
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 381: Dangerous universe

He flew up and floated in the vacuum of the universe, leaping over the moon to look at the magnificent blue planet.

"How come to the moon, the wreckage of Ultron?"

Zodhis looked at the moon, but found no wreckage of Ultron.

And Esthers had already flown to the earth, and Zodhith silently followed behind.

A large amount of harmful radiation in space was isolated by the two biological force fields. After seeing Esther's graceful body behind, Zordhess suddenly accelerated to hug her.

Esther was a little surprised, but he didn't refuse. It would be better to say that Zordheath had that meaning and she was happier.

So the two launched a feat of fierce battle in space.

Really, after bathing, Tan Lang touches the place, gently twirling and picking again, here is the joy of unknowable.

After a million words, the lingering ends.

Esther was lazily unwilling to move, and even lost his interest in fighting.

Zodhis had to send her back.

Zordhis, who felt he was just warming up, went to Earth alone.


In any case, we must first confirm whether he is familiar with this world. In the era of scientific and technological civilization, it is better to say that if it is ancient or primitive society, it is extremely difficult to find a person by name.

Closing his eyes to perceive, suddenly a steady stream of information flashed through Zodhith's mind, he opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at the earth in front of him in surprise.

The atmosphere on the entire earth is extremely chaotic, and countless evil thoughts and evil intentions have dyed people's qi into a thick, fishy black. These qi are roughly the same, and they all madly exude the same idea-hunger!

Countless thoughts merged into one, and a layer of black miasma that was invisible to the naked eye was shrouded in the sky above the earth.

So that in the eyes of the Kryptonians, this earth is like a dying person who is dying, with rotten black gas lingering all over his body.

In Zordhis's perception, there are countless powerful auras on the earth, which are all over the world.

In particular, New York, where the Great America is located in North America, is the most powerful. One after another, the number of powerful qi is as large as a cow.

"...Where is this place?"

Zodhis slowly opened his eyes, picked one at random, and disappeared in the next moment.

When he appeared again, he was already in the sky above New York.

Below, one carrying two double knives, his whole body covered by a red-black tight uniform, tightly wrapped...Zombie, head down, gnawing on the slightly hot corpse on the ground. The tattered uniform showed rotten flesh, and nauseous maggots burrowed in and out of his skin.

"This costume... so familiar!?"

Zodhith looked at the zombies below, and suddenly he was full of spirits and thought of a bad name.

Sure enough, the zombie below shook his nose, dropped the internal organs in his hands, raised his face full of rotten flesh and looked at Zordheath.

He drew out the shimmering sharp knife, aimed at his **** mouth, shaved off the meat between his teeth, and chattered with an exaggerated voice.

"Wow wow wow! What did I see? A fresh superhero? What are you? Superman? Or a man wearing underwear?"

"..." Zodhis.

"No, right, I hope you are not a man wearing underwear, otherwise you can't bite?"

Zordhis was about to leave without saying anything. He just took a step when a strong wind hit in mid-air, the brilliant blade slashed, and then the knife shattered by itself.

"Ahhh, my knife!"

The zombie dead waiter speaks incoherently.

"You have to pay for me. It was the knife that I had been with me since I was young. How about paying ten catties of meat? One catty is fine!"

The zombie death attendant howled miserably and knelt on the ground, holding up the fragments of the knife with trembling hands, and then after screaming hysterically, he complained to Zodhith.

Zodhith looked at him blankly at the show.

"So hungry! Let me eat you!"

The zombie death attendant flashed on the building next to Zodhis, holding sharp knives in each hand, and under the half-mask, his big mouth cracked to the cheeks, which was extraordinarily infiltrating.

"I probably know where this is!"

The corners of Zordhis's mouth twitched, and he felt that the passing of years was unfavorable. Next time you go out, you must first count yourself.

Another flash of cold light appeared, Zodhith remained motionless, and the knife broke again.

"Man, I'll take a bite. I promise you just one bite. How about that little bite under your crotch? Now the earth is full of zombies. It's useless for you to keep it. Why don't you give it to me? If there is any thick juice, It would be more perfect!"

Zombie Dead Servant failed to succeed in another sneak attack, standing on the ground, jumping and saying.

Just as Zordhis pulled away to leave, suddenly he heard a familiar voice in his ear.

"Deadpool, you want to eat alone?"

Zodhis looked at the source of the sound, and saw a large number of super heroes...zombies coming in groups.

on the ground! The right leg was all broken, revealing a black panther with white chirping leg bones;

A stone man who is covered in rock fester and may shatter at any time;

A green giant with blue fangs;

The witch-shaped girl with her arms hanging down and staggering;

Punisher who is still smoking a cigar without his right body;

Wolverine with six steel claws, covered in rotten flesh.

In addition, there are Laser Eyes, Masters of Imitation, Daredevil, Card King, Hawkeye, Invisible Girl, Steel Warrior, Iron Fist, Moonlight Knight, Fast Silver, Black Widow, Blade Warrior, Beast, etc.

The mid-air lineup is even more incredible!

Spider-Man with his stomach hollowed out and still dangling on the building;

Only the upper body is left, Iron Man flying in the air with a jet;

The Magneto who is floating in the void, with a big mouth wide open;

There is only a skeleton frame, a thunderbolt still burning;

The tight-fitting suit outlines a graceful line, but the inside is actually a carrion surprised lady.

Behind them, there are many strong men, such as Storm Girl, Cannon, Falcon, Angel, Steel Patriot, Nighthawk, Scarlet Witch, Vision, etc. ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and the familiar voice is not someone else, it is the leader. Captain America Steve.

In the zombie version, half of his head was cut off, his eyeballs were prominent, and his scarlet teeth were stained with dark red blood.

Seeing a large group of ruthless people approaching, Zodhis did not run away.

Just kidding, it's okay for the rune to let him run, who are these guys?

Facing the zombie heroes and zombie villains who rushed forward, he just sighed softly, exhaling this breath in the form of sweeping, and suddenly the wind blew, like an extraordinary bomb exploded with Zodhis as the center. .

The violent wind swept through, and the hordes of zombie heroes and villains were like paper men **** with straw. The air ripples visible to the naked eye swayed, and they were all blown "scattered".

Flesh bones, mechanical parts, and armor fragments slammed on the ground. On the surrounding walls, blood of various colors splashed and smeared, suddenly colorful, full of abstract color graffiti.