
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 379: Escape everyday

"where is this place?"

The figure girls who were rescued by Zordhis were Esthers, Tifa, Flame Fairy, and Dinesha.

The others were caught up by the rune before they had time to save.

In desperation, I can only choose to give up.

Zordhis and the four figure-girls discovered that this Marvel universe looked like a wasteland.

"There are gunpowder smoke reactions everywhere, has it come to a large battlefield?"

The super senses of the Kryptonians make it easier for them to notice details than ordinary people.

"It's not the main universe."

Although Zordhis was disappointed, he couldn't continue to tear the black hole to go to other universes in a short time. What's more, with so many Marvel universes, it would be difficult for him to find the main universe.

"Maybe before I found it, the Mister Fantastic and Doctor Strange of the main universe had already obtained the Ultimate Eraser and restarted the multiverse."

Zordheath thought.

In the wasteland-like world, Zordhis and Esthers monitored the world through super vision and super hearing, and they soon heard the movement.


All five people looked in the same direction, and then the overwhelming machinery flew over.

"Is it Tony Stark's Iron Legion?"

Tifa and Dinesha, who often live on the earth, saw this group of machines resembling Tony Stark's steel suit.

"No, it's Ultron!"

Zodhis has manipulated the magnetic field to act on these machines. Although they have been degaussed, they are still vulnerable to Zodhis.

Have you ever seen that degaussing can counter the magnetic field of the entire planet?

In less than a moment, all of this group of machinery had been smashed into particles and dissipated.

"This is the universe of Ultimate Ultron. Ultimate Ultron defeated the Avengers, destroyed mankind, and ruled the world."

Zodhis said quietly.

Probably, you can't open so many universes just for the role of Ultron, right?

Ultron in this ultimate Ultron universe is very scary, it has countless bodies.

Each Ultron's appearance and abilities are different, but they have common abilities.

Including almost invincible power, you can at least lift objects three thousand times heavier than yourself!

Able to fly at a speed of Mach 33!

With the self-repair function, it can repair damaged parts at a speed that even the fastest supercomputers can't match!

Therefore, with unparalleled durability, Ultron's shell also has a system that greatly enhances the response ability, which can accurately calculate all the external conditions with an error rate of only one in a million.

At the same time, it also has various offensive weapons, such as the ion cannon fired from the optical sensor and the hand, even the angry Hulk is difficult to parry!

Another type of "Encephalo-ray" causes the victim to fall into a coma, hypnotized by Ultron and control his thoughts.

Or implant subconscious hypnotic commands in their brains to activate them when needed.

These Ultron can also convert electromagnetic radiation into electrical energy for use or storage. Their shell is made of Edman alloy metal, making them completely safe from any harm.

Each Ultron is equivalent to a server, possessing genius intelligence, creative intelligence and self-repair ability.

It can accurately calculate and process information at a speed that even the fastest supercomputer can't match.

This also prevents Ultron from dying, and a large amount of its spare body has even been stored on the side of Venus.

"What are you going to do now, Zod?"

The calmest Dinessa asked Zod with a smile.

"The Avengers are not over yet. They linger on the ground, but they have nothing to do with us, Black Queen, can you invade the ultimate Ultron?"

In front of Zordhis, the elementary particles began to combine, and the huge "World Tree" server of the Black Queen reappeared, and even the data was exactly the same.


The Black Queen said arrogantly.

So, the ultimate Ultron, who was about to send other Ultron to see what happened, suddenly discovered that someone was invading him!

Thanks to Zordhis giving Magneto's X gene to the Black Queen, making her a cyborg creature, Magneto's X gene was made into a new server by the Black Queen.

It is the core of the "World Tree".

"how is this possible?"

Ultimate Ultron originally thought it was the work of the group of avengers hiding under the ground, but found that the opponent was extremely powerful, and he had no power to fight back.

In less than a moment, the data of Ultimate Ultron became part of the Black Queen.

"Zord, Ultron has a part of the separated intelligence on a spacecraft. That spacecraft has already flown out of the solar system, and I don't know where it went."

The Black Queen found all its plans in the ultimate Ultron database, and only then knew that the ultimate Ultron was ambitiously trying to spread Ultron to the entire universe.

And it has also separated its own subroutines, the second ultimate Ultron!

"Don't worry about it."

Zodhis let the Black Queen control all Ultron including the Ultimate Ultron to rebuild the earth.

Although the matter of finding the main universe is very urgent, there are so many universes that need manpower to find it. It just so happens that there is Ultron.

I don't know how Ultimate Ultron got the Edman alloy formula. A large number of Ultron manufactured are all Edman alloy shells, which are hard enough.

In addition, the robot does not need to consider the problem of damage to the internal organs without shock absorption, but it is also possible that the ultimate Ultron of the universe has not discovered the vibrating resources of Wakanda.

Otherwise, it should be the Ultron robot with Edman alloy shell + vibrating core~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ultimate Ultron destroys the environment very quickly, and the natural environment is rebuilt very quickly. After all, it is a comic universe, and the reconstruction speed is incredible.

It's just that the being killed is not so fast.

"This earth is not fun at all."

Yan Lingji said so.

Because there is no trace of life, the whole earth is very quiet, so quiet that only the sound of machinery running and the sound of breathing and heartbeat can be heard.

Not to mention that they are still Kryptonians.

"In fact, it's also very fun, because then the earth is equivalent to our home."

With the ability of Zordhis, he can directly extract the biological information accumulated on the planet for so many years, and then reshape these species.