
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 372: Poor Saiyan

"Where is Kakarot's trash? Don't you dare to come out?"

Vegeta looked at the superheroes gathered in front of her, and asked nonchalantly.

Superheroes are at a loss, what Kakarot?

At this moment, Tony Stark rushed to the scene and started the fight without saying a word.

After all, Saiyans do not have a good one, and there is no need to negotiate.

Tony Stark, who fell from the sky, caught Vegeta and Napa by surprise.

"Aren't they angry?"

Vegeta was a little surprised.

"Zerg Mode!"

Stark gave the order, and then the mimicry suit completed the change in form in less than a second.

So, in the eyes of Vegeta and Napa, it was Stark who suddenly disappeared.

Then they were beaten off.

The speed of other superheroes in Stark's eyes has also become very slow.

Even close to static.

Then Tony Stark showed his kill. In this super-speeding state, all energy cannons and high-frequency knives seem helpless. It is possible that the energy cannon of the speed of light can hit the target in just one femtosecond. .

But this femtosecond has also been extended indefinitely, and the high-frequency knife also needs vibration to shake the molecular structure of animal matter. The unimaginable time gap between the vibration frequencies is enough for the current Tony Stark to attack how many times it is unknown.

So Stark has been thinking about how he can be lethal in such a speeding state.

Then he put his hand on Vegeta's neck and started shaking.

This is a move used by the Flash, a high-frequency vibrating hand knife!

So, just when the mimicry suit was withdrawn because of excessive speeding energy consumption, Napa was terrified to find that Vegeta's head... was chopped off!

how is this possible!

Obviously this guy's combat effectiveness is so weak!

Napa couldn't believe it.

"now you."

Tony Stark was full of confidence, Vegeta did not use his breath to protect his neck, plus that moment was equivalent to Tony Stark chopped his neck with the palm of his hand a million times, cut off Vegeta's head and Not surprisingly.

"Without my demonic version, Vegeta and Napa are too far behind the superheroes I have honed."

Zordheath has already seen this result. If Tony Stark had just developed a Mark suit with eight parts automatically assembled at this time in the original plot, but Zordheath used weirdos, aliens, etc. After the factors are tempered.

Tony Stark relied on the mimicry suit on his body, and his combat power was superb among the super warriors below the **** level in the universe.

"Don't be too proud! You have only 500 scum!"

With a roar of Napa, a qigong wave with one hand was shot directly.

Tony Stark's mimicry suit can restore energy consumption by absorbing the free energy around it and the Ark reactor, so it can switch modes again with a few effort.

The only thing that bothers Tony Stark now is that the mimic suit is too strong and the energy consumption cannot keep up. He has to find a way to find a new energy that can keep up with the mimic suit.

The other superheroes were still waiting, and now they see Tony Stark kill a Saiyan as soon as they appear, they can't help but feel confident.

"Saiyan, the earth is not the time you used to be!"

Tony Stark stepped on Vegeta's body and said.

Steve also took the lead, holding the Stars and Stripes Buckler in one hand, his eyes sparkling with sparks.

After all, he was transformed into a battleship-class Superman by Zodhis, which is about the same as NC Superman's ability.

The wisps of white energy all over his body, like a curved electric arc, beating non-stop.

"The combat effectiveness is rising, how is it possible?"

Napa couldn't believe it, but felt that the scene before him was beyond imagination.


The blazing white energy that shines like electric light shoots out from Steve's eyes and touches Napa's qigong wave.

There is no such thing as a wave between energy and energy. There will only be a rejection reaction, which is a big explosion that is stronger than two energy series!


The battleship-class superman's energy and Napa's gas reacted violently, causing a big explosion that was beyond imagination. The superhero present and Napa were swallowed.

The dazzling light enveloped the entire area.

The strong air current is like a rolling hurricane, blowing down the houses on the street.

The horrible energy is like a flood of electricity and light, pouring out in an instant!

The energy tide subsided after washing away everything nearby.

On the superhero's side, Steve raised the shield, and the shocking energy was poured on the circular shield like a tide, but it did not cause the slightest harm.

Napa is much worse, half of his shoulder has become a scorched skeleton, even if he just used his breath to defend.

After all, this is not the world of Dragon Ball that can fight against waves. It is normal for Napa to be injured by surprise.

As if triggering a chain reaction, terrifying energy poured out.

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom -

As if a large amount of explosives were detonated, the air wave was surging, the hurricane rolled, and the whole street was plunged into a violent explosion.

Smoke rises, bricks fly across, and the concrete floor seems to have been ploughed by a bomber, full of cracked pits of various sizes.

The Excalibur Bureau laid a large amount of power grids and natural gas, but unfortunately it was affected. It is even more unfortunate that Napa. He saw the explosion cease and thought it was over. He relaxed his vigilance and was about to say a few ruthless words.

Then it was blown up by the current explosion.

He seemed to be in a violent vortex, and the shock wave formed by the explosion repeatedly hit him, tearing his body.

After the explosion was over~www.mtlnovel.com~, several of the superheroes also fell, and Napa was dying.

"The genes of the authentic Saiyan cannot be obtained, otherwise it will be troublesome to make a mutant Saiyan."

Zodhis took away the two Saiyan corpses. The disappearing corpses also frightened the superheroes, thinking that there were other enemies.

"In terms of genes, it's exactly the same as the Saiyan genes I made with real gems..."

Zodhis studied the corpses of Vegeta and Napa, and found that the Saiyan genes made by the real gemstones did not generate a similar gene according to his brain supply, but they were exactly the same.

Is this the power of the treasure of the multiverse?

But that's right. After all, All Kings are only single universe grade, not even multi-dimensional, but it is normal to get Marvel's reality gems.

Saiyans are too weak for Kryptonians, Sword Fighters, Uncles, and Hyperion.

Mainly in terms of abilities, when the Saiyan's body is not strengthened by energy, even a laser gun can kill the Super Saiyan!