
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 371: Aliens are here again

After free-falling three stories high, Scott hit the roof of a car parked downstairs, smashing a small depression in the roof.

After experiencing such a thrilling thing in a short period of time, Scott lay on the roof of the car panting in a trance. Unconsciously, Scott pressed the red button on his glove with his right hand.


In the next moment, Scott's body, the size of an ant, instantly enlarged and returned to his normal size.

"Good performance for the first time, Scott, put away this suit, and I will contact you again."

After Scott returned to his normal size, there was another calm voice in his ears.

"Ah! ~ No more! I was wrong! I was wrong! I will return my clothes tonight!"

Hearing this voice, Scott shook his head and shouted while taking off his helmet.

"Scott, make your choice..."


In the next second, Scott, who was frightened, had already taken off his helmet.

Then, he lay weakly on the roof of the car, panting. The experience of just a few minutes is enough to make people like Scott suffer a lot of psychological shock, because what happened just now is really incredible.


"Hey! Why are you lying on the roof of my car?"

While Scott was resting on the roof of the car in a panic, the owner who had just been sitting in the car for breakfast had already stepped out and shouted at Scott with dissatisfaction.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'll go right away! Go now!"

Stark quickly apologized when he saw the car owner come out, and then quickly got up.

Then Scott quickly rushed back to Louis's apartment. Regardless of what the voice said at the end, Scott decided to send this magical suit back tonight.

On the other side, Zordhis, who had witnessed all of this, fell into deep thought.

So, why did Scott, who was so handsome at the beginning, as clean as 007 carrying out his mission, turned into a comedian in the future?

What happened in the middle, was it a substitution?

"Zod, this Pim particle..."

The Black Queen also finished watching, she was a little excited, this kind of Pim particle seemed to be used as a weapon.

Think about it, it's cost-effective to make the enemy's battleship smaller and then annihilate an entire fleet with a single shot.

"It's useless, the Black Queen, the real strong, even if turned into coffee candy, it is the strongest coffee candy in the universe."

Zordhis said something that the Black Queen couldn't understand.

Suddenly, Zodhis felt the spatial fluctuations.

In other words, it is not fluctuations, but invasion of other dimensions.

"Domam is here again?"

Zodhis thought unexpectedly, is Domam so persevering, or is it actually a trembling M?

"Sir, there is a UFO in the universe."

But the Black Queen immediately opened the satellite system built by Zodhis, and you could see two huge fireballs appearing out of thin air, and then falling towards the earth.

"They do not fly at speeds like natural meteors, and although they are captured by the gravity of the earth, they have broken free from the influence of gravity!"

The Black Queen determined that this was an alien invasion.

Zodhis looked at the two fireballs with his pupils shrinking. Why did he feel a bit familiar?

"The point is... the headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau!"

The Black Queen then calculated where the two fireballs would fall.

This crude invasion method was quickly discovered by the Excalibur Bureau. If they hadn't appeared out of thin air, they might have been observed when they were close to Mars.

In outer space, two white spots of light rushed into the atmosphere, friction and heat generation like a fiery red meteorite falling to the ground.

"what is that?"

The Excalibur Bureau has sounded the alarm, the superheroes are waiting, and the outing superheroes are also rushing back.

"Aliens invaded again?"

Both the United Nations and the Security Council feel that their scalp is numb. How many times have they been this particular, and there is no end to it?

The bittern sitting in the prison was even more nervous, and he thought it would be the Scroo who killed him.

Although Tony Stark quarreled with the Excalibur Bureau, but at this time, he quickly put on his mimicry suit and rushed to the Excalibur Bureau.

The same hatred, what's the matter, let the aliens be solved first!

A harsh whistling sound came from the sky, and red meteors swept across the clouds, staining the entire sky red. Immediately afterwards, two scorching white light clusters fell from the sky, smashing out a crater on the ground with a thud.

The TVs of thousands of households are showing footage of the crater, and the whole world is paying attention to the new arrivals.


The white smoke disperses!

Inside the crater, the spherical aircraft slowly opened, one tall and one short, two men wearing combat uniforms with tails wrapped around their waists flew out.

"Vegeta, this planet is great! The gravity is so small, it's so easy to move!"

Napa moved his shoulders and said freely.

"Napa, don't talk nonsense, kill them all. If this planet is damaged too badly, it won't be able to sell it for a high price."

Vegeta said coldly.

"The waste of Raditz was killed by his younger brother, but Kakarot's combat effectiveness is not enough to be feared. The real purpose is to find the Dragon Ball!"

Vegeta continued.

"Let's take a look at the combat effectiveness of this planet first."

Napa nodded, then activated the combat power detector in his eyes.

There can be nothing wrong!

This look!

The superheroes and the Excalibur Bureau were sweating coldly. They remembered the alien who fell from the sky five years ago.

The mighty Saiyan, the strongest fighting nation in the universe, Raditz!

These two people who fell from the sky are dressed in the same costumes as Raditz, and have a monkey tail like Raditz!


Zodhis held his forehead, because of him, other things in the universe ran over again.

This is also a normal thing~www.mtlnovel.com~ After all, the vacuum zero energy absorbed by Zordhis is a little bit more recently.

To what extent?

Probably he is now pulling out a strand of hair. After the strand of hair is free from the **** of the biological force field, its mass is more than 10,000 times the total mass of the universe.

Just a single strand of hair can burst the universe, and the entire universe will collapse into a singularity centered on the strands of hair, returning everything to chaos... Then there will be a new round of the universe's big bang.

Even so, Zodhis still does not see the hope of breaking through the multiverse. After all, 10 to the 100 millionth power is still counted, not "infinity" and "infinity."


Steve appeared in front of the two Saiyans with the superheroes.

"Good luck, Vegeta, the most powerful group of people on earth are here."

Napa said with a sneer.