
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 384: Unowned dimension

"I am, Iron Man."

Robert Downey Jr. dropped the piece of paper in his hand and said this classic line.

Zordhess and Esthers passed through the lively crowd.

"It really is the movie universe."

Zod nodded, but if it were the movie universe, I wouldn't know if there were any dimensional fragments in this ancient first hand.

With his current strength, it is not difficult to find Kama Taj, and the ancient master still has the intention of inviting him.

It may be that Zord and his group of visitors from other universes also want to meet.

Zod was invited to go, and Tifa and the others bought a house to live in.

"Hello, guests from other universes."

As soon as Zod passed through the gate of the mage, he saw Gu Yi sitting in the center of the huge room with a tea set and making tea.

In the quaint hall, a wisp of Buddhist incense smoke slowly rose, and then drifted into the air.

In the hall, mages wearing various robes sit and talk, or read books to think and meditate. Although people of all skin colors can be found here, the number of yellow-skinned Asians is the largest.


The whole hall was very quiet. It was obvious that many people were communicating loudly, even arguing to the point that their faces were red, but the people next to them were not affected at all, giving people a sense of tranquility as if they were still in the water.

Gu Yi sits cross-legged in front of a low coffee table, making tea, smelling tea, and drinking tea, as if tasting an art in a relaxed manner.

Her movements are simple and clear, but they contain deep meaning, giving people an inexplicable sense of realm, transcending material and behavior, and the unity of nature and man on the spiritual level.

Zod, who had never refused all kinds of drinks, sat down with him.

"Try it..."

Gu Yi poured a cup of tea and pushed it in front of Zod, smiling lightly.

"Tea is the incarnation of Tao. Taste the fragrance of tea. Self-cultivation with tea can make people leisurely and peaceful, help cultivate sentiment and get rid of distracting thoughts."

Zod thanked him, picked up the teacup and smelled the tea, feeling a little relaxed and happy. His eyes lit up, and the tea and fruit in the cup were somewhat doorways. Looking at Gu Yiruo's deep smile, he immediately calmed down and slowly savored it.

Gently hold the tea in the mouth, the taste is like life, bitter and sweet, the mouth is fragrant, and it is long and lingering, which is endless aftertaste.

"Hello, Master Gu Yi."

Zod greeted him very familiarly.

"you know me?"

Gu Yi asked with a smile.

In order to dispel the other's vigilance and doubts, Zod bowed slightly and saluted.

The mage who lives in Kama Taj will greet him like this when they meet. With the learning ability of Kryptonians, even if Zod has only been to Kama Taj a few times, he has directly learned this etiquette.

Gu Yi mage was taken aback for a moment, and was about to ask, when he heard a string of spells chanted by Zod.

It is not a spell used for attack and defense, but a spell used in daily life. Its function is to turn boiled water into wine, drink or green tea.

No one else invented this spell, but Gu Yi herself. She relaxed the magic in her body and asked with a smile.

"Young mage, what is our relationship in another universe?"

"I am not a mage, but we are friends."

Zod shook his head and said.

"Close to the subject, what are you here for?"

Gu Yi nodded, and did not completely believe Zod's words.

"I want a masterless dimension, Gu Yi Mage."

Zod said.

"...Give me a convincing reason. Since we know, you should know the importance of the masterless dimension. I won't give it to anyone easily."

Gu Yi mage was silent for a moment.

Zod was a little surprised. So, does this Gu Yi really have an ownerless dimension?

"Two reasons."

Zod also knew that his logic was untenable, but as long as he was frank, it would be fine.

Master Gu Yi said that he listened respectfully.

"The first reason is that I am too strong and powerful enough to affect the universe where I am. The ancient master of my universe and Emperor Wei Shan of the Trinity of Agmoto gave a suggestion, that is, to become a dimensional demon."

Zod loosened the shackles of the biological force field a bit, and Gu Yi mage immediately understood.

"How can it be... actually there is a life body with its own mass equivalent to the 78948th power of the total mass of a universe, and it can stay safe and sound in a single universe."

In Gu Yi's eyes, the quality of Zod's body is still increasing, not fast or slow, maintaining a constant rate of increase, but this is even more terrifying.

Relying on the particularity of the Kryptonians, the ability of the biological force field is indeed the most buggy ability of the Kryptonians.

Without it, Zod would have burst all the monomer universes passing by.

"The second reason is that my universe is destroyed, and Gu Yi mage is also dead. Everything came too suddenly."

Zod saw Gu Yi's question. Since this is the case, why didn't the Gu Yi mage give Zod the dimension of no master?

"This is impossible."

Master Gu Yi had an idea of ​​disbelief. Who can defeat a super-monomer superpower in the real dimension, a single universe?

Even if it is a great demon **** of the level of Saitorak, leaving his own dimension, at best, he can only tie with Zod in front of him, right?

The Celestial Group in the single universe will only be slaughtered by Zod.


Zod uttered a name, and Gu Yi mage was silent for a moment.

Even the weakened version of the ancient one in the movie universe knows what a rune is, after all, Kama Taj will have a record.

"Has it been born?"

Gu Yi sighed.

"More than a thousand universes have already been destroyed. In order to protect myself, I just want to become a dimensional demon."

Zod said.

"I know."

Gu nodded ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and she showed her collection.

There are not only her collections, but also collections from when Agomoto was the Supreme Master, or even earlier.

With so many unowned dimensions, if you are known by those dimension demon gods, you will definitely be crazy.

After all, the only way for the Dimension Demon to become stronger is to let his own dimension swallow other dimensions. The unowned dimension is the best, without fighting, and then it is to erode the reality dimension.

It's just that the promotion to the multiverse level is nowhere in sight, and it is no different from the current situation of Zod.

Zord picks and chooses. Among these unowned dimensions, the fragments of the **** dimension account for a lot, and it may be that Gu Yi snatched it from Mephisto.

There are also fragments of the dark dimension of Domam, which is a great tonic for Domam, but it is obviously not available.

"These unowned dimensions will also be affected by their dimensional demon, provided that the demon is stronger or equal to them."

Gu Yi didn't seem to be satisfied with Zod's picking, so he said.