
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 373: Book last time

After tens or even hundreds of times the body of the body exercised under the gravity environment, Vegeta in the super Saiyan state can't move a foot of a 10,000-ton robot.

If you put the Kryptonian, Sword Fighter, and Hyperion races under the same conditions, let alone a 10,000-ton robot, even a planet would be pushed.

So Zodhis has no interest in Saiyan genes. With that time, I might as well study the super warrior of Kryptonian + Sword Star + Hyperion triple gene combination.

The anticlimactic Saiyan invasion made the whole world nervous at first, and then discovered, oh, before we knew it, we were already so strong, and even the Saiyans, the strongest fighting nation in the universe, could be defeated!

This naturally caused a wave of self-confidence in the people of the earth, and the atmosphere of despair like the apocalypse of the previous world has also been reduced a lot.

Although Tony Stark is still troubled by his new energy being blocked.

But in general, everyone is happy.

That is, Zordhis is now asking the Black Queen to calculate how likely Frieza is to invade.

The Black Queen said that she couldn't calculate it, because she couldn't know when and how much other parallel universes approached.

Zodhis is the same, but fortunately, he can deal with the enemies that appear now, even if the next time it is Darkside...


Scott, who had passed through the Ant-Man armor once, was shocked by the experience just now.

After running back to Louis's apartment in embarrassment, Scott took off the Ant-Man armor with the fastest speed.

Then neatly stuffed them back into the bag, only when night fell, Scott would send this magical suit back.


After installing the Ant-Man armor, Scott threw it on his own sofa, for fear that something weird would happen if he continued to touch it.

After that, Scott stayed in Louis's apartment and didn't plan to go out.

Seeing Scott's changes, although Louis and his fellow friends saw them, they just assumed that he was unhappy because he hadn't gained anything from the mission last night.

Therefore, Louis went out and wandered around as usual, hanging around in various places suitable for inquiring about the news.

When Louis came back in the evening, his spirit changed significantly.

Because, he also inquired about a task that was very suitable for Scott. Moreover, the task this time looks very simple. The boss who sent the task seems to be having some trouble recently. He needs someone to help steal a document from a place.

If someone completes this task, they will get a reward of 100,000 yuan, which is already a very high return in Louis and his industry.

Moreover, it is said that the place where the document was hidden is not too complicated, it is in an ordinary residential area, but the boss who released the task cannot provide the specific safe in which the document is hidden.

However, with Scott's strength, what kind of safe should not be a problem for him.

"Hey! Scott! Get up! I have good news for you!"

Louis, who had the news in his heart, walked over to Scott, who was resting on the sofa, as soon as he came back, and shouted loudly.


However, facing Louis's yelling, Scott just turned over on the sofa, and now he has no hope of Louis's good news. Moreover, it will be dark in two hours, and Scott is still waiting for the magical suit to be sent back in the dead of night.

However, Louis obviously won't let Scott go as simple as that. Seeing that Scott didn't respond, he sat directly beside Scott, then reached out and lifted the thin quilt off his body.

Louis also knew Scott's current predicament, so he used these things to motivate him to live and let him know that he was still useful, although this method was somewhat illegal.

"Louis! What are you doing again?!"

The quilt was lifted, and Scott asked helplessly.

"This time I really have good news to tell you!"

Seeing Scott finally reacted, Louis said with a smile.

"I can't believe your news now, don't cheat me anymore!"

Scott said with an ugly face when he heard Louis's words.

"Hey! There must be something wrong with the mission last night. According to my information, there should be valuable things in the vault."

Knowing that Scott must be upset by his actions last night, Louis quickly explained to himself.

Scott said nothing more when he heard Louis's words. Louis and the others didn't know that there was indeed no cash or jewelry in the vault, but the suit that Scott took back must be of great value.

Speaking of it, Louis's intelligence is correct, and there are indeed valuable things in the vault. Judging from Scott's magical experience just now, the value of this suit can no longer be measured by money.

"Okay, then you can tell me what good news you have this time?" But when Louis was overwhelmed, Scott had to start from the sofa and asked.

"Well, you know, I have a cousin named Lowens..."


"Okay! Okay! Lovins met a hot girl while going to a tavern for a drink this afternoon..." Then, Louis told Scott what he had heard about the island, that is, the boss. Find someone to help steal that file.

"How? Are you interested in making another shot? I think it should be very reliable this time~www.mtlnovel.com~ Moreover, the other party is willing to pay a deposit to the person who takes the task first, five percent, or five thousand yuan, already Very good!" After finishing this mission, Louis looked at Scott and asked.

"Are you sure that your cousin was not deceived by the hot girl in the tavern by telling a story casually?" After hearing Louis's words, Scott asked with little interest.

"Definitely not! My cousin is not so easy to be deceived!" Regarding the source of his own news, Louis patted his chest and packed the votes.

"Okay, but I'm still not interested." No matter how serious Louis is, Scott is really not interested. He is now thinking about how to fix the clothes in the bag beside him.

"Scott, don't you think about it anymore? The task this time is really simple, I think we can try!" Hearing Scott's refusal, Louis reconciled to persuade.

"Forget it, I'll continue to sleep for a while, and go out at night, so don't bother me if I'm fine." Waved his hand, Scott pushed Louis away from the sofa and went down again.

Seeing Scott's appearance, Louis had no choice but to shook his head and walked away. Without Scott's skills, Louis would not easily take up this task.