
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 374: Changes in the world line

From the movie alone, it's hard to tell that Ant-Man Scott is a man with a master's degree in electrical engineering.

It is also difficult to find the characteristics of high IQ talents from his acting style...

"Dad, look!"

As soon as Professor Pim finished speaking, Hope suddenly pointed to the front monitoring screen to remind him.

When Professor Pim's gaze returned to the monitor screen, he saw that Scott was actually wearing an Ant-Man suit. He was obviously scared during the day. How could he wear it again at this time?

Under the gaze of Professor Pim and Hope through the mechanical spider monitoring screen, Scott quickly put on the Ant-Man suit.

Then he just stood in the bathtub. After taking two deep breaths, Scott spoke up.

"Hey! The owner of this suit! Are you there?"

After putting on the Ant-Man suit, Scott knew that the person talking to him during the day would definitely hear his own voice.

Scott's voice came in his ears, and Professor Pim and Hope looked at each other. It seems that Scott did have some changes.

"I'm here, have you changed your mind?"

After a few seconds of silence, Professor Pim responded when Scott was about to continue speaking.

"Sure enough, you have been monitoring me!"

When Professor Pim mentioned the two people, Scott drank in a deep tone.

"Yes, so are you willing to listen to me now why I design and test you?"

Without hesitation, he admitted his monitoring of Scott, Professor Pim continued to ask.

"Dad, do you really think he is a suitable candidate? Am I not more suitable than him?"

Although I don't know why Scott proposed this now, Hope himself was very dissatisfied with Professor Pim's plan to find an outsider to join them, so this time he proposed his own plan.

"If you want to do it yourself, don't talk about it anymore, I won't agree to it!"

Hearing what his daughter said, Professor Pim refused to say so seriously.

Decades ago, Professor Pim and his lover can be described as a generation of superhuman partners, but in a mission, Professor Pim's lover entered the atomic realm with a personal risk and never returned.

So now, no matter how Hope recommends himself, Professor Pym cannot put his only daughter in the Ant-Man suit.

Hearing Professor Pim's solemn refusal, Hope frowned and said nothing.

In order to stop Darren Cross, Professor Pim and Hope also planned for a long time. If Scott is unreliable in front of him, Hope will definitely go there in person.

"About your daughter, I can help you. But, do you really stop asking what you need to do to work with me?"

After speaking with Hope, Professor Pim has already begun to reply to Scott.

"Anyway, I'm already a criminal. What can be worse if I cooperate with you. Moreover, as long as I can help me meet my daughter, it doesn't matter what I give."

When his daughter Scott heard that Professor Pim said he could help him, he quickly replied.

"Well, as long as you believe me, you will be able to meet your daughter soon."

Pim emphasized that he could help Scott.

As everyone knows, in Zordhis's observation, he found that Scott's choice deviated from the original plot.

Is it because of my influence that the world line has changed?

Zordhis did not expect this influence to have appeared imperceptibly.

"Moreover, if you can complete the task I gave, you might save the world."

Dr. Pim said.

"It doesn't matter if you save the world or anything. It's fine if you can fulfill your promise." Scott, a technical nerd, obviously doesn't have much cold on what superheroes like saving the world should do. He is just an ordinary person .

"If you really decide, then start the suit." Without saying anything, Professor Pim planned to let Scott come over first and then meet and talk.

"Is it smaller? Will he be trampled to death by Louis?" Although he was a little worried about Professor Pim's request, Scott pressed the red button on the left hand of the suit while complaining in a low voice.


The next moment, Scott standing in the bathtub "disappeared" instantly. In fact, it is not disappearing, but it shrinks to the size of an ant in an instant, and is lost visually in an instant. But after Scott became smaller, he discovered a problem. The bathtub that could be stepped out with one foot when it was a normal size has now become an insurmountable mountain.

"Do you want to change it back?" Scott muttered quietly while looking at the tall white bathtub wall.


Just as Scott was muttering, he suddenly heard a roar approaching. When he looked up, Scott was horrified to see a "huge" flying ant flying towards his position!


"Don't worry, this is 256. It's here to pick you up." When Scott yelled in horror, Professor Pim's voice came from his helmet.

"What?!" Watching the giant flying ant in front of him flapping its wings and falling in front of him, Scott asked in disbelief with his eyes widened.

"Well, it has stopped, you grab the second foot and climb up, don't grab the wings." Without explaining much, Professor Pim continued.

Scott: "..."

Although there are still a lot of doubts and some fears about the giant flying ants in front of him, Scott slowly walked over and reached out to grab the flying ant's stiff legs and climbed onto its back~www.mtlnovel.com~ On the flying ant's back, Scott found a miniature saddle-like device that just allowed him to sit on it without slipping down.

"Sit down, 256 is about to take off." Professor Pim continued to remind him after Scott climbed onto the back of the flying ant.


Then, the flying ant named 256 had flapped its wings again, and then flew out of the bathtub.

"Wow!!" Scott yelled in surprise for the first time he took this flying mount.

"Why is it called 256?" Scott shouted loudly while clutching the rope in front of the seat.

"It's just a number... Maybe, it's 234, I might have confused it." Professor Pym replied indifferently when he heard Scott's words.


Soon, the flying ants carried Scott out of the apartment building and rushed to the street outside. Then, Scott began his first experience as a flying mount in his life.