
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 383: Thanos Played

Then Esther and the others sprayed out with color, thermal vision, and shelter No. 2 was cut apart by thermal vision in an instant.

Unprepared, Thanos had no time to reach Venus with a few important men.


There is a lot of turbulence on the surface of the atmosphere of Venus, and Venus is completely unsuitable for human habitation.

Its surface temperature is as high as 450 degrees Celsius, and there is a lot of carbonic acid in the atmosphere close to the surface.

And there are all kinds of toxic and harmful substances in the atmosphere, but there is no oxygen. The high temperature of the sun and the ultra-low temperature of the night are enough to kill all fragile life, which also prevents the bud of life from appearing here.

It is the second closest planet to the sun in the solar system.

The atmospheric pressure of this planet is ninety times that of the earth, which is equivalent to the pressure of the earth's 900 meters deep in the ocean.

Dilapidated atmosphere, super high surface temperature, and sulfuric acid rain from time to time.

Human civilization has never regarded this planet closest to the earth as a goal of alien colonization.

Except for a few astronomers who are a little bit curious about this planet, basically no scientists and governments will set their sights on this barren land.

As far as I can see, the surface of Venus presents a sense of extreme desolation. This is a planet without water and 70% of the surface is plain.

Your eyes can see far, far away, until the horizon disappears!

But today, a few uninvited guests came here.

Thanos brought his Obsidian Five Generals to here, and then Esther, Tifa, Flame Fairy, and Dinesha also came.

Thanos had an ugly face, he didn't know why there were so many crazy women in his hometown.

The strength of each one is beyond imagination.

Not only them, but also a dense army of Ultron robots.

The Black Queen found Wakanda in this parallel universe based on the original cosmic data, and mined the vibrating resources there to create this vibrating Ultron robot army.

The invasion of Thanos was even discovered by Ultron robots all over the solar system, and then the Black Queen told Esther and them.

When Esther heard the fight, he ran over. Tifa and the others were worried that Esther would have an accident, and followed him.

Thanos stared at the four women in front of him.

As a clan of eternal Titans, his top talent surpasses all beings in the universe, allowing Thanos to have a near indestructible life, even without food and water.

Possess unparalleled strength, intelligence, endurance, resilience and agility. His skin is almost indestructible and can resist cold, heat, electricity, radiation, poison, aging and disease.

As the overlord of the universe, Thanos has no weaknesses, and the vacuum and radiation of the universe are nothing to him. It's right to think about it. If vacuum weightlessness could kill him, that would be too trifling. A cosmic overlord who died in a space car accident would be impossible to listen to.

The black dwarf roared, took off the giant axe hung on his back, swooped at Estes and the others, rounded the giant axe and slashed Estes's neck.

Esdes didn't move, and let him kill. A giant axe made of super-strength alloy slashed on her neck, turning it into pieces like a low-quality plastic toy.

Then Esdes stretched out a hand and pinched an alien strong man who was at least five times her size as if he was catching a chick. With a little harder palm, the black dwarf rolled his eyes and struggling arms. Hanging down, wailing in pain.

Slowly clenching his fist and raising his other arm, Esdes didn't seem to use much effort, and his friends lightly hit the black dwarf's belly like a joke.

When the punch went down, the black dwarf exploded directly, and the meat was all over the ground.

Obsidian Five shrank the pupils of everyone else, and Thanos frowned.

The black dwarf is a strong player that Thanos has selected from thousands of races. Even if Thanos wants to kill him, it is not so easy.

The remaining Obsidian Fifth will be divided up by Tifa and the others, which is said to be divided up, but in fact it was killed instantly.

Obsidian Five, which is famous in the universe, is just like plastic toys in front of them, and even more fragile than plastic toys.

Then it was their turn to play Thanos.

Thanos has lost the gem of the soul and has not found the gem of power, so it is not their opponent at all.

It was knocked down in three or two, and then it was crushed like a wheel fight.

Zodhis didn't care about seeing them having fun.

"There is no way to keep searching outside of the multiverse. Five years have passed after one search. It is really chaos and unknown years."

Zodhith wondered, only after he came back did he know that he had been there for five years with the Black Queen.

He felt that it was only for a short while. In addition to the fact that worlds other than the multiverse are not connected to the time of the multiverse, there are also reasons why Zodhis himself has escaped from the time influence of the multiverse.

But soon, when Esdes and the others played Thanos for a while, Zordhis thought of a solution.

He can go to Gu Yi, the supreme mage in other parallel universes, and get the masterless dimension from him/her!

With the stock of the Supreme Master, it is estimated that the number of unowned dimensions on hand is also quite large.

After making up his mind, Zordhis called Esthers and the others to come back.

The non-medium hearing made Esders and the others heard them as soon as they yelled at Zordhis.

"came back?"

"finally came back."

"It seems to be leaving this universe."

"What about this guy?"

"Kill it, it's not a good thing anyway."

Thanos was dismantled by Dinesha, and then they returned to the earth at a speed faster than light.

"Next we are going to continue, Black Queen, how many parallel universes have been collected in the past five years?"

Zodhis looked at the Black Queen and asked.

He had already created a black hole generator when he went to travel before~www.mtlnovel.com~ which could tear the black hole so that the Black Queen sent Ultron robots in to check the situation. In five years, he should have accumulated a lot of universes, right?

"Most of the cosmic Ultron robots have come to non-Earth regions, a small part of the universe has been destroyed, and only one universe has been found so far, something similar to the movie universe you once said."

The Black Queen replied.

"How many universes are destroyed?"

Zodhis didn't expect the movement of the rune to be so fast, so he frowned and asked.

"More than a thousand universes have been destroyed."

The Black Queen replied.

It's really a number that makes people feel bad in every way.

You must know that the rune event is just one of Marvel's major events, as well as major events such as Doujie, Transcendence, and so on. Each event is a major crisis that can endanger the entire multiverse.

"Forget it, it's no use thinking about it now, let's go and go to that movie universe!"