
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 370: Little Man's Adventure

The most important thing is the material of the suit and the matching helmet style, which he has never seen before...

With all doubts, Scott returned home with his accomplices. In any case, the things were stolen. It is impossible to put them back again, right?

The crime team did not notice that there were dozens of ants on the wall of the target villa, acting as monitors in different corners, monitoring everything that happened inside and outside the house just now.

On the other side, somewhere in the basement of a villa.

Hank Pym and Hope were not asleep yet. They sat in front of the screen and watched the van leaving Scott and others quietly.

"How about it." Hank Pym looked at his daughter with a smile.

Hope Jiao had a stern face, folded his hands on his chest, and hummed: "Really a veritable thief."

"I mean his skill, courage, and wisdom."

Hank Pim squinted his eyes. As a generation of Ant-Man, he naturally knew very well what special talents he had to become an Ant-Man.

Hope did not speak, as if tacitly acquiescing, thinking: "Now the suit is in his hands, then what?"

"Go back to sleep, at least wait for him to try once..."

Hank Pym is like an old fox, with a meaningful look under his lenses.

the next morning.

The glare of sunlight fell on the bedside from the window. After Scott woke up sleepily, he wore slippers to the bathroom to rinse his face and just saw the dark red uniform that he threw beside the wash plate last night.

Looking left and right, Scott still couldn't hold back his curiosity and put it on.

"I just want to know, what is your use?"

Before he was about to put on his helmet, Scott suddenly found a test tube filled with liquid on his clothes. It was marked with "Pim Particles" in English.

"Pim particles? Are they placed like this?"

At the waist of his uniform, Scott found an inner tank that just fits the reagents. He didn't think too much about it. After inserting the Pim particle test tube into the inner tank, he brought the matching helmet with him.

Scott dressed in a curious uniform, standing in front of the wash plate, looking at himself in the mirror, muttering to himself.

"The style of this dress is a bit like ants...yes, it's ants."

"The main purpose is..."

Scott saw the red button on the glove part of the uniform. He tried to press it at the same time, and then...


The moment Scott pressed the red button in his left hand, his whole person instantly shrank countless times, became the size of an ant, and fell from the top of the bathtub. After Scott became the size of an ant, this distance was considered high in the sky for him.

However, Scott, who smashed into the bathtub abruptly, was okay, turned over and got up.


Scott, who got up from the ground, looked around the practice, and let out an exclamation when he noticed something was wrong.

"Scott, is there a big difference in seeing the world from this perspective?"

Just after Scott exclaimed, another person's voice suddenly came from his helmet.

"Who? Who is talking?!"

Hearing this sudden sound, Scott yelled nervously, already frightened by what happened to him.


Just as Scott questioned, someone suddenly opened the curtain of the bathtub.

After the bathtub curtain was opened, Scott saw a giant, Louis.

"Hey! Hey! Louis! I'm here! I'm below!"

After seeing Louis, Scott waved his hands vigorously and shouted.

However, no matter how much Scott, who had become the size of an ant, waved his hands and shouted, Louis could not see or hear. When Scott was in a hurry, Louis had already leaned down and reached for the faucet of the bathtub.

"Oh! No! Louis!..."

Seeing the action, Scott yelled in horror.


The next moment, Louis, who couldn't hear Scott's voice, had already twisted the tap. Hula la ~ Then, in Scott's eyes, the water came surging like a flood from a reservoir.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

When the turbulent water rushed over, Scott scolded and ran away.

"Scott, this is a test for you. To be precise, it is a test of water."

When Scott ran away, the sound just came from his helmet again.


Without the energy to talk to that voice anymore, Scott could only scream and run away in the face of the flood.


However, the speed of the water was too fast. Scott was overtaken only after running less than five centimeters, and then he was directly washed up in the turbulent current.


Scott, who was blasted up by the water, hit the edge of the bathtub's arm, then bounced and fell to the ground.


As if falling from a height of several hundred meters, Scott smashed a small crack in the bathroom tile. However, the tiles on the ground were cracked, but Scott just shook his head and got up from the ground. After getting smaller, Scott really fell like an ant.

"It seems that you are better than I thought..."

As Scott struggled to escape for his life, the voice still sounded flat in his ears.


As soon as Scott got up from the ground, he felt that Louis above his head seemed to have other movements. When Scott looked up, he saw Louis was taking off his pants. He was obviously planning to take a shower.

"No! Louis! I don't want to see your fruit!"

Seeing the scene above his head, Scott yelled with black lines all over his head.


Then, the pants that Louis had taken off were thrown directly at the location of Scott.


Screamed~www.mtlnovel.com~ Scott had already rolled to the side in embarrassment.

With this roll, Scott rolled directly into the vent next to the bathtub, and then fell quickly in this passage.

After being dizzy in the tunnel, Scott finally fell through the tunnel into the disco downstairs.

Moreover, Scott happened to fall on the rotating vinyl disk. After lying on the vinyl disk and spinning around, Scott was flew out by the needle again.

"Wow!...no!...Get out of the way!..."

In this way, Scott, who had become the size of an ant, had an unprecedented magical experience. Finally, chased by a mouse, Scott rushed toward the window in a panic, and the window was closed.


With a soft sound, the closed glass window was knocked out by Scott with a small opening, and he flew out of the small opening.
