As a qualified gatekeeper, Red Skull had been here for a long time, wishing to get free soon, so he greeted him directly.

Zod went directly to the soul gem. If it were the comic universe, he would be a little scrupulous, but the infinite gems in the movie universe could not help him anymore.

This gem has the ability to steal, manipulate, modify or create souls.

Gems can not only control life and souls, but even dead souls can command them.

This gem is also very dangerous because it has some independent self-awareness and a hungry soul. Ironically, this gem is essentially an entrance to a small universe that is as beautiful as an idyllic.

Zod has obtained power gems, soul gems, space gems and reality gems, but this is the first time that he has obtained soul gems.

With his strength, he directly forcibly broke the protection given to him by the soul gem, and took control of this orange gem in his hands.

Soul Gem was very dissatisfied with Zod's failure to abide by his own rules, and tried to shake Zod's soul and devour him.

However, immediately afterwards, Soul Gem discovered that Zod not only remained motionless under his own intake, but he even absorbed his own power in turn.

After being absorbed one-third of the power, the soul gem succumbed directly.

Zod returned the power to it.

Then returned to the black hole dimension with the soul gem.

But Zod quickly discovered that the soul gem in the black hole dimension had lost its power and turned into an ordinary gem.

"It's really troublesome."

Zod returned to the movie universe ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and found that a new soul gem appeared on Volda Star. The gem in his hand became a real ordinary gem.

"Single infinite gems are trouble..."

Zod went to fetch the soul gem again.

The Red Skull I witnessed the whole time looked dumbfounded. Are there two soul gems here?

It seems impossible to bring soul gems back to the black hole dimension and use them. Zod thought for a while and started to create souls using the power of soul gems.

After a large number of souls were created, they were led by "death".

A black whirlpool opened, and endless death aura overflowed from it. It was the pure land of death in the Marvel world.

The murmur of death sounded in Zord's ear. These words that had never been heard came from the end of the world of the Dead Sea, and every note had magical power that made people lose their minds and souls.

However, Zod has also been promoted to become the Dimension Demon. This single death goddess has not been able to cause Zod to have any accidents.