
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 368: riot

Therefore, the intelligent ai system that assists the steel armor is also logically launched.

Even a super simplified version based on Jarvis. But this intelligent ai system auxiliary system is still very powerful.

Someone within the Stark Group has proposed that this intelligent ai system can be further expanded.

Its role is not just to assist in driving the steel armor. After researching and improving it. This system can actually be used in many basic office areas. This system is more convenient and faster than all existing ai programs.

Tony always has to explain to his shareholders and investors. And from his standpoint, there is no reason to block the development of this ai technology in the civilian field. Because this technology is promoted, it will inevitably bring greater progress to the society.

But there is no doubt that while promoting social progress, this ai system has also taken away many jobs and jobs.

This woman is obviously one of them. She complained angrily to the TV reporter and the audience on the other side of the camera.

"I have worked for so long. Apart from my own job, I have no other skills."

"Because of the emergence of this kind of ai technology, I was swept out of my job. I can't find other jobs, but I have to pay social security funds and medical insurance every month. Otherwise, what should I do in the future? So I only have to Can make a living by picking cans in New York."

"All my cars and houses have been taken away by the bank. Now I have no fixed place, and I don't even have a place to sleep. I have to sleep under the overpass every night with cockroaches and mice."

"Is this the new era you are talking about! I don't like it at all! I want to get my job back, and I want to sleep in bed!"

This woman was angry and somewhat mad. The reporters in New York City didn't know how to reply for a while.

A situation similar to this woman is not uncommon among protesting crowds. In addition to her, there are also some workers whose jobs have been replaced by new energy sources.

Although Tony launched a lot of training schools after the introduction of new energy, and almost free of charge for these people to train, and then prepare for laid-off jobs and re-employment.

After all, Tony Stark himself certainly hopes to accelerate the speed of new energy expansion, or in other words, the speed that can be accepted by the general public.

But there is a difference between people and people. Some people may only learn a certain skill in their lifetime, and if they are allowed to learn new ones, they will never learn it again.

This is not an excuse for laziness. But this kind of thing really exists in this world, and such people are not a minority.

Among this group of protesting people, some people really love to work and do not want to work, but there are also many people like this woman. They don't want to learn new skills, but they can't learn it anyway.

It's like some people can't learn to cook or paint in this life.

Because of the emergence of new energy and the vigorous promotion of Stark Industry, cheaper new energy has been accepted by many people.

This has caused the price of oil to plummet. The impact is very extensive, covering almost all walks of life. Although oil has many chemicals, it cannot be separated from it.

But if oil is not used as an energy source, its value will not be so high.

The unemployment rate has also begun to rise at an astonishing rate all over the world, all of which are industrial chains affected by oil.

Those who jumped off the building, those who went bankrupt, and those who woke up overnight and found themselves worthless in the Middle East.

Even if Tony Stark has laid the groundwork for a year before launching new energy, the unprecedented impact is really too great.

Ould was a little scared when he saw it. Fortunately, Zordhis was determined not to launch new energy sales, but sold new energy cores through the sale of war machines.

To know that Tony Stark has been regarded as the most terrifying murderous maniac, more than the casualties indirectly caused by his previous arms dealership, perhaps this is also the cause of Tony Stark's anxiety.

Public pressure.

"Standing in that position is tantamount to being grilled on the fire. This day was expected."

Zordhis shook the iced Coke in the red wine glass. How beautiful Iron Man is, how miserable it is now.

"Burn him, burn him, burn him, burn him!"

This group of people who come to the party may be suitable for too many people who have the same experience to meet. Then they learned that each other had the same experience as their own. The atmosphere on the scene began to boil and reached its peak.

At this moment, someone took out a large photo of Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. And it ignites after being doused with gasoline.

This is just the beginning. The scarecrow dressed as Iron Man and Captain America was also taken out. These scarecrows were ignited amidst the excitement of the crowd.

The protesting crowd burst into loud cheers. It seems that after burning the scarecrow that represents Iron Man and Captain America, they will be able to return to their original lives.

"Resolve these guys who helped to be abusive! They are all Tony Stark's lackeys!"

Such shouts erupted from the crowd. People waved everything that could be used as a weapon in their hands. Wooden sticks, mops, folding chairs, baseball bats, etc. were snatched from the store. Everyone is like a red eye, everyone is going forward.

Although soon ~www.mtlnovel.com~ the Los Angeles police arrived and tried to stop the riots, but they failed.

This conflict caused hundreds of deaths and thousands of people suffered injuries of varying severity. The riots that broke out that day were not just Los Angeles, but similar riots broke out in cities such as Paris, Tokyo, and Shanghai.

Those people who felt their work was robbed, felt that they couldn't keep up with the times and were upset inside gathered together, and then carried out a crazy vent.

They use destruction as the price of venting, but all this comes at a price.

"We will strictly investigate the mastermind behind this incident!" At the press conference, Director Rogers said righteously.

His words are sonorous and powerful, and his eyes are as sharp as a knife.

"Such riots have broken out in big cities around the world. I don't believe this is a coincidence. It must be someone behind the scenes instructing it all."

"We will not ignore the culprit responsible for all this. We must find it out and bring it to justice!"