
Marvel's Kryptonian ( Copied )

Superman in Marvel. Copied Novel. I do not own any rights to this novel.

LordOfDis · Anime & Comics
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456 Chs

Marvel’s Kryptonian Chapter 367: Stark is in trouble

Tony Stark didn't know when he would come out.

"I have been kidnapped to Afghanistan to endure hardship for more than a year, but I have persisted, so I won't have any mental illness, understand?"

He said with a suppressed expression of anxiety and anger.

Simply unconvincing.

"Tony, let's solve your problem first."

Steve still believed in the doctor's words. After all, Zodhis said that professional matters should be handled by professional people, regardless of non-professional people's criticism and talk.

"I have no problem!"

Tony Stark couldn't hold back anymore, everybody said I had a problem.

"Aren't you in a hurry? The Skrews are about to invade. The crisis of the Saiyan invasion has passed for several years. They may come at any time, and the crazy Titan Thanos behind the Zetarians before! "

"We have no time to waste, Steve!"

Tony Stark only feels as if everyone is drunk and I am alone. It's obviously so imminent, and it's burning eyebrows. Why does it seem that everyone feels safe to win, and is not in a hurry?

Just believe that the Prometheus-led fleet can beat the Skrews?

"I know, but the more you get to this point, the less you can be anxious. We have done what we can do, Tony, the rest, we can only adapt to changes."

Steve said seriously.

"Did it? No, not at all, not even one percent. You old antique don't even know that if I join forces with Zordheath, I can build a fortress on the moon, Mars, and Venus. Fight against alien invasion."

"Turn these planets into outposts of the earth, or even the entire planet as a weapon!"

Tony Stark was emotional, his eyes were bloodshot, after all, he hadn't rested for a long time.

It all depends on the mimicry suit to provide him with nutrients and excretion of internal organs.

"Every minute and every second wasted now, more people will die in the future!"

After speaking, he slammed the door and left.

After watching Tony Stark's "crazy" performance, the Security Council and United Nations representatives questioned whether he could continue to serve as the head of the Supervision Department of the Excalibur Bureau.

Zordhis didn't expect Tony Stark to still suffer from anxiety. Hasn't he already exercised his iron will and body in Afghanistan?

Or is there too much pressure caused by alien invasion?

But it seems to be right, so frequent alien invasions, and pushed the earth to the edge of the cliff again and again, although Zordhis successfully resolved every time, after all, he also needs a reputation effect.

But in the eyes of outsiders, it may be dancing on the tip of a knife every time. Zoddhis has a bottom in his own heart, but others do not.

Tony Stark is estimated to be the most bottomless person, even if Zodhis has repeatedly performed miracles to defeat the enemy.

But Zodhis is a man, not a god. He will fail one day. It is too risky and cruel to put hope on him.

Now Tony Stark was thinking of a bunch of idiots, and then he planned to do it alone.

As we all know, every time Mr. Stark wants to go it alone, he will always make big things.

But now he probably needs to pay more attention to more than this.

Tens of thousands of people gathered in Times Square, yelling frantically.

"We want to work, we want to eat!"

Someone was holding a sign that said "Ark reactor explosion will blow up the earth, stop using the Ark's energy", and others are yelling.

"Return the jobs that were taken away by new energy sources!".

The people at the scene were in a state of anger, and they seemed to have a terrible bloodshed at any time.

The crazy crowd clamored. They held their protest signs and shouted their slogans.

This group of people gathered on Times Square is not a minority. And the composition of the members is also very complicated.

Although it can be seen from their dressing that many people are like unemployed vagrants, the reality is that many of them have had relatively decent jobs.

Among them was a woman in her fifties. She is pushing a cart full of cans, possibly hundreds.

She seems to be just the most common scavenger in New York. But she is relatively neat and clean.

Even when she was working as a scavenger, she would still not forget to put on a pair of rubber gloves for herself.

Not only is it hygienic, but it also retains the last point of decency.

She held the sign high. It says [Return the work that smart ai took away]!

Many New York City media also rushed to report on the parade in Times Square, New York.

The neatly dressed woman pushing a cart of cans caught the attention of local reporters in New York City.

A reporter greeted his camera companion and pointed the camera at the old woman. The reporter stepped forward and pointed the microphone at the old lady, and asked.

"Hello. You are protesting. What do these words on your sign mean?"

The old woman glanced at the reporter and recognized him as a New York City TV station. Facing the camera, the old woman was not stage fright, and even said that she was happy to finally find a channel to vent her anger and talk.

She grabbed the microphone handed to him by the reporter, and spoke loudly to the audience on the other side of the camera.

"Smart ai took my job away!"

"I used to have a decent job, I worked at Microsoft. I worked hard for more than 20 years. But because of the smart ai technology attached to the steel armor developed by Tony Stark, I lost my job!"

The smart ai technology that this woman said is a simplified version developed by Tony Stark based on his Jarvis smart ai~www.mtlnovel.com~ because the Stark Group began to sell a large number of civilian steel armors . It is almost impossible to rely solely on human brain manipulation without any assistance.

Driving the steel armor without any assistance is equivalent to driving a Ferrari supercar and turning off all vehicle assistance systems.

No es, no esp, no abs. There is no system to prevent wheel skidding. There is no vehicle balance system. No power-assisted brakes, no steering assistance.

This kind of car is driven by the general public. No, it's not right. It should be said that even if it is driven by many old drivers who have been driving for ten years, ninety-nine percent of them will die on the spot while driving.

And driving a steel armor is obviously more dangerous than driving a Ferrari super.

Even after 2 to 3 years of systematic training, not everyone can handle the steel armor well.